Race Consultant Job Description

  • Call, e-mail,visit race directors/sponsors/associated businesses that might be involved with events to offer your services and to help them create the best events possible.
  • Help events with design of courses, including certification.
  • Get events signed up to do online registration at .
  • Help events with items like t-shirts, entry forms, awards, envelopes, checks, giveaways, timing, sponsors, direct mail.
  • Help events remember to do everything on theDatabar event checklist.
  • Help race directors with their other races or other business they are involved in.
  • Help race directors use Databar Events services to the fullest, like post-race surveys to runners and direct mail marketing pieces, and email messages to current or past participants of their races
  • Participate in some of your clients’ events by racing or volunteering at them.

Some advantages of this job

  • If you love racing, this is the job for you. You will be able to write off all your racing travels and equipment used at races.
  • If you are a self-starter you will make plenty of income. Repeat business is yours.
  • You are your own boss and you get to choose who your clients are.
  • You get to interact behind the events you love with the people who put them on.
  • This is a commission-based job, so the better you are, the more you get. There is no limit to your income.
  • You get to work with the same clients/people for years and years
  • Tons of freedom/flexibility.
  • Databar Inc. group has been in business since 1978. We have a well-established business network.
  • We have monthly marketing training as a company that you can come to meet new vendors, see what is new in the market, and learn tips to improve your client relationships.
  • You can explore other markets if you wish to. Learn more at

Possible disadvantages of this job

  • You need to be a self starter, if you don’t do anything you don’t make anything.
  • Usually the startup of your clients takes time, but when you have them as a client you have them for a long time 
  • If you don’t like racing/participating in events, this is probably not the job for you.

Feel free to email or call with questions or stop by and we can go for a run and

253-770-7338 x 253