
This is a generic timetable that seeks to include all possible re-evaluation steps. Not all steps will be necessary in most re-evaluation processes. Resources will require different levels of evaluation depending on their lifecycles, with maximum evaluation reserved for situations when major pricing or resource configuration changes have taken place or when a cancellation or alternate platforms are under consideration.

N.B. The report deadline should be at least one week in advance of the Digital Acquisitions and Collections Committee meeting date that precedes the vendor drop-dead date. Check early on with the E-Resource Program Manager about coordinating this due date as well.

Time before report due / Task 1 / Task 2 / Task 3 / Task 4
3 months / Look for all available competing databases as well as other platforms that mount the database being re-evaluated. / Gather as much information about these as possible, including price, content, reviews, etc. / Consult usage statistics to identify other libraries making significant use of the resource. Identify other libraries that may use though # of uses is relatively small. / Talk to E-Resource Program Manager about re-evaluation; she will know things about the contract, DACC priorities, NERL deals, etc. that you don’t.
2.5 months / Constitute ideal re-evaluation group. Contact managers first to ask permission. Invite re-evaluators. Schedule meeting. / Formulate tasks to be accomplished by re-evaluation / Notify HUL community* that this re-evaluation is going to take place. / With interested libraries, consider implications of changing vendors or databases. ($$, technical requirements, changes in instructional materials, etc.)
2 months / 1st re-evaluators’ meeting. Review re-evaluation process, timeline, parcel out tasks. Set due dates for various parts and define products. / Arrange demos etc. with vendors – E-Resource Program Manager may do this. / With Digital Acquisitions Librarian, arrange trials for new resources / Notify community via HULInfo* about demos and trials.
Solicit feedback after vendor demos.
Time before report due / Task 1 / Task 2
1.5 months / 2nd re-evaluators’ meeting. Use this meeting to answer question arising in the process. Further meetings generally unnecessary; email works fine from here on in. Discuss vendors visits; formulate questions for uniformity. / Check with E-Resource Program Manager about status of any vendor offers, promises, etc. that re-evaluators should know about.
1 month / 3rd re-evaluator’s meeting (if necessary
2 weeks / Collect and synthesize evaluations. Do draft report; circulate to re-evaluators. / Check with with E-Resource Program Manager about final offers/changes etc.
1 week / Share final draft via email with COERS & E-Resource Program Manager first for comments & suggestions
Due date / Submit final report to Digital Acquisitions and Collections Committee

*The easiest way to communicate with the HUL community is via the listserv HULinfo.

You must first subscribe yourself ( and then you can send announcements to . The listserv is available only to the HUL community; the archives are similarly restricted.

Re-evaluation Schedule

July 2004