Radolinski[l1]Lesson Plans 9/15/14---9/19/14—candy questions may occur at close when time allows…. Includes WIDA applications for ESL students-at bottom----Did not finish metric lab per 2/haven’t started imaging project HAP /a few need to makeup Bio pretest/interims come out Friday!/Bio needs graphing activity!Friday is early dismissal!
Biology-period 2-/Biology period1The study of characteristics of Life/BiochemBio 1 a-m/4c/6a/3a,b/7e/2a,b,c/4b/5e,g,h / Monday 9/15/14 / Tuesday 9/16/214 / WED.9/17/14 / Thurs.
9/18/14 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener/l.journal
Vocab quiz / Openers/l.journal/check ch 1 ws / Opners/learning journal / Openers, learning journal/check hw / Opener
Learning journal/check hw
Present new/review old(20-25) / Brief time to finish measurement lab and turn in / Go over ch 1 ws/review for chapt 1 test using manipulatives and review game / Ch 1 test / Quiz / Quiz- MY SOLS SO FAR
Activity(30-35) / Work on ch 1 review sheet in small grps / Microscope
lab / Graphing practice / Discuss ch2 notes and prepare for quiz
Guided Practice (10-15)
Reteach /review (10-15) / EXIT question / Exit question / Exit question / Exit question / Exit question
Closure (5-10) / Hw-ch 1 ws due tomorrow,ch 1 test Wed,microscope quiz Thursday and due Thursday(lab)/chapter 2 vocab due Friday quiz 1 on ch 2 Friday / Hw- ch 1 test Wed,microscope quiz Thursday and due Thursday(lab)/chapter 2 vocab due Friday quiz 1 on ch 2 Friday / Hw- microscope quiz Thursday and due Thursday(lab)/chapter 2 vocab due Friday quiz 1 on ch 2 Friday / Hw-chapter 2 vocab due Friday quiz 1 on ch 2 Friday + or praphing quiz / Hw- quiz
Human Anatomy and Physiology-periods 1 and 3 /diagnostics/Biochem/imaging/cells and tissues / Monday 9/15/14 / Tuesday-9/16/14 / WED.
9/17/14 / Thurs.
9/18/14 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / opener –
learning journal/quiz / Opener
/l.journal / opener –
learning journal / Opener/lj
Check hw / Opener/lj
Check hw
Present new/review old(20-25) / Finish House episode and notes / quiz / quiz / test / Discuss notes and ppt
Activity(30-35) / Finish notes / Macromolecule lab / Review for test/imaging project / Imaging in comp lab / Rat dissection
Guided Practice (10-15) / Ch 3 notes handed out
Reteach /review (10-15)
Closure (5-10) / Hw-quiz tomorrow/test ch 2 Thursday/imaging project-due date TBD/lab this week-due Wed,ch 3 text due Friday and Ch 3 wrkbk due Tuesday-next week,wrkbk(ch 2) due tomorrow / Hw-quiz tomorrow/test ch 2 Thursday/imaging project-due date TBD/lab this week-due Wed,ch 3 text due Friday and Ch 3 wrkbk due Tuesday-next week / Hw-test ch 2 Thursday/imaging project-due date TBD/,ch 3 text due Friday and Ch 3 wrkbk due Tuesday-next week / Hw-imaging project-due date TBD/,ch 3 text due Friday and Ch 3 wrkbk due Tuesday-next week / Hw-/imaging project-due date TBD/ and Ch 3 wrkbk due Tuesday-next week/rat quiz Tuesday
Comprehensive Application of WIDA Standard 4: Language of Science- Unit 1(Nature of Science
Q1 / Levels 1 -2 / Levels 3 - 5
Linguistic Complexity
Discourse Level
(questions from Essential Knowledge and Skills VADOE Curriculum Framework) / If you change the temperature and determine how long it takes for your sample to boil, temperature is the independent/dependent variable?
Which of the following are not classified under the science of biology, cars, humans, and/or trees?
If you change the temperature and determine how long it takes for your sample to boil, how long it boils is the independent/dependent variable? / What is the independent variable in this experiment? The independent variable in this experiment is ______?
What is homeostasis? Homeostasis is maintaining internal conditions despite changes in the environment.
What is the study of living things? Biology is the study of living things.
What is mass? Mass is ____
The mass of ____ was _____.
Language Forms & Conventions
Sentence Level / independent variable = variable “I” manipulate or change = variable graphed on x axis (horizontal axis)
bio = life/living; biology is the study of life; living things / Homeostasis = body temperature is constant not a home
Vocabulary Usage
Word/phrase Level / independent variable
dependent variable
biology / independent variable
dependent variable
Assessment / Vocabulary Quiz/Daily Warm-ups/Questioning during lectures / Vocabulary Quiz/Daily Warm-ups/Questioning during lectures