Radharani Club Thank You List

Thanks to the teamwork of the Radharani Club members, we designed a painted outfit and sponsored it for Srimati Radharani's Appearance Day along with all new jewelry. Members include those that give donations regularly, participate in bake sales, sponsor jewelry or flowers, sew, make jewelry, make vases, or decorate.

The night dress and the crown that Srimati Radharani wore was sponsored by members of the Radharani Club. Thank you Premananda Gaura das, Mayapur Malini devi dasi,and sons.

Thanks to all of the following devotees for their contributions for Radharani's offerings on Radhastami:

  • Pancali devi dasi and Sacisundari devi dasi saw the outfit and planned for the pastime to be Radharani crowned Queen of Vrndavana.
  • Pancali devi dasi and Shyamalangi devi dasi came up with an overall decoration plan.
  • Draupadi devi dasi, Haripuja devi dasi, Kadambari devi dasi, Lila devi dasi, Tulasi Sadkin and Rasa Manjari devi dasi helped to sew the outfit.
  • Premamanjari devi dasi for making the big and small Deities' belts, anklets and bracelets.
  • Saci Sundari devi dasi and Haripriya devi dasi for helping with some of the anklets.
  • Sumati devi dasi and the Radharani Club founders for stringing the necklaces.
  • Pancali devi dasi for the hanging vine decorations.
  • Shyamalangi devi dasi for the roof decorations.
  • Iccha Shakti devi dasi for the large vases behind the Deities.
  • Bhaja Govinda devi dasi for the baskets of flowers in front of the Deities.
  • Rasa Manjari devi dasi for sewing the gopi's clothes and decorating them.
  • Saci Sundari devi dasi for making the umbrellas.
  • Visakha devi dasi for Srila Prabhupada's vases.
  • The children and teachers of the Bhaktivedanta Academy for sponsoring the hot pink and coral necklaces and bracelets.
  • Prabhupada Prana das for painting Radhe-Shyam's forest thrones.
  • All the flower sponsors.
  • Vishnupriya devi dasi and Godruma das for sponsoring the morning garlands.
  • Harinam devi dasi for flowers from Hawaii.
  • Lokasaksini devi dasi, Tulasi devi dasi and another devotee for the three altar cakes offered.
  • Madhavi devi dasi and Visakha devi dasi for the Temple room decorations.
  • Ratnesvari devi dasi, Jasmindevi dasi, Nataka Chandrika devi dasi and Ananta devi dasi for their help with bake sales, members, accounting, etc.
  • Laksmana devi dasi, Pancali devi dasi and Haripuja devi dasi for preparing and dividing all of the flowers into projects.
  • Anapayini Jakupko and Lila devi dasi for Radhe-Shyam's garlands in the morning.
  • And the dressers for all the other garlands made in the morning.
  • The devotees who assisted their guru in dressing the Deities in the morning:
  • Gaura-Nitai – Draupadidevi dasi
  • chota Gaura-Nitai – Karunesvaridevi dasi
  • Radhe-Shyam - Haripuja devi dasi and Ratnesvaridevi dasi
  • chota Radhe-Shyam - Rasa Manjaridevi dasi
  • Krsna-Balarama - Nitai Priyadevi dasi
  • chota Krsna-Balarama – Liladevi dasi
  • Lord Nrsrngha - Saci Sundari devi dasi
  • The night dressers who assisted their guru in dressing the Deities:
  • Gaura-Nitai – Saraladevi dasi
  • chota Gaura-Nitai – Nandaranidevi dasi
  • Radhe-Shyam – Raghunatha das
  • chota Radhe-Shyam – Gopapatnidevi dasi
  • Krsna-Balarama – Jayantidevi dasi
  • chota Krsna-Balarama - Guru Prasad devi dasi and Devarata das
  • Lord Nrsimha - Krishna Kripa