RE Curriculum 2017-18 ASSESSMENT

We cannot really determine how many boys we expect to reach each level until we have some evidence of how many reach the top levels in the GCSE exams in 2018 and further guidance on assessment from the exam board. There may be some indication following the Maths and English GCSEs this year and next.

We will set various tasks for classwork and homework and in tests.

Each half term unit should contain AO1 tasks and AO2 tasks although specific focus might tend towards one or the other. Alongside this we will include AO3 (i.e. non-graded) skills, attitudes and learning experiences. These will be common across all the classes in a year group.

To be ‘secure’ (=) or successful (+) we would expect a student to have fulfilled the criteria more than once, or all the criteria at some point in multiple pieces of work.

Throughout Years 7-11, for AO2, we will develop competence and skills by building up from shorter 3-mark evaluation questions, to 6-marks and then introduce the full 12 mark GCSE style evaluation question format which will enable access to the full range of grades from 1-8.

In initial assessments we will confirm that 100% of students are AT LEAST ‘Confident’ according to the appropriate Year Level descriptors, tracked back on to the 1-9 GCSE scale:

Year 71

Year 82

Year 93

Year 104

We envisage only a very small percentage of a year group not to start at this level and therefore to have it as their target for the year.

RS Assessment Objectives

Old GCSE / New GCSE / Key word / VC
(cummu-lative) / VC
% / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7
A / 9 / ‘Outstanding’ / 2% / 2% / Outstanding
8 / ‘Accomplished’ / 12% / 10% / Accomplished / Outstanding
7 / ‘Skilful’ / 42% / 30% / Skilful / Accomplished / Outstanding
C / 6 / ‘Precise and Convincing’ / 87% / 45% / Precise and Convincing / Skilful / Accomplished / Outstanding
5 / ‘Confident’ / 97% / 10% / Confident / Precise and Convincing / Skilful / Accomplished / Outstanding
4 / ‘Competent’ / 100% / 3% / Competent / Confident / Precise and Convincing / Skilful / Accomplished
G / 3 / ‘Developing’ / Developing / Competent / Confident / Precise and Convincing / Skilful
2 / ‘Attempting’ / Attempting / Developing / Competent / Confident / Precise and Convincing
1 / ‘Emerging’ / Emerging / Attempting / Developing / Competent / Confident

This chart is a rough guide only. It is not envisaged or expected that students progression will always be smooth but, based on their GCSE target it gives a reasonable idea of where they should be in Years 7-11. For the time being it is not envisaged that we will award Grade 9 as this depends on the performance of students in any given year in every school delivering the subject. Targets will be set following CAT tests in Year 7 and 9 and revised during the year, particularly following the end of year assessments. Some students at the top end may find themselves on one level for a while as they try to access those higher grades which require more advanced AO1 and AO2 skills. Some individual pieces of work may reach a high level but overall report grades will reflect an assessment of ability to reproduce that over a range of topics.

RE Curriculum 2017-18

2017-18 / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term / Notes
Year 7 / What do people believe about God / Pilgrimage: Islam - Hajj
(mini-project) / Symbols: Intro to religious expression through art and architecture / Church Project / Essentials of Faith: Judaism or Sikhism / 1 lesson pw
Year 8 / Putting belief and faith into practice:
through evil and suffering / Prejudice
Project / Who is Jesus?
through storytelling / Authority:
Islam - Hijab and Jihad / 1 lesson pw
Year 9
3 lessons / Philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God / Nature of divine and revelation / Christianity: Key beliefs
through art and music / Buddhism:
Buddha / Buddhism: Dharma / Buddhism: Worship / Role of the Church / B: Universe and Science / 3 lessons pw
Year 10
NEW GCSE / Types of Buddhism: review of teachings (Dharma and 4 Noble Truths);
Intro to Buddhist ethics / War and Peace
Revision of Christian beliefs and practices / 1 lesson pw
Year 11
NEW GCSE / Buddhist Belief and Practice – revision and extension from Year 9 / Revise Christianity / Religion and Life / Crime and Punishment / Revision / - / 2 lessons pw

Religious Studies Assessment Grades

Grade / AO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion and belief / AO2 - Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief
Beliefs, Practices and Sources of Authority / Influence on individuals, communities and societies / Similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs / Significance and influence
8 /
  • I can use a breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding in a relevant and comprehensive way as described in grades 1-6 to answer analytical and evaluative questions with well integrated references to sources of wisdom and authority.
  • I can construct a sustained and consistent argument
  • I can give a reasoned and comprehensive analysis
  • I can evaluate different points of view
  • I can justify and back up my answer using evidence or reasonsin a logical way
  • I can apply relevant evidence using clear references to religion

7 /
  • I can use all the knowledge and understanding described in grades 1-6 to answer analytical and evaluative questions.
  • I can structure my answer in an argument
  • I can give a reasoned analysis
  • I can evaluate different points of view
  • I can justify and back up my answer using evidence or reasonsin a logical way
  • I can apply relevant evidence using clear references to religion

6 /
  • I can confidently and accurately describe different beliefs and practices within and between religions
  • I can explain confidently the significance and impact of beliefs, teachings, sources, practices on individuals, and how these can affect choices and actions in different communities and societies
  • I can confidently and consistently use specialist vocabulary.
  • I can make effective use of a selection of appropriate evidence which may include textual or scriptural references
  • I can compare and evaluate at least two points of view relevant to the question using detailed analysis
  • I can justify and back up my answer using evidence or reasonsin a logical way
  • I can use evidence which includes clear reference to religion

5 /
  • I can accurately describe different beliefs and practices within and between religions
  • I can explain clearly the significance and impact of beliefs, teachings, sources, practices on individuals, and how these can affect choices and actions in different communities and societies
  • I can accurately use specialist vocabulary.
  • I can make good use of a selection of appropriate evidence which may include textual or scriptural references
  • I can compare and evaluate at least two points of view relevant to the question using some detailed analysis
  • I can usually justify and back up my answer using evidence or reasonsin a logical way
  • I can use evidence which includes clear reference to religion

4 /
  • I can competently describe different beliefs and practices within and between religions and explain how these affect peoples’ lives, choices and actions.
  • I can use specialist vocabulary appropriately
  • I can make use of evidence or examples and refer to sources of authority
  • I can compare at least two points of view relevant to the question or I can give detailed consideration to one point of view
  • I can sometimes justify and back up my answer using evidence or reasonsin a logical way
  • I can use evidence which includes some reference to religion

3 /
  • I can describe different beliefs and practices and show understanding of how these affect peoples’ lives.
  • I can use specialist vocabulary appropriately
  • I can make use of evidence or examples
  • I can state at least two points of view relevant to the question
  • I can justify and back up my answer using evidence or reasons

2 /
  • I can use basic knowledge of religion to describe different beliefs and practices and show basic understanding of how these affect peoples’ lives.
  • I can sometimes use specialist vocabulary.
  • I can make some use of evidence or examples
  • I can state at least one valid point of view supported by reason(s) or evidence
  • I can begin to recognise different points of view to my own

1 /
  • I can show basic knowledge of religion and begin to describe beliefs and practices.
  • I can sometimes use basic religious words and phrases e.g. God, Bible.
  • I can give one example of the impact of religion on life.
  • I can recognise the importance of objects or people.
  • I can state at least one valid point of view relevant to the question

Religious Studies: Non-graded Skills and Attitudes
Assessment is to do with making judgements about pupils’ achievements in the broadest sense. Through their experience of RE pupils will develop knowledge, understanding and a RANGE OF SKILLS.
Assessment involves planning opportunities to:
  • Observe and analyse pupils’ responses;
  • Monitor and raise achievement;
  • Feedback recognition of achievement and advice on how to improve.

Includes / e.g.
A / Investigation / Recognising
Gathering Evidence
Organising / Acquiring a coherent and broad coverage of individual religions in terms of their principle beliefs, literature, practices and moral codes;
Identifying the key elements shared by religions, e.g. worship, moral values;
Finding out about historical relationships that exist between some religions
B / Interpretation / Inferring
Appreciating / Being clear as to the different ways key elements in religion are expressed in different religions
C / Analysis and Evaluation (AO2) / Explaining
Arguing Coherently
Deducing / Evaluating religious responses to ultimate questions and ethical issues in relation to their own beliefs and values, taking account of other people's viewpoints and showing sensitivity to the beliefs and views of others
D / Empathy / Beliefs
Attitudes / Comparing the impact of religions on societies, values and cultures in different parts of the world
E / Reflection / Thinking
Valuing / Exploring a variety of means of expressing and interpreting religious belief, e.g. drama, music, art, symbolism, architecture;
Reflecting on the experiences of others which might be described as ‘spiritual’ in relation to their own experience
F / Communication / Expressing opinions
Expressing feelings and emotions
Explaining concepts, rituals and practices / Expressing ideas and innermost thoughts and feelings through the arts;
Beginning to recognise the limitations of human language and the value of other media to express ideas and feelings
G / Enquiry / Curiosity about the meaning of life
Developing a personal interest in religious questions / Considering questions of meaning e.g. the existence of God and the problem of suffering, what characterises these questions and why they are difficult to answer;
Exploring religious and philosophical questions
H / Commitment / Willingness to learn about and learn from other people’s values and approaches to life
Willingness to acknowledge the importance of personal commitment / Developing a sense of responsibility in relation to the community and relationships within the community
I / Respect / Towards those who have different beliefs and customs to one’s own
Appreciating that people’s religious convictions are often deeply felt
Recognising the needs and concerns of others / See evaluation;
Relating knowledge of religions to other curricular areas and their general knowledge of the world;
Developing an understanding of how beliefs and values contribute to personal identity
J / Self-Understanding / Developing a sense of self-worth and value
Being prepared to acknowledge bias and prejudice in oneself / Considering the value of silence and reflection in their own lives
Religious Studies:
Learning Experiences
K / Individual work
L / Pair work
M / Group work
N / Research
O / Making a presentation
P / Effective PPT
Q / Speech
R / Debate
S / Drama
T / Q & A
U / Creative Writing
V / Journal Writing
W / Creating a puzzle
X / Revision
Y / Mind-map
Z / Spider-diagram
# / Meditating
% / Artistic expression
 / Note-taking
© / Visit
→ / Visitor