2659 76TH STREET


Raymond School District is dedicated to providing a child-centeredlearning environment, expecting all students to learn and succeed. We commit to providing and utilizing a progressive, relevant, and quality curriculumencouraging all students to become responsible citizens prepared to meet the challenges of the future.


December 15, 2014Band Room7:00 P.M.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.

  1. Call Meeting to Order - At 7:00 PM, the meeting was called to order by Board President, Dawn Peterson. Board Members, Russ Eichner, Jim Wolter, Jennifer Hribar and Steve Wallner were in attendance. District Administrator, Joe Dawidziak, Principal, Nick O’Malley, staff and community members were also in attendance.
  1. Approve Agenda of this Meeting - A motion was made by Jennifer Hribar, seconded by Steve Wallner, and carried unanimously to approve the Agenda as presented, but noted that there may be a possible change when Gary Albrecht, CESA 2 Administrator arrives. He will be allowed to speak when he arrives.
  1. Consent Agenda - A motion was made by Jim Wolter, seconded by Steve Wallner and carried unanimously to approve theConsent Agenda with thefollowing changes: the “Agenda” changed to “Minutes” at the top of the November Board Minutes and the changing of Accts Payable Checks 23419-23475 to Checks 23475-23476

A.Approval of Minutes of 11/17/14Regular and Closed Session School Board Meeting

B.Business & Finance

a.Financial Report

i.Treasurer’s Report

a.Beginning Balance: $1,415,592.85

b.Receipts: $99,638.76

c.Disbursements: $485,760.24

d.Ending Balance: $1,029,471.37

ii.Vouchers and Payroll for ApprovalAudit Committee:Jennifer Hribar, Russ Eichner

  1. Payroll Checks:100010970-100010985, 900013722-900013829
  2. Accts. Payable Checks:23476-23518, 201400045-201400052
  3. Student Activity Checks:None

IV. Public Portion of Meeting

V. Old Business

  1. Strategic Plan Update:
  2. Quality Education
  3. Facilities Update:
  4. Community Engagement:

VI.New Business

  1. CESA 2 Presentation
  2. 2013-2014 Raymond School District #14Audit Report - A motion was made by Steve Wallner, seconded by Dawn Peterson and carried unanimously to approve the 2013-2014 Raymond School District #14 Audit Report as presented
  3. Fund 46
  4. Enrollment

VII.Administrator’s Report:

  1. Upcoming School Events

VIII. Correspondence

IX. Contemplated Executive Session (Held in the Main Office)

By unanimous roll call vote at 8:18 PM the Board adjourned to Executive Session to discuss matters related to negotiation priorities with teachers’ union as permitted under 19.85(1)(e) WI Stats “conducting public business with competitive or bargaining implications” and to discuss matters considering employment, compensation, and evaluation of Raymond School District #14 employees under 19.85(1) (c) and (f), WI Stats.. Thereafter, the Board of Education will reconvene in open session and may take further action, if necessary and appropriate, and will then entertain a motion to adjourn.

Reconvene to Open Session

The Board of Education reconvened to open session at 9:45PM.

A motion was made by Russ Eichner, seconded by Jennifer Hribar, and carried unanimously to approve the bonuses as was discussed in close session.

  1. Adjournment

A motion was made by Russ Eichner, seconded by Jennifer Hribar and carried unanimously to adjourn at 9:46PM.

Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: January 19, 2015in order to comply with Wisconsin’s open meetings law. If this notice is supplemented, the final notice will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the meeting, in the event of an emergency. Upon request to the District Administrator, submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting.”

Raymond School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.