Tender Notice No. RE/UMB/EL//Advt./121 Date 27.11.2015

Chief Project Director, Railway Electrification, Ambala Cantt. for & on behalf of the President of India invites open tender for following work in sealed cover in the prescribed form which will be received up to 15.00 hours on date of opening shown below and opened at 15.30 hours on the same day and in case of holiday, the next working day shall be considered. The tender form can be purchased from the office of the Dy. Chief Electrical Engineer, Railway Electrification, Ambala Cantt and from the office of the Divisional Electrical Engineer, Railway Electrification, Jind on any working day from 01.12.2015 to date of opening shown below (the sale of tender form will be closed at 11.30 hrs on date of opening and for other days the sale will be from 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs) on cash payment to be deposited with the Divisional Cashier, Railway Electrification, Ambala Cantt. or by post by paying Rs.500/-(Non-refundable) extra.

S.n / Tender No. & Description of work / Approx. Cost
Rs. / Earnest Money
Rs. / Cost of Tender form Rs. / Completion period / Date & Place of opening tender
1. / RE/JIND/EL/Gr.160/TW/Repair/6501
Periodical Overhauling (POH)/Repair of Transmission system, Make- VOITH , Model T-311R of 8 Wheeler Tower Wagon No.6501 of RE Ambala. / 2335020/- / 46701/ / 3000/- / 03
(Three) Month) / On 04.01.2016
in the chamber of DEE/RE/JIND

Tender documents can also be downloaded from our website http://www.core.indianrailways.gov.in w.e.f 01.12.2015. If tender documents are downloaded, the cost of tender form must be deposited through Demand Draft/Money Receipt along with submission of tender otherwise the tender will be rejected.

The tender accompanied with earnest money in favour of Sr.AFA/RE/Ambala Cantt in the form of Demand Draft or in cash to be deposited with Divisional Cashier/RE/Ambala Cantt will be received up to 15:00 hours on the date and place of opening of tender shown against each. In case this date happens to be holiday, the next working day will stand substituted for the same.

Bank guarantee and FDR will not be accepted on earnest money. Standing earnest money from other unit will not

be accepted. Tender without earnest money will be rejected summarily.

NOTE : “Tenderer shall submit all the documents in support of minimum eligibility criteria/credentials

along with the Tender. No documents in support of minimum eligibility criteria/credentials will

be accepted/entertained after opening of the tender”.

For Chief Project Director

Rly. Electrification/Ambala Cantt

For & on behalf of the President of India

Copy to:


2. PA to CPM/RE/UMB.

3. PRO/RE/UMB for publication in newspapers of National as well as local of the area for wide publicity.


5. Divisional Cashier/RE/UMB.

6. Notice Board