Wasabi Publicity, Inc.
Michelle Tennant
Activate The Mind-Muscle Connection
Fitness Behavior Expert Dan Nguyen Empowers People to
Create Health and Wellness from Within
More than two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, despite all the fads and trends in diet and exercise aimed at getting people fit. And even those who work out regularly can get stuck on a fitness plateau, far short of the results they seek. Go to the gym seven days a week like Fitness Behavior Expert Dan Nguyen (pronounced WIN), and you will see people doing the same exercises over and over who are just maintaining their level of fitness or even losing ground. Why is it people can work out and diet religiously and still get stuck? "It has to do with the visualization – people go to the gym and they go through their routine with no focus, no intention behind it," Dan says.Dan is an authority on the mind-muscle connection. At age 40, he has stayed in the top levels of fitness (and the single digits in body fat) for 20 years using this approach.
Suggested Intro:Why is it some people diet and exercise for years with little to show for it, while others seem to have no trouble maintaining a healthy physique as they age? With us today is Dan Nguyen (SAY WIN), a fitness behavior expert who specializes in the mind-muscle connection. Learn more at DanNguyenInc.com. Welcome, Dan. Why do you say people should exercise the mind to get and stay in shape?
- Understanding the Why Behind Fitness Procrastination – Dan coaches clients to change their focus from negative thoughts that dissuade them from exercising to positive visualizations that spur lasting health and wellness. He shares three ways to stop procrastinating and achieve fitness goals.
- Dan's ABCs of Health and Wellness – Dan explains his “ABCs” for fitness: Finding an Activity you love, focusing mentally on the Behavior you want, and achieving Consistency in healthy habits for lasting results.
- Visualize Rock-Hard Abs – Dan shares how visualizing your muscles during a workout improves focus and results, or as he says, “muscle grows where your intention goes.”
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Some suggested QUESTIONS for Dan:
- One of the biggest obstacles for people exercising regularly is procrastination – it is just too easy and tempting for many of us to avoid working out. How do you help your clients stop procrastinating?
- You have an “ABC” formula that has helped you stay at the top level of fitness for 20 years. What are your secrets?
- What is visualization and how do you use it in your workouts?
- Why do you believe that muscle grows where your intention goes?
- How can people focus to improve their workouts?
- What are some of the pitfalls of exercising without focusing?
- You combine aerobic and strength-training to maximize the efficiency of your workouts. Explain how people can work out their abs and build muscle while doing cardio exercises.
- What is in the guided meditations that are part of your Absin8 program?
- It is hard to believe it looking at you now, but you were once overweight. Do you have any secrets when it comes to diet?
- We have heard about how walking and moving regularly is critical for health and well-being. What are some easy ways people can incorporate movement into their daily lives?
- In the “don't try this at home” category, I understand you meditate in a tub of ice cold water every day. How long have you been doing this, and why?
To book Danor another Wasabi expert, call Michelle Tennant 828-749-3200,