4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Comprehensibility/ Pronunciation / Speech readily comprehensible.Pronunciation enhances communication. No
consistent mispronunciation.
Everything easily understood. / Speech comprehensible. Some identifiable deviations in pronunciation that do not interfere with communication. / Speech somewhat comprehensible. Errors in pronunciation that occasionally interfere with communication. / Speech barely comprehensible. Consistent pronunciation errors that frequently interfere with communication.
Fluency / Speech continuous with few pauses or stumbling. Reflects good preparation and rehearsal. Complete thoughts. / Some hesitation but manages to continue. Reflects adequate rehearsal. Some complete thoughts. / Speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses. Reflects inadequate rehearsal. Few complete thoughts. / Speech slow and exceedingly halting, strained and stumbling with long pauses and/or incomplete thoughts. Reflects little or no rehearsal.
Vocabulary / Rich use of vocabulary studied. All or almost all vocabulary words used correctly in context. / Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary. Most vocabulary words chosen were used correctly in context. / Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary.
Some of the vocabulary words were used correctly in context. / Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary. Few vocabulary words chosen were used correctly in context.
(Task Completion) / Addresses all criteria of the assignment. Content appropriate. Well organized. / Criteria adequately addressed. Content appropriate. Adequate but loose organization. / Criteria may not fully be addressed (writer may appear to skirt aspects of the assignment). Content mostly appropriate. Lacks good organization. / Does not adequately address criteria of assignment.
Content frequently inappropriate. Confusing, disconnected organization. Difficult to follow.
Creativity / Original work of art with a high level of impact. Artwork incorporates almost all elements of the chosen style. Evidence of significant time and thought spent in creating the work of art. / Original work of art that has impact. Artwork incorporates most elements of the chosen style. Evidence of time and thought spent in creating the work of art. / Work of art that has subtle impact. Artwork incorporates some elements of the chosen style. Student work is adequate, but could improve with more time and effort spent in creating the work of art. / Work of art has very little, if any, impact. Artwork incorporates few elements of
the chosen style. Student effort is minimal with not much time or thought invested in creating the work of art.

Non-negotiables:1. Artwork is original.

2. Student uses style of one of the four artists studied.

  1. Oral presentation may not be read and no notes may be used. Rehearsal of

presentation should be evident.