Questions for Revelation Chapter Ten

(John no longer an observer)

  1. A mighty angel (what a sight for John to see):
  2. What was he clothed with? ______
  3. What was upon his head? ______
  4. His face was like? ______
  5. His feet were like? ______

Read Ezekiel 1:26-28; Revelation 1:13-15; Matthew 17:2

A mighty angel – perhaps to emphasize the importance of his work, the language somewhat similar to the description given of Christ.

  1. What did he have in his hand? ______
  2. Where was his right foot? ______
  3. Where was his left foot? ______
  4. What would that signify? ______
  5. Who had sway (or power) over the known world? ______
  6. The might angel cried with a loud voice – as when? ______
  7. When he cried who uttered their voices? ______
  8. Did John understand their voices? ______
  9. What was John about to do? ______
  10. What did the voice from heaven say unto John? ______

Read and discuss in class Daniel 12:4-13; along with Revelation 11:2-3; 9; 11; 12:6; 14; 13:5. If the number seven is perfect, complete or finished - what would three and a half mean? ______

  1. What did the angel which had a foot upon the earth and sea do? ______
  2. What did he swear? ______

(The time to turn to God is past?)

  1. When would the mystery of God be finished? ______
  2. What did the voice from heaven say unto John? ______
  3. How did the angel respond when John said “Give me the little book”? ______

Read Ezekiel 2:9-3:3; 11:13; Jeremiah 15:16

Thought question

How can the word of God be both sweet and bitter? ______


  1. To what extent would the words of John be heard? ______

Who is obligated to hear the word of God (Jeremiah 22:29? ______