Appendix 1a

Template letter 1a - Deferral of general incremental progression – for reasons of sickness absence


Re: Deferral of general incremental progression

From April 2013 incremental pay progression for all pay points, within each pay band, is conditional upon individuals demonstrating that they have the requisite knowledge and skills/competencies for their role and that they have demonstrated the required level of performance and delivery during the review period.

Our records show that you have not achieved the locally agreed performance requirement, described below, required for general pay progression:

[Delete as appropriate]

  • Staff positively engage with the Trust appraisal process, ensuring that they participate in their annual appraisal between April and July.
  • Managers positively engage with the Trust appraisal process, ensuring that they achieve an appraisal rate of 80% by the end of July.

There will be legitimate reasons for a performance appraisal being delayed or objectives not being fully achieved. Where a period of sickness prevents participation in the appraisal process (during April to July), pay progression will be postponed until a return to work. An appraisal must then be held (no longer than 1 month upon return). Once the performance requirements have been confirmed, the increment date will be backdated to avoid penalty.

You have not have not been able to have your appraisal because of your sickness absence, in view of this your appraisal will be deferred until completion within a month of your return to work.

Should you wish to appeal this decision you have the right to seek a review. The review will be dealt with in line with the principles outlined in stage 3 of the Grievance Procedure. An appeal request should be made within 10 working days from receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely


Cc: Personal File


Individuals will have the right to seek a review of any decision where the required level of performance is deemed not to have been met.

Prior to formal review, consideration should be made as to whether: (i) the issue of concern is based on correct information; (ii) the issue of concern is not based solely on opposition to the clear terms of the incremental pay progression policy; (iii) the issue of concern has already been determined (or is already under consideration) either by the NHS Staff Council, or on local review or in a preceding appeal in similar circumstances; (iv) reasonable attempts have been made to first resolve the issue without recourse to an appeal.

The review will be dealt with in line with the principles outlined in stage 3 of the Grievance Procedure.

Individuals have 10 working days from receipt of the letter to lodge their request for a formal review. This request should be made in writing. Staff may use the notification of appeal form in the Grievance Procedure.

The decision of the local appeal procedure is final and there will be no further levels of appeal.

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