Multidimensional Scaling
1. Classical Metric MDS
1.a. European Cities Data (from book)
V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
Athens 0 1119 1777 1486 1475 1303 646 1013
Berlin 1119 0 817 577 1159 545 736 327
Dublin 1777 817 0 291 906 489 1182 1135
London 1486 577 291 0 783 213 897 904
Madrid 1475 1159 906 783 0 652 856 1483
Paris 1303 545 489 213 652 0 694 859
Rome 646 736 1182 897 856 694 0 839
Warsaw 1013 327 1135 904 1483 859 839 0
cities = rownames(cities.dist)
colnames(cities.dist) = cities
Athens Berlin Dublin London Madrid Paris Rome Warsaw
Athens 0 1119 1777 1486 1475 1303 646 1013
Berlin 1119 0 817 577 1159 545 736 327
Dublin 1777 817 0 291 906 489 1182 1135
London 1486 577 291 0 783 213 897 904
Madrid 1475 1159 906 783 0 652 856 1483
Paris 1303 545 489 213 652 0 694 859
Rome 646 736 1182 897 856 694 0 839
Warsaw 1013 327 1135 904 1483 859 839 0
cities.mds = cmdscale(cities.dist, k=2)
identify(cities.mds, labels=cities)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Compare to the map of Europe.
1.b. More European Cities Data
Athens Barcelona Brussels Calais Cherbourg Cologne Copenhagen
Barcelona 3313
Brussels 2963 1318
Calais 3175 1326 204
Cherbourg 3339 1294 583 460
Cologne 2762 1498 206 409 785
Copenhagen 3276 2218 966 1136 1545 760
Geneva 2610 803 677 747 853 1662 1418
Gibraltar 4485 1172 2256 2224 2047 2436 3196
Hamburg 2977 2018 597 714 1115 460 460
Hook of Holland 3030 1490 172 330 731 269 269
Lisbon 4532 1305 2084 2052 1827 2290 2971
Lyons 2753 645 690 739 789 714 1458
Madrid 3949 636 1558 1550 1347 1764 2498
Marseilles 2865 521 1011 1059 1101 1035 1778
Milan 2282 1014 925 1077 1209 911 1537
Munich 2179 1365 747 977 1160 583 1104
Paris 3000 1033 285 280 340 465 1176
Rome 817 1460 1511 1662 1794 1497 2050
Stockholm 3927 2868 1616 1786 2196 1403 650
Vienna 1991 1802 1175 1381 1588 937 1455
euro.mds = cmdscale(eurodist, k=2)
plot(euro.mds, type="n")
text(euro.mds, rownames(euro.mds))
euro.mds[,2] = -1*euro.mds[,2]
plot(euro.mds, type="n")
text(euro.mds, rownames(euro.mds))
1.c. State Presidential Voting Patterns 1960-1976
repub = votes.repub[,27:31]
X1960 X1964 X1968 X1972 X1976
Alabama 41.75 69.5 14.0 72.4 43.48
Alaska 50.94 34.1 45.3 58.1 62.91
Arizona 55.52 50.4 54.8 64.7 58.62
Arkansas 43.06 43.9 30.8 68.9 34.97
California 50.10 40.9 47.8 55.0 50.89
Colorado 54.63 38.7 50.5 62.6 55.89
repub.dist = dist(repub) # create a distance matrix
repub.mds = cmdscale(repub.dist, k=2)
plot(repub.mds, type="n")
Note that metric MDS on Euclidean distanceis equivalent to PCA (up to reflection).
repub.pca = prcomp(repub)
plot(-repub.pca$x[,1],-repub.pca$x[,2], type="n")
text(repub.mds,, col="red",cex=.9)
Convince yourself that metric MDS on non-Euclidean distance is not equivalent to PCA by trying the following:
pvalue =2.5
repub.dist = dist(repub,method='minkowski',p=pvalue)
repub.mds = cmdscale(repub.dist, k=2)
plot(-repub.pca$x[,1],-repub.pca$x[,2], type="n")
text(repub.mds,, col="red",cex=.9)
2. Nonmetric MDS
With nonmetric MDS, we don’t try to match the distances precisely, only to get them in the right order.
2.a. Car dissimilarity data
Read 55 items
rownames(car.dis) = c("BMW","Ford","Infiniti","Jeep","Lexus", "Chrysler","Mercedes","Saab","Porsche","Volvo")
colnames(car.dis) = rownames(car.dis)
BMW Ford Infiniti Jeep Lexus Chrysler Mercedes Saab Porsche Volvo
BMW 0 34 8 31 7 43 3 10 6 33
Ford 34 0 24 2 26 14 28 18 39 11
Infiniti 8 24 0 25 1 35 5 20 41 22
Jeep 31 2 25 0 27 15 29 17 38 12
Lexus 7 26 1 27 0 37 4 13 40 23
Chrysler 43 14 35 15 37 0 42 36 45 9
Mercedes 3 28 5 29 4 42 0 19 32 30
Saab 10 18 20 17 13 36 19 0 21 16
Porsche 6 39 41 38 40 45 32 21 0 44
Volvo 33 11 22 12 23 9 30 16 44 0
car.nmds = isoMDS(car.dis, k=2)
initial value 10.466056
iter 5 value 6.523088
iter 10 value 4.865126
iter 15 value 4.088399
iter 20 value 4.003118
final value 3.989006
identify(car.nmds$points, labels=rownames(car.dis))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] 3.989006
2.b. Shepard Plot
The Shepard plot shows how well the projected distances match those in the distance (dissimilarity) matrix.
delta = as.dist(car.dis)
BMW Ford Infiniti Jeep Lexus Chrysler Mercedes Saab Porsche
Ford 34
Infiniti 8 24
Jeep 31 2 25
Lexus 7 26 1 27
Chrysler 43 14 35 15 37
Mercedes 3 28 5 29 4 42
Saab 10 18 20 17 13 36 19
Porsche 6 39 41 38 40 45 32 21
Volvo 33 11 22 12 23 9 30 16 44
d = dist(car.nmds$points)
BMW Ford Infiniti Jeep Lexus Chrysler
Ford 32.8060844
Infiniti 18.1377177 29.7624491
Jeep 32.6456779 0.1622511 29.6418391
Lexus 18.0181026 30.0796050 0.3569870 29.9583991
Chrysler 47.7686100 19.7866165 37.3082959 19.9064684 37.6642511
Mercedes 10.3618904 34.1466512 9.6963302 34.0012532 9.4414663 45.2285751
Saab 14.9538173 18.0201463 19.2685742 17.8581765 19.4326852 34.8212118
Porsche 19.9019022 37.7507222 36.9161416 37.6016077 36.8838082 56.7975285
Volvo 33.5204834 16.3158408 21.5573819 16.3076783 21.9131138 15.7526137
Mercedes Saab Porsche
Saab 18.9017790
Porsche 30.2506671 23.0762257
Volvo 29.7370576 22.8928864 45.9630773
plot(d, delta, pch=16) = Shepard(delta, car.nmds$points)
plot($y,$x, pch=16)# Book's orientation
points($yf,$x, pch=3,col="red")
2.c. Drug Use Data – Starting with Similarities
Read 91 items
rownames(drug.cor) = c("Cigarettes","Beer","Wine","Liquor","Cocaine", "Tranquillizers","Medication","Heroin","Marijuana","Hashish", "Inhalants","Hallucinogenics","Amphetamines")
colnames(drug.cor) = rownames(drug.cor)
Cigarettes Beer Wine Liquor Cocaine Tranquillizers Medication
Cigarettes 1.000 0.447 0.422 0.435 0.114 0.203 0.091
Beer 0.447 1.000 0.619 0.604 0.068 0.146 0.103
Wine 0.422 0.619 1.000 0.583 0.053 0.139 0.110
Liquor 0.435 0.604 0.583 1.000 0.115 0.258 0.122
Cocaine 0.114 0.068 0.053 0.115 1.000 0.349 0.209
Tranquillizers 0.203 0.146 0.139 0.258 0.349 1.000 0.221
Heroin Marijuana Hashish Inhalants Hallucinogenics Amphetamines
Cigarettes 0.082 0.513 0.304 0.245 0.101 0.245
Beer 0.063 0.445 0.318 0.203 0.088 0.199
Wine 0.066 0.365 0.240 0.183 0.074 0.184
Liquor 0.097 0.482 0.368 0.255 0.139 0.293
Cocaine 0.321 0.186 0.303 0.272 0.279 0.278
Tranquillizers 0.355 0.315 0.377 0.323 0.367 0.545
A correlation matrix is an example of a similarity matrix, where larger values represent more similar (closer) cases, rather than more distant ones. To do NMDS, we need a distance matrix. Since only order matters, we simply need to find a transformation that reverses the order of values, while putting 0s in on the diagonal.
For a matrix such as a correlation matrix, where the diagonal values are all the same and the largest value in the matrix, we can simply subtract each element from that diagonal value.
drug.dist = 1-drug.cor
Cigarettes Beer Wine Liquor Cocaine Tranquillizers Medication
Cigarettes 0.000 0.553 0.578 0.565 0.886 0.797 0.909
Beer 0.553 0.000 0.381 0.396 0.932 0.854 0.897
Wine 0.578 0.381 0.000 0.417 0.947 0.861 0.890
Liquor 0.565 0.396 0.417 0.000 0.885 0.742 0.878
Cocaine 0.886 0.932 0.947 0.885 0.000 0.651 0.791
Tranquillizers 0.797 0.854 0.861 0.742 0.651 0.000 0.779
Heroin Marijuana Hashish Inhalants Hallucinogenics Amphetamines
Cigarettes 0.918 0.487 0.696 0.755 0.899 0.755
Beer 0.937 0.555 0.682 0.797 0.912 0.801
Wine 0.934 0.635 0.760 0.817 0.926 0.816
Liquor 0.903 0.518 0.632 0.745 0.861 0.707
Cocaine 0.679 0.814 0.697 0.728 0.721 0.722
Tranquillizers 0.645 0.685 0.623 0.677 0.633 0.455
drug.nmds = isoMDS(drug.dist, k=2)
initial value 15.940769
iter 5 value 9.794369
iter 10 value 8.970287
final value 8.941970
identify(drug.nmds$points, labels=rownames(drug.dist))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 = Shepard(as.dist(drug.dist), drug.nmds$points)
plot($y,$x, pch=16)
points($yf,$x, pch=3,col="red")
A more general approach to converting a similarity matrix to a dissimilarity matrix uses the formula where is the element in the rth row and sth column of the similarity matrix, and is the same for the dissimilarity matrix. This ensures that the diagonal elements of the dissimilarity matrix will all be 0, even if the diagonals of the similarity matrix vary.
drug.dist2 =matrix(0, nrow=13, ncol=13)
for (i in 1:13) for (j in 1:13) drug.dist2[i,j] = sqrt(drug.cor[i,i]-2*drug.cor[i,j]+drug.cor[j,j])
plot(drug.dist, drug.dist2)
Since the dissimilarity matrices are essentially the same, they lead to very similar solutions.
drug.nmds2 = isoMDS(drug.dist2, k=2)
initial value 18.198520
iter 5 value 9.087638
final value 8.874961
identify(drug.nmds2$points, labels=rownames(drug.dist))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
drug.sh2 = Shepard(as.dist(drug.dist), drug.nmds2$points)
plot(drug.sh2$y, drug.sh2$x, pch=16)
points(drug.sh2$yf, drug.sh2$x, pch=3,col="red")
# Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
# From your book, a set of distances between European cities
cities.dist <- read.table("CITIES.txt", row.names=1)
cities <- rownames(cities.dist)
colnames(cities.dist) <- cities
cities.mds <- cmdscale(cities.dist, k=2)
identify(cities.mds, labels=cities)
# A similar example from R
euro.mds <- cmdscale(eurodist, k=2)
plot(euro.mds, type="n")
text(euro.mds, rownames(euro.mds))
euro.mds[,2] <- -1*euro.mds[,2]
plot(euro.mds, type="n")
text(euro.mds, rownames(euro.mds)) <- Shepard(as.dist(eurodist),euro.mds)
plot($y,$x, pch=16)# Book's orientation
points($yf,$x, pch=3,col="red")
# Examine States by Voting Patterns, 1960-1976
repub <- votes.repub[,27:31]
repub.dist <- dist(repub) # create a distance matrix
repub.mds <- cmdscale(repub.dist, k=2)
plot(repub.mds, type="n")
repub.pca <- prcomp(repub)
plot(-repub.pca$x[,1],repub.pca$x[,2], type="n")
text(repub.mds,, col="red")
# Nonmetric MDS - Car Dissimilarity Data
library(MASS)# Needed for nonmetric MDS
car.dis <- read.tri("CAR.txt")
rownames(car.dis) <- c("BMW","Ford","Infiniti","Jeep","Lexus",
colnames(car.dis) <- rownames(car.dis)
car.nmds <- isoMDS(car.dis, k=2)
identify(car.nmds$points, labels=rownames(car.dis))
# Shepard diagram
delta <- as.dist(car.dis)
d <- dist(car.nmds$points)
plot(d, delta, pch=16) <- Shepard(delta, car.nmds$points)
plot($y,$x, pch=16)# Book's orientation
points($yf,$x, pch=3,col="red")
# Drug Use Data - Correlations as Variable Similarities
drug.cor <- read.tri("DRUG_USE.txt")
rownames(drug.cor) <- c("Cigarettes","Beer","Wine","Liquor","Cocaine",
colnames(drug.cor) <- rownames(drug.cor)
# Convert to distances - method 1 (works well for correlations)
drug.dist <- 1-drug.cor
drug.nmds <- isoMDS(drug.dist, k=2)
identify(drug.nmds$points, labels=rownames(drug.dist)) <- Shepard(as.dist(drug.dist), drug.nmds$points)
plot($y,$x, pch=16)
points($yf,$x, pch=3,col="red")
# Convert to distances - method 2 (more general)
drug.dist2 <-matrix(0, nrow=13, ncol=13)
for (i in 1:13) for (j in 1:13)
drug.dist2[i,j] <- sqrt(drug.cor[i,i]-2*drug.cor[i,j]+drug.cor[j,j])
plot(drug.dist, drug.dist2)
drug.nmds2 <- isoMDS(drug.dist2, k=2)
identify(drug.nmds2$points, labels=rownames(drug.dist))
drug.sh2 <- Shepard(as.dist(drug.dist), drug.nmds2$points)
plot(drug.sh2$y, drug.sh2$x, pch=16)
points(drug.sh2$yf, drug.sh2$x, pch=3,col="red")