Herd Health and Farm Management Standards
Heard Health Program for:
Harvest Acres, LLC
50200 CR 42, Bennett, CO 80102
Herd Health Tests & Frequency:
All animals will be tested for CAE, TB & Brucellosis before entering the herd. Only animals with negative test results will be added to the herd. Testing will be repeated every three years. All animals are visually inspected twice daily and any animal with signs or symptoms of illness will be isolated until determination of health is confirmed.
Milk Tests & Frequency:
Milk will be tested monthly in compliance with the Raw Milk Association of Colorado Standards. Test results are available to shareholders
Humane Treatment Practices:
Animals are provided with shelter, water, hay and minerals at all times. Gestating and lactating animals are supplemented with grains. Animals are handled with kindness and are trained with positive reinforcement and consistent routines.
Medical Interventions Used:
We strive to maintain the health of our animals through prevention, with proper nutrition and cleanliness. Medications and parasite control compounds are used under the supervision of a veterinarian and only if the health of the animal is compromised. Animals requiring such interventions will be isolated and milk discarded.
Feed Source & Quality Standards:
We search for the highest quality locally grown alfalfa hay available to us. Hay is offered twice daily and in quantities that ensure each animal is able to eat to satiation. Gestating and lactating animals are fed sunflower seeds and a sweet grain mix for goats. Underweight animals are supplemented as recommended by our veterinarian.
Free choice mineral mix for goats and sodium bicarbonate are available at all time.
Pasture Management:
Our animals are not currently on pasture to prevent the digestive issues associated with eating the moist, fresh plant growth.
Shareholders are invited to call or visit the farm for further information regarding our herd health and farm management practices.