Ravi Kumar Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Thapar University, Patiala, 147004, Punjab, India
E-mail: ,
Ph:+91-175-2393021, Mobile: +91-8437166952,
Fax: +91-01751-2364498,2393005
Areas of Interest
Bio-inspired Techniques and Intelligent Systems: Algorithms, applications and implementation of ArtificialNeural Networks (ANN), Fuzzy Logic, Data mining, Optimization, Pattern recognition, Design and development ofElectronic Nose (ENOSE) based on sensor arrays, Biologically inspired techniques for sensor array signal processing and data analysis.
Semiconductor Devices and Microsensors: Design, fabrication and characterization of thick film tin oxide based integrated sensor arrays for chemical sensing applications.
Microelectronics: Digital and Analog VLSI design, Low power VLSI design, Design and Fabrication of Hybrid ICs.
Signal Processing: Wavelet analysis, VLSI Signal Processing, Image processing.
Ph.D. (Aug. 2007-Jan 2011) Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology BanarasHinduUniversity, Varanasi, India
Course Work-19 Credits (CGPA-8.11)
ThesisTitle: Application of Soft Computational Techniques
for Identification/Quantification of Gases/OdorsUsing
Responses of Tin Oxide Based Sensor Arrays
Supervisor: Prof. V.N. Mishra, Co-Supervisors: Dr. R. Dwivedi, Prof. R.R. Das
B.E. (2007) Electronics Engineering,Institute of Engineering,
Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India (CGPA-8.0)
Employment History
May 2011-Present Assistant Professor at Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Eng.,
Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India
June, 09-January 2011 UGC Senior Research Fellow,Centre for Research in
Microelectronics(CRME), Indian Institute of Technology, BanarasHinduUniversity, Varanasi, India
Aug, 07-June, 09 UGC Junior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in
Microelectronics(CRME), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras HinduUniversity, Varanasi, India
Technical Expertise
Circuit Design and Simulation Tools/Languages: ORCAD P-Spice, Cadence, Xilinx, VHDL, Verilog HDL
Programming Languages and Platforms:MATLAB/SIMULINK,Turbo C, Turbo C++,
Neural Ware, Solar Pro
Semiconductor and IC Technology: Thick Film Screen Printing, Vacuum Deposition, Plasma Cleaning, Oxidation Furnace, Diffusion Furnace, Mask Aligner, Photoresist Spinner.
High Resolution Imaging Techniques: XRD, SEM
Device Characterization: Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer
Journals: 09, Conferences:05
1. Ravi Kumar,Game Theoretic Pattern Analysis for Identification of Odors/Gases Using
Response of a Poorly Selective Sensor Array, IEEE Sensors Journal (In Press)
2. Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, Simultaneous Identification and
Quantification of Odors/Gases Using a Fuzzy Entropy Based Neuro-Wavelet Identifier-
Cum-Quantifier and Dynamic Response of Oxygen-Plasma Treated Thick Film Tin Oxide
Sensor Array, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, issue 7, pp. 1548-1555
3. Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, Wavelet Coefficient Trained Neural
Network Classifier for Improvement in Qualitative Classification Performance of Oxygen-
Plasma Treated Thick Film Tin Oxide Sensor Array Exposed to Different Odors/gases,
IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, issue 4, pp. 1013-1018
4. Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, A Neuro Fuzzy Classifier cum
Quantifier for qualitative and quantitative analysis of Individual Odor Using Responses of
Thick-Film Tin-Oxide Sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal,Vol.10, Issue 9, September 2010,
5. Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, A Radial Basis Function Neural
Network Classifier for the Discrimination of Individual Odor Using Responses of Thick-
Film Tin-Oxide Sensors, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.9, Issue 10, October 2009, pp.
6. R. Prasad, R. Kumar, D. Singh, A Radial Basis Function Approach to Retrieve Soil
Moisture and Crop Variables from X-Band Scatterometer Observations, Progress in
Electromagnetic Research B, Vol. 12, 2009, pp. 201-217
7. Somesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar, A 1.8V and 2GHz Inductively Degenerated CMOS Low
Noise Amplifier, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer
Technology (IJECCT), Vol. 2, Issue 4, July 2012, pp. 150-154
8. Akash Agrawal, Ravi Kumar*,Amit Kumar Kohli, R. Dwivedi, Performance Comparison
of PCA and ICA Pre-processors inIdentification of Individual Gases Using Response of a
PoorlySelective Solid-state Sensor Array, Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 145,
Issue 10, October 2012, pp. 191-202
9. Rajveer Singh, Divneet Singh Kapoor, Ravi Kumar, Amit Kumar Kohli, Characterization
of Shape Curving Effects on Multi-Band Fractal Antenna Design, International Journal
of Computational Engineering & Management (IJCEM), Vol. 15 Issue 6, November
2012, pp. 44-48
- Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V. N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, A Fuzzy Entropy Based Neural Network Classifier for Odor Identification of Alcohols and Alcoholic Beverages Using Thick Film Tin Oxide Sensor Array, In Proceedings, 9th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors (IEEE Sensors 2010), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 1-4 November 2010
- Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, A Fuzzy-Entropy Based Approach for Improving the Performance of an Electronic-Nose, In Proceedings, National Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA)-2010, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 8-11 February 2010
3. Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, A Probabilistic Neural Network
model for the Electronic Sniffing of Wines, In Proceedings, National Conference on
High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA)-2009, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi, India, 9-12 February 2009
4. Ravi Kumar, R.R. Das, V.N. Mishra, R. Dwivedi, A Fuzzy Logic Based Neural
Network Classifier for Qualitative Classification of Odors/Gases, In Proceedings,
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronic and Photonic Devices and
Systems -2009, Dept. of Electronics Eng., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,
22-24 December 2009, pp. 188-191
5. Ravi Kumar, An Intelligent E-Nose System For Discrimination of Alcoholic Odorants
In Proceedings ‘I-Society 2012’ at GKU, Talwandi Saboo Bathinda ,Punjab, India,
July 20, 2012
Book Chapter:
- Book Title: “Sensor Array”; Chapter Title: “Neuro-Fuzzy Classifiers/Quantifiers for E-nose Applications”
Publisher: “In Tech Open Access Publishers, Croatia; ISBN 979-953-307-351-3
Review Assignments
- Reviewer for IEEE Sensors Journal(2010), Manuscript Type (Sensors Letters)
- Reviewer for JETR (Manuscript no. 10-053) 2011
Thesis Supervision
Sr. No. / Name of Student / Title of Thesis / Degree / Date of Completion1. / Somesh Kumar / CMOS Low Noise RF Amplifier Design and Parameter Estimation Using ANN / M.Tech (VLSI Design and CAD) / 25/06/2012
2. / Nitin Gupta / Design and Analysis of Low Power SRAM / M.Tech (VLSI Design and CAD) / 25/06/2012
3. / Mohit Joshi / Implementation of an Integrated Artificial Neural Network Trained With Back Propagation Algorithm / M.Tech (VLSI Design and CAD) / 25/06/2012
Courses Taught:(i) Information Theory and Coding (B.E. 5th Semester, July-Dec 2011)
(ii) HDL Based Digital Design (B.E. 8th Semester, January-June 2012)
(iii)Circuit Theory (B.E. 4th Semester, January-June 2012)
(iv) Information and Coding Theory (M.E. 1st Semester, July-Dec 2012)
(v) Random Variables & Stochastic Processes (M.E. 1st Semester, July- Dec 2012)
(vi) Soft Computing (M.E. 2nd Semester, January-June 2013)
(vii) VLSI Digital Signal Processing (M.E. 2nd Semester, January- June 2013)
Other Activities
- Authoring a book on soft computing
- Member IEEE, Membership no. 92142798
- MemberIEEE Communication Society.
1. Prof. R. R. Das, Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India, Tel: +91-542-2310410,
Fax: +91-542-2366758, E-mail: . ,
2. Dr. Arvind K. Srivastava, Principal Scientist, Nano Sonix Inc., 8025, Lamon Ave., Suite
010, Skokie, IL, 60077, USA, Tel: +847-556-2268, E-mail:
3. Prof. K.K. Shukla, Ex-Head, Department of Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India, Tel:+91-542-230-7056,
Fax:+91-542-2366758, E-mail:
4. Prof. V.N. Mishra, Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India, Tel: +91-
542-2314277, Fax: +91-542-2366758, E-mail:
5. Dr. R. Dwivedi, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India, Tel: +91-
542-2575979, Fax: +91-542-2366758, E-mail: