Our Ref: PHA01440

Your Ref: MR/PHC2018

Pharmacy Contractors
Community Pharmacists
Pharmacy Managers / Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
4th Floor
3 Piccadilly Place
M1 3BN

1 November 2017


Dear Colleagues,

Re: Community Pharmacy Health Promotional Campaigns 2018

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnershiphave agreed on the six health promotion campaigns for 2018, in collaboration with Public Health England, Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs), the Local Authority (LA) and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). The campaigns have been linked to national priorities and local public health messages from across the Health and Wellbeing Board areas.

A calendar showing the six health promotional campaign and relevant dates for their promotion has been included with this letter(which has now been revised due to contractor feedback).With regards to pharmacies who are involved in the Greater Manchester Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) programme - the campaigns have been aligned to the health topic areas within the framework to enable your pharmacy team to get creative with the health promotion areas/displays to reduce duplication of campaigns.

To support you in delivering these campaigns, we have developed a Public Health England (PHE) registration guide as a key source of obtaining free campaign material and relevant website links for ordering them. Once the specific campaign has passed, pharmacy staff are advised to remove poster leaflets used in the promotion.

NHS England would like to take this opportunity to remind contractors of their contractual obligations and responsibility to proactively promote these health campaigns and ensure that all staff is briefed accordingly.

As part of the contractual monitoring process you are required to complete a Health Campaign RecordTally sheet during each individual campaign. These completed forms should be kept on the pharmacy premises for audit purposes.

STAY WELL is a national directed campaign; therefore information relating to this campaign will be sent out to pharmacies separately.

If you have any queries relating to the content of this letter, please do not hesitate to the Optometry and Pharmacy Team via the generic team email .

Yours faithfully,

Monica RoperProject Officer