Team Members and Resources
Kirsten Munck-de / Randy Morris-po / Tim Jackson-mt / Luke Coltrane-de
Keith Hansen - Freesen, Inc.

(Rationale: This specification was revised to remove the sections of method specifications describing material allowed for wedge slope construction and equipment to be used to compact the constructed wedge slopes. Specification wording has been updated. Standard Plan 619.10B has been revised into 8 ½ x 11" format, and is now three sheets instead of one. Notes duplicated within the drawing have been combined and placed in the General Notes. The note, “Pavement edge treatment shall be constructed when the edge drop off is < 12 feet from the lane line” has been added to the General Notes as well. Minor errata in Standard Plan 619.10B have been corrected. Pay items will remain unchanged. )

9/25/02 - EPSC recommended that basis of payment and method of measurement be changed to reflect actual work performed, which is a change from the original proposal from the team. Resubmit to team for comment and action.

7/14/03 – Kevin Keith’s questions on the method of measurement were answered during discussions on Sec 609. The method of measurement will be adjusted when the rest of the book has this issue addressed. Approved as submitted here.



619.1 Description. This work shall consist of the elimination of pavement edge differential.

619.2 Material.

619.2.1 Temporary concrete traffic barrier shall comply be in accordance with Sec 617.

619.2.2 Wedge slopes shall be constructed of an approved fill material, a commercially available aggregate base material, a commercially available bituminous mix or an approved preformed unit. Acceptance of wedge slope material will be based on visual examination.

619.3 Construction Requirements. At the contractor's option, elimination of pavement edge differential may be accomplished by either conducting operations in such a manner that traffic is exposed to no more than a two-inch (50 mm) differential, by constructing a wedge shaped slope adjacent to the pavement edge or by furnishing and installing temporary concrete traffic barrier.

619.3.1 Wedge slopes shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed by the engineer. Slope material, other than preformed units, shall be compacted by a roller, mechanical tamper or other methods approved by the engineer, until there is no visible evidence of further consolidation to the satisfaction of the engineer.

619.3.2 Wedge slope material shall be removed and the pavement edge returned to a vertical face prior to placement of adjacent shoulder or pavement material. Material used to construct wedge slope shall be disposed of as approved by the engineer.

619.3.3 Temporary concrete traffic barrier shall be constructed as shown on the plans or as directed by the engineer.

619.4 Method of Measurement.

619.4.1 Measurement will be made to the nearest linear foot (0.5 m) along each edge of pavement for all locations actually treated. No location will be measured more than once, regardless of the number of applications.

619.4.2 Final measurement will not be made except for authorized changes during construction or when appreciable errors are found in the contract quantities.

619.5 Basis of Payment. The accepted quantity of pavement edge treatment will be paid for at the contract unit bid price for the units constructed or the units shown in the contract, whichever is greater. Payment shallwill be considered full compensation for include all labor, equipment and material and labor necessary to eliminate the need for or to construct, maintain, replace, relocate, remove and dispose of pavement edge treatment. No direct payment will be made for more than one application at any location.