City of Trenton

Planning Board

Conference and Public Hearing

Thursday, April 24, 2008

TrentonCity Hall

Board Members in Attendance:

Richard Potts, Chair

Joe Cooley, Vice Chair

Robert Zilinski

Peter Yull

Stephen Doyle

Staff in Attendance:

Andrew S. Carten, Director, Division of Planning

Bill Valocchi, Supervising Planner

Stephani Register, Senior Planner

Robert Leventhal, Planning Board Attorney

Donna Maywar, Interim Planning Board Secretary

Conference Session

A quorum was verified and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Potts at 7:14 PM. Mr. Cooley moved to adopt the minutes from the March 27th minutes with the following correction:

Correction - At the bottom of page 2 on the March 27th minutes there was a change in documented price range; should be changed from 319 to 119. Mr. Potts seconded.

Mr. Cooley moved to adopt the minutes from the April 10th meeting and Mr. Zelinsky seconded.

The following three Resolutions were memorialized:

Resolution #51280A

City of Trenton Planning Board Resolution Approving a Final Site Plan Application

Motioned- Joe Cooley

Seconded- Peter Yull

All were in favor

Resolution # J2008

City of Trenton Planning Board Resolution Approving a Preliminary Site Plan Application and a Parking Variance

Motioned – Peter Yull

Seconded- Joe Cooley

All were in favor

Resolution # h2008

City of Trenton Planning Board Resolution Approving a Preliminary Site Plan Application, A Preliminary Subdivision Application and a Conditional Use Permit.

Motioned – Joe Cooley

Seconded –Peter Yull

The following application was reviewed during the conference session:

Minor Subdivision Application: The City of Trenton, Department of Housing and Development intends to consummate two minor subdivisions to create lots for new industrial development and lots for a new greenway along the Assunpink Creek; Block 23102, Lot 1, 2; Block 23203, Lot1:Applicant City of Trenton.

The case during the conference session held to waive public hear. The aforementioned site was the old Carter Wallace site. The City waspreparing the site for industrial use and sought the Board’s approval on the minor subdivision. The City will bring deeds to the Planning Board for signing. The City is negotiating a deal with ConRail. The plan is to move the road closer to the Carter Wallace site and add some plantings for a buffer and create a greenway along the Assunpink creek.

Approve Minor Subdivision Application

Motioned – Mr. Yull

Seconded – Mr. Zilinski

All were in favor.

Waive Public Hearing

Motioned – Mr. Yull

Seconded – Mr. Zilinski

Mr. Carten announced that Item #1on the agenda for the Public Hearing was moved to May 8th. It was to be announced during the public hearing so that the applicant would not have to re-advertise.

In item #2 there was communication from Joe McIntyre stating that upon an initial review of the project there were some issues. Mr. McIntyre noted an issue with the drainage easement but that it seemed minor. There seemed to be no major issue with vehicular use.

The Conference session was completed at 7:31 PM.

The next meeting will be May 8th.

Public Hearing

Richard Potts called the Hearing to order at 7:50 PM. The first item was called before the Board.

Item #1- m2008- Preliminary Site Plan Application, a parking variance and a design waiver for an undersized unit: The applicant intends to consolidate two existing lots and renovate an existing building to create eight residential units with five off-street parking spaces: Location of Development: 222 – 224 East Hanover Street: City Tax Map: block 604, Lots 12 and 13: Applicant:Trenton Equities, LLC c/o Joseph L. Mooney III, 315 Market Street, Trenton, NJ 08611

Mr. Leventhal stated to the public that Trenton Equities LLC had been postponed to May 8th and that there would be no new notices for that case. The next case was called before the Board.

Item #2 – n2008 – Preliminary Site Application, Bulk Variance- The applicant proposes to expand an existing residential facility (Escher Street SRO): Location of Development: 50, 56 & 58 Escher Street: City Tax Map: Block 7901, Lots 8.02, 7 and 9.01: Applicant: Escher SRO Project, L.P. c/o Gary Backinoff, 123 Franklin Corner Road, Suite 206, Lawrenceville, NJ

Garry Backinoff, Counsellor at Law from Escher SRO, stated that the goal of the application was to improve the quality of life for the people that were serviced at the Escher Street facility. They wanted to make larger rooms and a more common area. The architect and the engineer along with Ron Brown and Howard Ryan, who had worked at the site for over 10 years, were in attendance.

James Lindermon, of LWEMR Architects, 140 Bay Street in Jersey City was sworn in. Mr. Lindermon had not appeared before the Trenton board before so he gave his qualifications as a professional architect and was accepted and qualified by Mr. Leventhal as a licensed architect in the State of New Jersey.

Mr. Lindermon explained the architecture of the planned SRO. The renovation would add a group of common spaces that did not exist at the current structure. There were also a series of required ADA standards that had to be added to the facility. They also wanted to enlarge the management offices and add housekeeping rooms. In order to do that, they had to displace some of the single rooms. Some of the spaces below-grade did not meet ADA standards and did not have the proper egress. Handicapped ramps and outside common areas would be added. They planned to remove the existing fence and barbed wire to add a decorative fence.Air-conditioning and ceiling fans were to be added to every room.

In reference to the Planning staff recommendation to remove some of the open space, Mr. Lindermon stated that they could comply but would like to defer the matter to final.

Mr. Lindermon explained that the applicant would accept planning staff’s comment to help on the fencing.

Mr. Lindermon expressed the benefits of granting the application and stated that he saw no negative aspects of upgrading the site.

Mr. Backinoff asked if there were any questions from the Board.

Mr. Cooley asked Mr. Lindermon how the upgrades changed access to the building. Mr. Lindermon explained the differences by referencing the site plan showing the proposed additions. He stated that a second means of entrance and a separate means of egress for fire would be added to the existing structure.

Mr. Zilinski asked if the building would be occupied during the renovation and the answer was yes.

Mr. Backinoff called James DeMuro of 24 W Cliff Street in Summerfield, New Jersey. Mr. DeMuro was sworn in by Mr. Leventhal and was accepted by Mr. Leventhal as a qualified, licensed engineer.

Mr. DeMuro stated that the site was made up of 3 lots totaling over 58,000 square feet, about an acre and a third. There are 27 or 28 parking spaces. .Sewer and gas lines would come out to Escher Street.

Mr. DeMuro referenced sheet 4 the site plan. Mr. DeMuro stated that he spoke with Fran Goeke to discuss the storm drains on the site. He stated hat they would come up with a landscaping plan and would work it out with the planning department.

In reference to the variances:

Front Yard Setback - They proposed a set back for the new construction but the existing edifice went right up to the street.

Parking Variance -According to the calculation 44 parking spaces would be needed. Twenty-seven (27) spaces were existing. Out of the 27 spaces, 14 were occupied and 13 were vacant. The applicant was not anticipating many new residences. They would be able to offer additional open space by keeping the parking as it was with 27 spaces.

Mr. DeMuro stated that the existing parking lot was underutilized and that there was no negative impact to keeping the parking spaces at 27.

Mr. DeMuro stated that he saw no problem in working with Planning on the issue.

Mr. DeMuro referenced the 1st comment from Mr. Lanning stating that there should be 1,255 sq. feet for open space but the applicant thought that it should be 120 sq feet for open space.

Mr. Potts asked if there were any questions from the Board or the public.

There were no other questions from the Board or the public. The following vote was set forth:

PRELIMINARY SITE APPLICATION with conditions and clarifications:

Motioned- Peter Yull

Seconded- Joe Cooley

All were in favor


Motioned – Joe Cooley

Seconded – Ronald Zilinski

All were in favor


Motioned – Joe Cooley

Seconded – Richard Potts

All were in favor

With no other business before the Board, Mr. Yull motioned to close the session and Mr. Zilinski seconded. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 in the evening.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Donna Maywar

Interim Planning Board Secretary