
Try these websites to support homework and classwork 
On Monday and Tuesday written spelling homeworkwill be given for the next day but please practise spelling words every night as a check-up will be given on a Friday.On Wednesday Maths homework will be given for the next day. On Thursday Language homework will be given for the next day. Throughout the year other pieces of homework may be given such as health or IDS related tasks, these will have a longer period to be completed in and the due date will be on the task.
Please sign all homework.
Other Information
Children are encouraged to bring water insport cap type bottles into the classroom(NO flavoured water or juice please.)
Rag Bag Collection –early September
Interdisciplinary Study- George’s MarvellousMedicine (a novel by Roald Dahl).
How Parents/Carers can help
Help your child to complete the spelling activities. Encourage neat writing.
Ask your child 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication factsregularly e.g. 3x4, 5x6, 10x3 etc (include x6 for P5s) and mental addition and subtraction facts to 20 for P4s and up to 100 for P5s.
Listen to your child read from their reading book and also from a variety of other texts they are interested in e.g. non-fiction books, comics.
Have a go on the websites the children use in school (see homework section above).

Mauchline Primary School

QUICKSTART Leaflet for Parents 2017/18

CLASS Primary 4/5 TERM ONE TEACHERS Mrs Walkinshaw and Mrs Scarisbrick

Dear Parents and Carers,

Your child has moved into a new class with a new teacher, new routines and new timetables. The purpose of our QUICKSTART leaflet is to inform you about the routines, rules and teacher expectations in your child’s new class and to give you ideas on how you can support your child’s transition to the next stage of their school experience. A leaflet will be prepared for parents at the start of every term, however Terms 2, 3 and 4 leaflets will only be available online at

Class routines and timetables
Monday: Art Area
Wednesday:P.E. I.C.T. and change Library Books
Thursday: Hall Time
Requirements and equipment
Please send in an old shirt/t-shirt with your child’s name on it for art and craft activities.A pencil case with pencils and a rubber is needed daily.
Gym shoes, shorts and a t-shirt are required on gym and hall days – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please make sure that on these days your child is not wearing jewellery and long hair is tied back. (The children frequently benefit from visiting P.E. specialists. This may occur on a day that is not usually a gym day. Therefore if possible the children should bring their gym kit to school in a labelled bag and keep it in school).
Please write names on all jackets, sweatshirts, gym shoes, lunchboxesetc.

L McL Revised Sep 2013