Ramsey Community Junior School

Ramsey Community Junior School

Holy Trinity CE Primary School

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn Term 2012

Dear Parents

Welcome back to the autumn term of 2012. In Year 6 this year we have:

Teachers: Mr Flores and Mrs Murdoch.

Teaching assistant: Mrs Stoddart.

This term the children will be learning:

Writing units covered this term:
Poetry: Looking at identifying and writing similes, metaphors and personification in poems. Words using prefixes and suffixes e.g. Aero- aqua-, audi-, -cede, -clude, micro-, photo- etc. How words and expressions have changed over time.
Narrative stories: Establishing author’s style and themes. Learning about how to write in paragraphs. Writing from the past (as flashbacks). Writing complex sentences.
Biography and autobiography: write in the given style and form of this type of text. Looking at the differences between the 2 text types. Words using prefixes and suffixes as above. Understanding and using dictionaries.
Journalistic writing: Looking at reports, reviews, leaflets etc. Reviewing these types of text. Writing to suit an audience. Writing complex sentences. Researching the origin of proper names e.g. –chester, -borough etc.
Guided reading and personal readers – Text related to reading and writing texts above plus each child’s personal reading choice.
This term the following areas will be covered:
Place Value: multiplying and dividing whole and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems.
Multiplication and division (mental methods): using the inverse relationship of multiplication and division. Using related facts and doubling/ halving. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems.
Multiplication and division (written methods): Using the grid method to multiply and chunking along a number line to divide. Rounding up or down after division. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems.
Fractions, decimals and %, ratio and proportion: Reducing fractions to their simplest form. Recognising equivalent fractions. Know what each digit represents in decimal numbers. Understand % as the number of parts in every 100. Find simple % of values. Rounding a number to the nearest tenths or whole number. Link decimals and fractions. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems.
Handling data: Probability of events. Solving problems by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables, graphs, charts and diagrams. Find the mode and range of a set of data. Find the median and mean of a set of data.
Using a calculator: Check calculations using the inverse operations or equivalent calculation.
Shape and space (reasoning about shape): Classifying quadrilaterals. Solving mathematical puzzles and problems. Calculating perimeters and area of shapes that are split into rectangles.
Measures: Use, read and write standard metric units of length- km, m, cm, mm. Converting smaller units to larger units. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems. Appreciate different times around the world.
Position and movement/ scales/ solving problems: Plot co-ordinates. Recognise where a shape will be after translation, record estimates and readings from scales. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems.
Addition and subtraction methods and problems: Addition and subtracting along a number line. Check calculations using the inverse. Relating knowledge to solving everyday word problems.
Number sequences: Recognise and extend number sequences. Solving mathematical problems and puzzles. .
Micro-Organisms (Mr Flores):
  • What are Micro-organisms?
  • Famous scientists in this area
  • Food and why it goes mouldy
  • Decay
  • The role of Yeast
  • Health and Micro-organisms
Interdependence (Mrs Murdoch):
  • How animals and plants are suited to their particular habitat/ environment.
  • Using keys to identify plants/ animals.
  • Food chains.
  • Rocks and soils- classifying rocks and soils and investigate their properties.
  • Plant structures and factors needed for healthy growth.
  • Role of the roots of plants/ different soil conditions.

Creative Curriculum:
At Holy Trinity we have started to teach the Foundation subjects through a skills-based curriculum based on topics. This is an exciting way of teaching and learning and the children have embraced it enthusiastically. History, Geography, Art, DT and often links to the other subjects are made in a creative way.
As you are no doubt aware in Year 6 we are looking closely at the topic of ‘World War II: Friend or Foe’. This includes ‘the lead up to and outbreak of the war, the Blitz, evacuation and rationing. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who has already contributed to our growing resource base! If anyone has any memorabilia or items that they wouldn’t mind the children bringing in to show it would be most appreciated.
Aspects of Islam, as well as an ongoing theme of Christianity through worship and reflection time on a Friday afternoon.
Modern Foreign Languages:
P.E. and Games:
Dance and Gymnastics
The children will be focusing on the songs and music from World War II.
Based on a whole school programme called SEAL (Social Emotional aspects of Learning). This terms themes are: New beginnings, getting on and falling out, Say no to bullying.
Using the internet search engines, using and creating a favourites list, using and creating hyperlinks, as well ascreating power-point presentations.
The main Homework will be given out on Thursdays and is expected to be completed by the following Tuesday unless otherwise stated. As well as this children are expected to read and revise their timestables every night. Extra homework throughout the week maybe set including: reading, literacy, numeracy, science and topic based work. Spellings are given out on Monday for a test on Friday.

As well as this the children will be taken on three outdoor visits. These are to the Royal Gunpowder Mills on the, our PSHE trip to the Young Mariners Base and to view the play Hamlet.We are lucky to have the Young Shakespeare company coming into school to run a workshop focusing on Hamlet with Year 6 which will nicely link into our literacy topic on journalistic writing.

If you have any concerns please feel free to come and speak to me as I know how important this year is to both you and your children.

Many thanks for all of your continuing support.

With best wishes,

The Year 6 Team