RAD-AID International Roundtable Meeting Minutes 11/8/15
Points of interest, discussion- What stood out to you from the conference?
- There are increased opportunities for technology and IT
- Concern for sustainability of individual chapters, not just the projects
- Important to stay unified with chapters on west coast- not let distance interfere
- Chapters want to start new projects but not “remake the wheel”- value in collaboration
- Canadian involvement- new interest
- Presentations of increasing pediatric projects and technologist involvement- are promising
- Impressed by the contacts that you make within RAD-AID and the wide variety of types of projects
- We have yet to make use of regional connections
- Global health radiology elective for medical students
- Difficulty of getting chapter member involvement- more than on a superficial level.
- Communication between chapters- possible once a year regional meeting. Discussed role of social media.
- Renewal process- important to do yearly so we know chapter is still functioning and that projects still have leadership
- Role of ultrasound- appropriate usage. Residents- not all get hands on training. **Unanimous support for creating basic ultrasound curriculum before travel**
- Possible regional seminar
- From RAD-AID Volunteers, in prep for international travel/context. Not a substitute for US clinical training. Would be free.
- Important to be able to quickly assess the level of the person you work with
- Need involvement at Cape Verde
- Making connections with vendors- RAD-AID can help you facilitate because of our bargaining power
- Logistics of purchasing units
- Importance of radiology readiness assessment before equipment donation
- We need to keep track of existing radiology projects in other countries so we don’t replicate
- Leadership within RAD-AID- 3 types: Functional (I.e. pediatrics, informatics, women’s health- has no borders), Geographic (I.e. Asia, Latin America, etc), In Country. Usually the geographic/regional leader keeps track of other existing non-profits in the area.
- Recommended to put sustaining the project first before sustaining the chapter. The chapter will strengthen around the project.
- Discussion around web resources for chapters
- Listing by country instead of by chapter on web page
- Having contact be a rad-aid management team- a permanent contact
- Subscribing to listserv of needs and upcoming projects
- Individualized log on
- Forum= searching for questions that have already been asked
- Can be technical- info that has already been learned from projects/trips
- Subject headings and searchability
- A role for a chapter member can be checking the forum
- Content- Geographic vs. functional
- The global health department at your institution can be a helpful connection
- Need help with PACS projects informatics
- Questions of funding
- Education account at the end of the year
- RAD-AID grants for management team projects, technologist grants through ASRT
- Recognizing the gap between public policy and on the ground projects
- Importance of radiology in public health- publicizing that more with concrete figures on the needs
- Funding
- Fundraisers
- Self-funding- is tax deductible
- Grants
- RAD-AID can help you pitch to grant givers- they give donation to RAD-AID for you to avoid looking like a pay off
- 3rd party funding, I.e. your institution
- Using meeting presenting money- teaching funds- you can present a letter that RAD-AID has invited X to teach at X hospital