
You will write a script that features your super hero in action.

Group work:

  • This is a group project, and since you elected to do a group project rather than the independent choice, you are expected to work well with your group.
  • You must demonstrate cooperative and on-task behavior in order for this experience to be productive and for you to earn a good grade.
  • Your group will plan the plot together, but the scene-writing will occur independently. Working together to create a plot involves a willingness to compromise and accept the ideas of others. Again, this is an important part of the group experience you chose.
  • Each member of the group must take responsibility for an equal number of scenes. You will be graded independently on your writing.
  • To insure productivity, you may not meet with your group until your scene writing is accomplished. Others are depending on your work ethic. If you do not produce in a reasonable amount of time, you will be removed from the group and assigned one of the independent projects. What is a reasonable amount of time? I will set daily goals and give you the night to complete what you need to at home.
  • Each individual group member must turn in a script for an individual grade, but the group relies upon your work to move forward to performance.

Script requirements:

  • Be sure and follow the format demonstrated in the sample script. Your ability to copy the model’s format will be part of your grade. Make sure you include directions in your play for how actors should present their lines, setting, and even camera angles. Remember, you are writing a script that may be performed by someone other than you, so directions must be clear!


  1. Script model
  2. Plot organizer
  3. Rubric

Scenes/Events in Story
Scene 1: Origin: Where did the super hero come from and how did he acquire his powers?
Scene 2: Society he lives in: describe the society and the problems it faces. What is the superhero dedicated to fighting?
Scene 3: Debut: give the super hero a chance to flex his or her super hero muscles.
Scene 4: Every super hero has a day job? Introduce the super hero’s alter ego.
Scene 5: Round 1: first encounter with super villain. Your hero may be tempted to kill the villain off, but he must either let the villain go or you can have the villain escape.
Scene 6:Super villain makes his evil plans which include revenge. What are his plans for society and the super hero?
Scene 7: Round 2: villain’s attempt at revenge (what is your super hero’s vulnerability? How does he escape for the clutches of the villain?
Scene 8: Round 3: climactic battle. How does the super hero thwart the villain’s evil plans and save the day?
Scene 9: Epilogue: What happens to the villain? What happens to society when the villain is neutralized? What happens to the super hero?

Rules for Play Writing

  1. Directions are written in parenthesis. Ex: BOB: (speaking in a stern voice)
  1. The speaking character’s name is at the beginning of his/her line and is in all caps with a colon following the name. Ex: JIM:
  1. There is a space between each speaker
  1. Dialogue is the story, so make sure it tells who the characters are and advances plot

Sample script below:

The Storm

by John E. Smith





Scene 1

(It is a stormy October night. The set is a living room with a center window. Sue is sitting by the window, nervously eyeing the storm. The camera zooms in on the window where rain is pounding against the panes. The wind howls, thunder roars, and white-hot lightning can be seen exploding in the sky. Bob enters the front door to the living room, soaking wet, and Sue gets up to greet him.

BOB: (speaking in a hurried voice) Yikes! That's one of the worst storms I've ever seen, Sue!

SUE: I know. And it's not letting up. I think that the wind is getting worse. Help me get this wet jacket off, Bob, and we can try to start a fire.

BOB: Well, you can try, but I don't think you'll get too far. That wood is soaking wet.

(Sound of howling in the distance.)

BOB: (stuttering) What the heck was that?


NAME: ______

Focus (10)


Dialogue advances plot and reveals character traits.

Content (10)

Three scenes developed according to agreed upon plot structure (choices below)

__Origin story and description of super hero

__Description of his society and its problem

__Debut event

__Description of villain

__First battle with villain

__Villain’s evil plan

__Round 2: villain’s revenge

__Climactic battle


Organization (10)______

Events are logically connected

Transitions are present through dialogue

Directions for actors are clearly written

Directions for set and camera are clearly written

Style (10)______

Language/voice is appropriate for characters and situation

Tense is consistent and appropriate

Expression is clear/ no overuse of pronouns

Format (10)______

Title, author and cast is centered

The speaking character’s name is at the beginning of his/her lines and is in all caps with a colon following the name

There is a space between each speaker

Directions for actors are written in parenthesis

Directions for set and camera are in parenthesis

Convention (10)______





NAME: ______

Individual Performance (30)______

Speak clearly and in audible volume

Memorized script and demonstrated evidence of preparation

Use appropriate expression

Group collaboration (10)______

Worked cooperatively on plot development

Stayed on task throughout writing and rehearsal

Group contribution (10)______

Brought in costume, prop, or anything else that contributed to production
