Foreign Policy Quiz #3: Medium Question (No introduction or conclusion). Should the United States continue to play the role of the world’s police? A successful response would show the need for assuming the role in the past and point to specific events to either stay the course or make a change.

Quiz Format: maps, matching and medium question. Key terms are in bold.

The Roots of the Cold War p. 838-839

How did the Cold War start (include who you think started it in your answer)?

Containment Around the World p. 840-843

How did George Kennan propose to contain communism?

How did Truman seek to contain communism (two part answer)?

*Truman Doctrine and George Kennan’s Long Telegram handout

Communist Victory in China p. 844

How did China become communist? Mao and Taiwan

The Korean War Begins P. 845-847

Why did the U.S. enter the Korean War?

Was the Korean War a success or failure? Why?

*Chart of Cold War tension, specifically Korean War, Sputnik, Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis

Vietnamese Independence p. 979- 983

Explain how each of the following Presidents played a role in the Vietnam War:

-Harry Truman

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

-John F. Kennedy

The Tet Offensive p. 992-993

How did General William Westmoreland describe the Tet Offensive?

How did Tet impact the war? Why?

Nixon, Vietnamization and Cambodia p. 995-997

What was Kissinger/Nixon’s plan for the Vietnam War?

How did the bombing of Cambodia and the Pentagon Papers (describe) influence public opinion about the Vietnam War? Explain.

Foreign Affairs Under Nixon p. 1016-1017

How was Nixon’s view on foreign affairs different than his predecessors? Incorporate realpolitik and détente into your answer.

Cold War Tensions Ease p. 1053-1054

How did Mikhail Gorbachev differ from his predecessors (include glasnost, perestroika and the INF Treaty in your response)?

Who was responsible for the end of the Cold War Reagan or Gorbachev (create two answers – one that argues for Gorbachev and one for Reagan)?

The Persian Gulf War p. 1059-1061

Why did the United States join the United Nations coalition in Saudi Arabia?

Was this war a success or failure? Why?

Sept. 11, 2001: A Day That Changed the World p. 1092-1093

Do you think this is an appropriate heading for this section? Why?

A Call to Action p. 1096-1097

How did September 11th change U.S. foreign policy?