Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary

The Annual Fund Study Abroad bursaries are intended to encourage and support University of Reading students who wish to study abroad as part of their degree programme at a non-EU partner university.

Thanks to the generosity of University of Reading alumni, twelve awards of £750 will be made available to students participating on a study placement outside Europe in the academic year 2013-14.

The allocation of bursaries will be competitive so students will need to submit an application form to the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office in order to be considered.

Who can apply?

You can apply for an Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary if:

·  You are a home student enrolled on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at the University of Reading.[1]

·  You have submitted (or intend to submit) an application to study abroad during the academic year 2013/14 at one of the University of Reading’s non-European partner institutions.

·  Your Study Abroad placement is not a compulsory part of your degree programme.

·  Your departmental Study Abroad Coordinator has completed the ‘Permission to Study Abroad form (available from our website: ).

·  You have already applied for Local Authority (LA) funding by the time of submitting this application.

The Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary is intended to be a contribution towards the costs incurred and cannot provide the main financial support for your studies abroad.

Application procedure

Students will be expected to submit to the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office:

·  A 500 word statement explaining why you would like to study abroad, the opportunities it will provide you, and how the grant will benefit you and your studies.

·  One supporting academic reference.

·  A copy of an academic transcript, proving that you are of a suitable academic standard to participate on a Study Abroad placement.

·  A copy of a letter from Student Loan Company confirming you have applied for a loan/grant, or official confirmation that you have submitted an application for support (if applicable).

·  A copy of your last bank statement.

·  The attached Application Covering Form (see page 3).

You may provide photocopies as part of your Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary application if you have submitted the original copies of the documentation as part of your Study Abroad application to the host institution.

Application deadline

You must submit your application and supporting documentation to the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office by 30th April 2013.

Any applications received after this date will not be considered, unless extenuating circumstances are good reason is provided. If you intend to study abroad in the spring / summer 2014 you must still submit your application by the above deadline.

Notification of decision

All applications for funding will be judged by an independent panel and students will be notified of the outcome of their application by email during the summer term 2013.

Payment of bursaries

Bursaries will be paid to students upon confirmation of arrival at the host institution and once all forms have been submitted to the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office – details will be provided to all successful applicants at the time of notification.

In the case of any bursaries not being claimed, the money will be allocated to another applicant. A limited waiting list of potential recipients will be maintained by the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office; students on the waiting list will be notified by email, if and when successful.

Conditions attached to the bursary

In order to retain your bursary you must successfully complete your Study Abroad placement at the host university and must not have brought the University of Reading into disrepute whilst abroad.

Whilst abroad and / or upon return to the University of Reading, recipients of the Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary will be expected to:

·  Provide the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office with photographs and a brief report about their Study Abroad experience, which can be used in future University of Reading promotional material.

·  Provide the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office with an official transcript of your studies to prove that you have successfully complete the study abroad placement.

·  Assist in Study Abroad promotional activities i.e. Open Days, departmental Study Abroad talks.

·  Participate in occasional activities and other additional requirements requested by the Development andAlumni RelationsOffice including meeting donors and demonstrating how the bursary made a difference to you.

As a recipient of the Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary, if you fail to adhere to the above conditions you may have to refund the bursary to the University of Reading.

For further information about studying abroad visit:

For more information about the Annual Fund visit:

For queries about this application please email:

Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary application

For completion by the applicant

Full name:
University ID number:
Institution applied to:
Period studying abroad:

I have attached the following documents as part of my application:

ð  Personal statement about why you would like to study abroad

ð  One supporting academic reference

ð  A copy of my academic transcript

ð  A copy of your Student Loan Company letter or other confirmation of receipt of grant (if applicable).

ð  A copy of my last bank statement

I confirm that I have read and will abide by the terms and conditions attached to the Annual Fund Study Abroad bursary.



Please print and submit your completed application to:

Erasmus & Study Abroad Office ,

Blandford Lodge,

Whiteknights Campus.

©University of Reading 2013 Page 2

[1] EU students who have lived in the UK for the three years before the start of their course may be classed as ‘home’ students for the purposes of the Annual Fund Study Abroad bursaries. Other EU students and international students are not eligible to apply.