2009 - 2011








1. / Name of the candidate and address / Asha Jose
I year M.sc Nursing
The KarnatakaCollege of
Nursing ,Kogilu Main road
2. / Name of the Institution / The Karnataka college of Nursing .
3. / Course of study and subject / I year M.sc Nursing
Community Health Nursing
4. / Date of Admission to course / 30.09.2009
5. / Statement of problem;
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding management of minor ailments… in selected areas of Bettahalsur, Bangalore.



“A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die’’ Mary Maso

The common ailments happen to be the diseases that which we are prone to suffer from in our daily life. They are called common ailments as they occur in common instances to most of the individuals. The common ailments that occur during pregnancy is called minor ailments of pregnancy. The most common examples of minor ailments are vomiting, backache, leg cramps, constipation, and urinary problems etc. There are some simple steps, which need to be followed in order to prevent these common ailments. The point is that in most of the cases, we forget them and hence attacked by these ailments often. Here are few tips on preventing the common ailments. Try to follow the preventive measures to common ailments and thus even if you cannot avoid them totally but they will be prevented to great extent. The common ailments can be very disturbing and irritating at times when it keeps on coming back. When the general health of a person is not good common ailments easily catch them. You get very weak and your whole routine gets upset if you are suffering from any type of normal ailments. But there are ways and means by which you can prevent it and cure it so there is no need to worry about.
Minor Ailments are not a very serious issue or concern over which you have to be paranoid. A little bit of care and concern will help you treat any time of illness. You should be aware and you should take the minimum protection which will help you to fight the common ailments. In the earlier days we had well informed mothers and grand mothers who used to guide us with home remedies for immediate relief from various ailments. But in this modern world, we do not have the interest or patience to follow such home remedies. But I believe that there are still people like me who believe on these simple home remedies. "Minor ailments are generally described as common, often self-limiting, conditions. They normally require little or no medical intervention and are usually managed through self-care and the use of products that are available to buy without a doctor’s prescription.

Research shows that many times people cope with their own symptoms. You might have probably acted as your own doctor and nurse sometimes. When you are indisposed, you immediately try to find out why and take steps to make yourself feel better. This is ‘diagnoses' and ‘treatment’. When you cannot solve it yourself, that is when you go for medical help. Many common ailments can be treated at home without needing to see the doctor. Remember also that the pharmacist at the pharmacy shop is highly trained to advise you about medicines to help you take care of minorailments yourself. Self-care means recognizing minorailments and being able to treat the symptoms, preventing health problems developing and knowing when to call for outside medical help. People often worry that any symptom is the sign of a serious illness when it is much more likely to be something very simple.

Common Minor Ailments in Pregnancy

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea is very common in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Some lucky mums-to-be manage to sail through the entire nine months with nothing but a growing bump to show for it, but many suffer from feelings of sickness. About a third of women who suffer pregnancy sickness only experience nausea, but the remainder have to cope with vomiting as well. Fortunately only 10% of cases continue beyond 12 weeks of pregnancy. Some women only feel nauseated first thing on waking, hence the term morning sickness. This is because the symptoms tend to be worse on an empty stomach. Others find the feelings of sickness linger all day. The reasons behind nausea and vomiting in pregnancy are not fully understood. It is thought that the hormone HCG is a significant factor in causing sickness. This is the hormone secreted by the fertilized egg as early as 4 days after conception. It also stimulates the ovaries to produce high levels of progesterone, which helps the pregnancy to stay implanted. In the first 12 weeks, HCG reaches a peak, then drops off and levels off at about 14 weeks as the placenta takes over the function of producing progesterone. The rise and fall of HCG coincides with the beginning and end of the majority of cases of pregnancy nausea.

Because HCG plays a critical role, it is thought that nausea may well indicate a healthy pregnancy. However although your nausea may well be good for your baby, it certainly doesn't feel good for you. There are some things you can try to help ease the symptoms: Eat small, frequent meals, instead of three large ones. Many people find that an empty stomach triggers nausea so try not to let yourself become hungry. Keep some dry biscuits by your bed. Eat one before you get up in the morning. Avoid rich, fatty food, tobacco fumes and alcohol. Avoid foods and odours that make you feel sick. Increase your intake of carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice and bread. Ginger is thought to help ease nausea. Try ginger biscuits, ginger ale or ginger tea. If you can manage it take regular gentle exercise. Try acupressure wristbands, which are used to prevent seasickness. Get as much rest as possible. There are medicines to relieve nausea, but they tend to be prescribed only in bad cases. A small number of women experience symptoms of such severity that they require admission to hospital to prevent dehydration. If you are unable to keep any fluids down and are becoming dehydrated you should see your midwife or GP quickly.

HeartburnThis is a strong burning sensation in the chest. It is caused by stomach acid leaking up into the esophagus. This happens because of the side effects of the hormone progesteron. The valve between the stomach and esophagus relaxes. Progesterone also delays the passage of food through the stomach. It is worse after a heavy, spicy or fatty meal and also brought on by lying down. Therefore it is often worse at night To relieve heartburn Eat small frequent meals. Avoid eating immediately before bed. Try drinking a glass of milk during an attack. Sleep propped up on pillows. Gaviscon can be taken safely.

Fainting Feeling faint is a common experience in pregnancy. This is because blood pressure tends to be lower than usual, so that if you stand up or change your position suddenly, there is a temporary drop in the blood supply to the brain. Try to get up slowly after sitting or lying down. Don't go for long periods without food. If you feel faint when standing, sit down quickly and put your head between your knees. If you still feel faint, lie down. Later in pregnancy lying down flat on your back can cause you to feel faint so instead.

Skin changes: Skin changes include patches on the face, darkening of the nipples and the development of a dark vertical line slicing your tummy - which may never completely vanish. Silvery stretch lines invade your breasts, stomach and thighs, because of your burgeoning body. The more weight you gain, the more the marks, which cannot be prevented. Expensive creamy concoctions are of little use. However, plain coconut oil can prevent the surrounding skin from drying out. Tiny red 'spiders' also radiate on the face, neck, upper chest and arms and are caused by a high concentration of hormones. These, with the facial patches, will disappear after delivery.

Sleeplessness: In late pregnancy, your bump, the incessant kicking from within, the urgency to visit the toilet and vague worries may keep you awake. Take a short walk, a warm shower, and a glass of warm milk before going to bed. Lie on your side. Place pillows between

Tingling and numbness: This may attack your hands and feet when you wake up, because there is pressure on the nerves and tendons due to lots of accumulated fluid.
Varicose veins: You may feel a dull ache in your legs after which the veins stand out. This is because your growing womb presses hard on the arteries and veins in the lower half of the body. Circulation slows, the blood pools, the veins must work harder to return the blood to the heart. Sit rather than stand. Prop your feet on another chair. Don't cross your legs. Sleep with your feet on a cushion. Gently massage upwards to empty the swollen veins. Lie on your back, feet in the air, and circle your legs as if you were riding a bicycle or write imaginary alphabets with tour toes

Mood Swings is quite common among pregnant women. So, if you are pregnant and if getting Mood Swings, do not be afraid at all. Nearly every women face this during their pregnancy. At one moment, you will feel very happy and the next time, you will feel sad and depressed. The hormones responsible for Mood Swings are oestrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for regulating the cycle of reproduction. Along with the changes in the levels of these hormones, there are major changes in the body which occur to prepare the body both mentally and physically for the new life within you. This

Also make the mood swinging. One day you will feel so happy with the thought of becoming a mother but , suddenly be over joyed with the thought of your baby. Please, do not be afraid of Mood Swings. It remains only for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. As soon as your body starts adapting the changes and you also sort out things, Mood swings will start diminishing. However, you can manage Mood Swings. When you feel down, do something which makes you feel good or what you enjoy. Go and watch your favorite feel good movie, or go out for a walk. You can also take quick nap, which is very useful to feel good. Most of the times, talk therapy helps a lot. You can share your experience with experienced persons or with your friends and family members. It happens with a woman who wants to be mother for a quite a long time. It is natural for her to feel overwhelmed but she also sometimes feels anxious or irritable with minor things or just like that, without any reason. It is better to visit a doctor or a therapist, if you cannot control your Mood Swings by yourself. Most of the women face depression, when it is necessary to consult a therapist as some women have to struggle with their depression. Along with this, if you discuss your problems with women who have faces the same problem. It becomes easier to combat this problem of Mood Swings.1

Many dilemmas exist when assessing the impact of a drug on a pregnant women and her developing fetus. It is not always easy or ethical to perform randomisedcontrolled studies in pregnant women to demonstrate drug safety. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), classify the risk of drugs during pregnancy as follows1Most minor ailments in pregnancy do not require drug treatment. However, many drugs can be used safely in pregnancy. The midwife is usually the first health worker to be consulted by the pregnant patient. must therefore have a basic understanding of the physiological changes induced by pregnancy and the possible untoward effects of certain drug groups as classified by the FDA.The aim of this article is to provide simple approach to manage the common minor ailments .Although minor ailments form a large part of the work of general practitioner relatively little is known about them. Important and life threatening diseases and syndromes get a lot of attention during medical education, where as minor ailments, which form a much larger part of the GPs daily routine, hardly gets any. However, the symptoms of these disorders often cause real problems and can be a burden to the patientPregnancy is one of the most crucial periods in the life of a woman. Many women look forward to this period in their life as it gives a new meaning to their life. If you are pregnant, it is advisable that you practice Yoga Asanas. Practicing yoga asana can help you to choose natural birth and assures you of a safe pregnancy. What is more interesting is that yoga asanas also help those women who gain weight after child birth to regain the lost shape of the body. Pregnant women sometimes have a feeling of sickness, frequent mood swings and nausea during the morning. A blend of yoga and pranayamas may help in alleviating these disorders. Conditioning and massaging the abdominals helps a pregnant woman to increase her bowel movements and appetite. It also helps her to alleviate stress around her birth canal and cervix.




“A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone”

According to MOLLY COURTENY, Babies are made with love; they give new dimension to the love that two people share between themselves and one day the little dreams that have been kept bundled up for a long time at the core of their heart, come true. Becoming a mom is a discovery which heralds a new phase of your womanhood. As pregnancy brings ecstasy, alongside it brings lots of worries and cautions. Careful attention and measures can prevent these queries to a great extent. An effective pregnancy guide can help you the most in taking care of yourself and your unborn fetus. A guide to pregnancy reveals all the necessary aspects related to a safe and successful pregnancy. A pregnancy guide also helps one through all the dos and don’ts of healthy pregnancy. A guide for pregnancy tells you what to do to ensure good health for both your baby and you. When someone is pregnant for the first time she always wants to be sure about the right things to be done. Guides for pregnancy offers information on a healthy and feel good life during pregnancy. The moment you feel that you still do not have enough information about pregnancy and delivery then refer to the pregnancy guide, it will assist you with each and every aspect of pregnancy care.She concluded that Pregnancy is a natural phenomena but it is such a unique one that all would be moms becomes very excited to know every tit bits of it. Pregnancy for the first time is in real terms a whole new experience. All the women generally search for a complete pregnancy guide providing all the requisite advice on everything to expect and
do for themselves and the baby.2

According to AIRE KNUISTINGHThere are approximately 6 million pregnancies every year throughout the United States:4,058,000 live births1,995,840 pregnancy losses The basic inclusions in a pregnancy care guide is dealing with the basics, selecting the appropriate doctor, symptoms that might arise during pregnancy, the proper nutrition required, the nature of activities to be undertaken and several other small but important information. An in depth analysis about the position and movement of the baby through the trimester is also provided in a pregnancy guide. Lastly it ends up with explaining the basics on labor pain, what to be done during labor and then gradually coming back home with your baby and how to take care of it and leave you at the beginning of the parenting function. The pregnancy guide varies from country to country according to the cultural and traditional aspect of the place and thus guidelines for pregnancy in India is not similar to that of USA. For a pregnant lady it is necessary to follow a healthy diet unless she has a specific health problem. For a pregnant woman it is required to have a variety in food that includes dairy products and also several fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet contributes more to pregnancy. A pregnant woman can also consult her obstetrician for specific advice. He concluded that Some specific nutritional needs for pregnancy include dairy products, vegetables, fruits all these contribute to a healthy pregnancy. During the beginning months of pregnancy folic acid is very strongly required and is one nutritional need during pregnancy it is also required at the time of inception. Folic acid is especially required for closing of fetus neural tube.