1. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who says, “Our fans are great, our team

is nifty; we’re going to get blown out by fifty”?

Answer: Donovan CurtisP. 2

2. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why did Donovan broadcast the insult

over the PA system? Answer: He doesn’t know why he did it. p. 3

3. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what is the name of Donovan’s school?


4. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who are Donovan’s best friends? A: The two Daniels. p. 3

5. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how many kids were in detention after he broadcast the insult over the PA and who? A:1 (Donovan) p. 4

6. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did sanderson do after Mr. Fender left?

A: Opened the window so Donovan could get out. p. 4

7. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who kept Donovan in detention? A: Mr. Fender p. 4

8. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how full was the lot during baseball game? A: Jam-packed p. 6

9. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what happened when Donovan hit

Atlas’s butt with a branch? A: Atlas’s globe came rolling off his hand and smashed into the basketball gym. p. 8

10. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who caught Donovan? A: Dr. Shultz p. 12

11. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, How much did the bronze sphere

weigh? A: 400 pounds p. 15

12. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, hoe did Donovan look after getting no

sleep according to his sister? A: Like Wile E Coyote after road runner dropped him off a cliff. p. 18

13. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, What was Donovan’s sister’s name? A: Katie p. 18

14. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how old is Katie? A: 26 p. 18

15. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who called Donovan to the office? A: Mr. Fender p. 20

16. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, when did Katie’s mom in law drop off the dog?

A: Wednesday p. 22

17. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman What was Brad’s dog’s name? A: Beatrice p. 22

18. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who takes care of Beatrice while

Brad’s gone? A: First Franny then Donovan p. 24

19. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did the letter to Donovan’s

parents say? A: That Donovan was going to the gifted program. p. 25

20. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan think when he went

to the gifted program? A: That he would not last. p. 29

21. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what does Chloe think about being

gifted? A: That it is not a gift because gifts are free. p. 31

22. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what does Abigail think is a normal

activity? A: A robotics meet. p. 33

23. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan do in Kindergarten?

A: He got his tongue frozen to a fence. And jumped off a building with the gym

parachute. p. 35

24. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who are the smartest in the academy? A: Noah and Abigail p. 35

25. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, at first, what did Chloe think of

Donovan?A: That he was normalp. 36

26. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan name the robot?

A: The tinman p. 39

27. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who was the first to call the robot by

name? A: Laterral p. 39

28. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Latteral think Donovan was

trying to steal? A: His job as top mechanic p. 41

29. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what can Tinman do?

A: Navigate color-coded tracks and pick up inflatable rings. p. 42

30. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what does Chloe think ASD is good at? A: Being serious p. 43

31. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did the driver do when someone

threw a paper airplane at his head?A: He thought it was a physics experiment. p. 46

32. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan’s great-great-great

uncle do for a living? A: Spotter in WWI

33. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did JANEY? Do in moments of

stress? A: Said a random fact. p. 52

34. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, What did Mr. Osborne ask to be

called? A: Oz p. 54

35. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Chloe say about Donovan to

the Daniels? A: That he is cool. p. 58

36. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who was hunting Donovan? A: Dr. Schultz p.60

37. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Mr. Osborne think naming

the robot did? A: It humanized the robotics program. p. 64

38. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did the principal think about

Donovan at first? A: We found his strengths, now we need to find his weaknesses. p. 66

39. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how long total do you have to do

human growth and development? A: 40 hours p. 66

40. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, when was the first time Noah

laughed? A: When Donovan showed him YouTube. p. 70

41. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Chloe like about Donovan?

A: That he was normal. p. 72

42. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Mr. Osborne think about

Donvan’s smarts? A: That he was not gifted at all p. 62

43. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan think the problem

with the robot was? A: The driver p. 75

44. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Shapiro say when Donovan

said he had ADD? A: That often giftedness comes with a learning disability. p. 79

45. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who did Beatrice love most? A: Donovan p. 80

46. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan’s dad’s bumper

sticker say? A: Proud parent of an Honor at the Academy for Academic Distinction. p. 82

47. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what two things was Donovan happy n

robotics about? A: That he named it, and drove it. p. 86

48. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what does the teacher for humangrowth and development have to be? A: State certified, or someone pregnant p. 89

49. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why did Donovan want Katie to help

with human growth and development? A: So the teachers would take their eyes off how ungifted Donovan is p. 91

50. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how did Chloe describe Katie’s belly at

first? A: Like someone stretched a tablecloth over a prize-winning watermelon. p. 93

51. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Abigail think of Donovan?

A: That he was a self-centered jerk who was not gifted. p. 94

52. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, on the first day or human growth and

development, with Katie, what did Katie bring? A: Sonogram pictures. p. 96

53. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Noah’s test score in math?

A: 0 out of 20, 1 out of 15, 4 of 35 p. 100

54. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why did Noah think no one laughed at

the academy? A: Because they cared too much about school. p. 103

55. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what type of underwear did Miss

Bel>??? Have? A: cartisian geometry underwear p. 105

56. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Oz say about the dance at

first? A: That it was an assignment to write about the dance. p. 107

57. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who saw Katie’s stomach on YouTube? A: Brad p.111

58. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how late was Katie’s doctor when

Donnie went with her? A: 40 minutes p. 114

59. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, What type of expression did Oz

assume during Katie’s doctor’s appointment? A: A far off, dreamy expression. p. 116

60. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, was it the frst time a hard castle dance

was moved? A: Yes p. 120

61. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what is the definition of insanity

according to Dr. Schultz? A: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result. p. 120

62. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what type of wardrobe did Chloe think

she had? A: One for doing chores. p. 121

63. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what could you NOT wear to the

school dance? A: no t-shirts with improper language, no torn jeans or miniskirts that could double

as headbands. p. 124

64. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Noah’s outfit supposed to

look like? A: The angel of death where he fought kidnirtroat the royal ruble. p. 128

65. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, at the dance, who thought it was the

best night of their life? A: Chloe Garfinkle p. 130

66. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan call the gifted

academy when he was at the dance? A: The land of misfit toys.

p. 131 67. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, whe did the Daniels dance with first?

A: Abigail Lee p. 133

68. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who did the Daniels dance with

second?A: Chloe Garfinklep. 135

69. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did the Daniels want to see most

at the academy? A: The Tinman. p. 139

70. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why was Donovan at the gifted

academy? A: He was hideing. p. 141

71. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, during the dance, when Donovan was

about to leave, what was in the center of the gym? A: The Tinman p. 143

72. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who pulled the fire alarm at the

dance? A: Dr. Schultz p. 147

73. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what part of Tinman was permanently

damaged? A: The engine for the lift mechanism. p. 149

74. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, where did Donovan find a spare

motor? A: In a floor polisher in the custodian’s office p. 152

75. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Oz’s opinion about the spare

motor? A: That they had solved a problem, and that is what the robot program is all about.p. 155

76. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Noah do to Sanderson at the

dance? A: A black eye p. 160

77. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why does Donovan not like the Daniels anymore?

A: Because the Daniels think they can treat gifted kids like they don’t measure up as humans. p. 162

78. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how many times did Chloe offer to help Donovan study? A: 20 p. 166

79. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who found out that Beatrice was pregnant?

A: Noah. p. 168

80. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, when Donovan said later, guys, what

did he mean? A: he meant Goodbye. p. 170

81. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what happened to Donovan’s

computer during the retest?

A: Someone hacked into his computer and took the test for him. p. 172

82. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why is Donovan good with a joy stick?

A: Because he plays a lot of play station and X-box. p. 176

83. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who did miss Belqueva’s colleagues

take their lead from when arguing if Donovan would be allowed to stay? A: The principal p. 178

84. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who was the first person they

questioned for cheating on Donovan’s test? A: Donovan p. 182

85. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who confirmed that Beatrice was not

dying? A: the vet p. 184

86. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how much weight did Katie gain while

pregnant? A: 32 pounds p. 185

87. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, when Katie was pregnant, was she

allowed to eat raw oysters? A: NO p. 188

88. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Dr. Schultz not have the

patience for? A: Noah’s new breathing technique. p. 191

89. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why did Katie have a new respect

for Donovan after he told her about the Atlas incident and why he could not confess?

A: Because this was the first time she has seen Donovan be aware of someone else. p. 194.

90. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how did Dr. Schultz find out Donovan’s

name? A: From one of noah’s YouTube videos. p. 199

91. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Noah’s form of Gatorade

called? A: Youkilade p. 203

92. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Donovan’s punishment for

destroying the statue globe? A: 20 hours community service p. 207

93. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did they call when

Donovan’s dad was little? A: The library p. 209

94. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what did Donovan’s award say?

A: Welcome home, stupid p. 212

95. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how many cars could he had

destroyed if Atlas’s globe had gone into the parking lot? A: 10-15 p. 216

96. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why does Chloe cut school?A: To go see Donovan p. 221

97. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, why did Chloe think they needed

Donovan at the academy?

A: Because he acted without thinking. All the academy students always planned everything. p. 225

98. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how did Noah forget to cheat to make

Donovan ace the test? A: Because he was filming a video. p. 229

99. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, if Donovan took a mental health day

off from school, what would everyone think? A: That he was ditching p. 233

100. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how far away was the robotics meet

from Hardcastle? A: 45 minutes p. 236

101. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Dr. Schultz wearing at the

robotics meet? A: A three-piece suit p. 239

102. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Mr. Ozborne’s favorite day

of the year? A: The robotics meet. p. 241

103. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who drove the robot during the

robotics meet? A: Abigail p. 244 104. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, did ASD make the finals in the robotics meet? A: Yes p. 247

105. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who was Tinman facing in the finals? A: Potzilla p. 250

106. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, how did Tinman crush Potzilla?

A: he kicked it up and used it as a battering ram p. 255

107. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was the robotics team’s

punishment? A: ASD and cold spring harbor were disqualified. p. 260

108. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Noah wrong about?

A: Katie’s baby’s gender p. 263

109. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, who helped Donovan on the restest? A: Abigail Lee

110. In the book, Ungifted, by Gordon Korman, what was Katie’s baby’s name?

A: Tina Mandy Patterson p. 270


1. In the book Ungifted, what does Donovan's mother call him? "Reckless" p. 2

2. In the book Ungifted, who does Donovan want a refund from? p. 1

3. In the book Ungifted, what did Dr. Schultz not expect to see at the basketball game? A giant metal ball blasting into the gymnasium p.12

4. In the book Ungifted, what did Donovan think the Academy was filled with? Brainiacs and goody-goodies p. 29

5. In the book Ungifted, what jobs did Mr. Osborne have? a homeroom teacher and the head of the robotics program p. 34

6. In the book Ungifted, who is the principal at the Academy for Scholastic Distinction? Mr. Del Rio p. 47, 48

7. In the book Ungifted, what nickname did Mr. Osborne ask Donovan to call him? Oz p. 54

8. In the book Ungifted, what did Donovan's ancestor do in the Civil War? He jumped off a battlement p. 1

9. In the book Ungifted, what did Chloe ask Katie? She asked her how Donovan was like at home p.98

10. In the book Ungifted, where was the Valentine's Day Dance going to be held? At the academy p. 106

11. In the book Ungifted, what two teams were playing against each other in basketball at the beginning of the book? Salem and Hardcastle p. 6

12. In the book Ungifted, what did Donovan name the robot? Tin-man p.38

13. In the book Ungifted, what is Chole going to wear to the dance? The dress that she wore to her aunt Julie's wedding. p. 124

14. In the book Ungifted, why did the Boy Scouts kick the Daniels and Donovan out? Beacause Donovan burned the tent p. 139

15. In the book Ungifted, what motor are they planning to use for Tin-Man? the one attached to the floor polishers p.152

16. In the book Ungifted, what is the name of Brad's dog? Beatrice p. 19

17. In the book Ungifted, when Donovan first asked what was hard when he first met Noah, what was Noah's answer? Trying to control your own destiny p. 41

18. In the book Ungifted, who was trying to find out if Donovan had cheated? Ms. Bevelaqua p. 200

19. In the book Ungifted, why wasn't Donovan suprised when his mom started crying? Because she cried when someone was kicked out of a reality tv show p. 208

20. In the book Ungifted, who did Donovan see at the competition? Mr. Schultz p. 239

21. In the book Ungifted, how many school buildings are in the Hard Castle School District? 47 p. 11

22. In the book Ungifted, what kind of letter did Donovan's parents receive from the school? a letter telling them that Donovan was accepted at the Academy of Scholastic Distinction p. 25

23. In the book Ungifted, what requirements did students usually have to meet to be enrolled in the Academy? Students must pass a battery of tests, be interviewed by the faculty, and a psychological exam p. 62