Meeting opened at 7.18 pm
Present: Pat Smith, Hamish Bremner, Jill Johannsen, Rowan Smith, Claire Williams, Peter Johannsen,
April Wilkins (EGLN Group Facilitator), Rob Wright, Pam Williams-Wright, Eric Gordon, Lyn Gordon,
Edie Ashley & guest, Emma Nicholls
Apologies: Victor Trofimovs, Vicki Trofimovs, Katherine Rutter
Minutes of previous meeting
Motion: That the amended February minutes be accepted.
Moved: Jill Johannsen Seconded: Edie Ashley carried
Business arising: report on mynas has been amended.
Correspondence in:
27/02 /14 Paul Harvey, EGLN re conditions for acceptance of 2014 seedling allocation.
3/02/14 Australia Post – renewal of PO Box
20/02/14 Andy Booth re reduced time on island for French visitors
27/02/14 EGLN President re 5yr Strategic Report
Correspondence out:
19/02/14 Bereavement card to Terri Eskdale & Mark Brennan’s family
20/02/14 Andy Booth re reduced days & suggesting The Abbey may have a day’s work
13/03/14 Community for Nature Small Grants.
Motion: That the inward correspondence be received & the outward correspondence be endorsed.
Moved: Jill Johannsen Seconded: Colin Betts carried
Business arising: nil
Treasurer’s Report: as attached
Motion: That the Treasurer’s report be accepted.
Moved: Hamish Bremner Seconded: Rowan Smith carried
Business arising: nil
Mar 2014
On Sunday 2/3 we met at the Tip Extension (Rowan’s Wedge) to plant 100 lomandra and then concentrated on mulching as many plants as possible with the huge piles of mulch recently donated to our Landcare group. We had 9 helpers. We also set in motion a plan to hold a fundraising trivia night for our group.
Watering of the Ferry Park garden has continued throughout the hot weather.
Recently mulch was spread over bare areas at the First Revegetation Site (Peter’s Patch).
Claire Williams
Raymond Island Koala & Wildlife Shelter report summary.
See full report on R.I. website.
February 12th- 13th March 2014
Two koalas euthanised due to kidney failure; the male was also blind. A third koala was euthanised as a result of a dog attack. A fourth recovered from a dog attack and was released with a permanent hole in his skull.
A bronze wing pigeon was successfully released after three weeks in care for an inflamed wing.
Baby koala, Little Nell, lives outside and is in a secure pen at night.
Ali, the year old, bottle-fed kangaroo joey will be weaned at around 18 months.
FERRY PARK: Colin would like more plants for Ferry Park particularly behind the playground.
He has drawn up a plan for the park.
THE ABBEY AT A’BECKETT PARK: Edie received approval from Crown Land Committee of Management at the Shire and has applied for a Coastcare Grant. This will fund the removal of weeds and planting of indigenous plants in trial patches.
The French boys helped remove polygala, agapanthus & mirror bush.
Emma reported that poa & melaleucas are being trialled.
General Business:
· Trivia Night, Easter Sat 19th April. Members will ask at local & Bairnsdale businesses for donations. Members to help distribute flyers if no R.I.Matters before Easter.
· Pat distributed Landcare shirts to new members.
· The Kingfisher issue 9 was tabled for those who wanted a copy.
Planning for 2014 Activities Calendar
With April facilitating, we reviewed our 2010-15 Action Plan. With this in mind members then planned the 2014 Calendar of Activities which April will forward in coming weeks.
Meeting closed at 8.36 pm
Next meeting Thursday 10th April, 2014 at 7pm