Questions for Letter of Recommendation



Please complete this form so that your counselor/teacher can help write your letter of recommendation. If needed please complete on a separate paper or download online from the guidance department and email/return to your counselor.

1)What kind of student would teachers say you are?

2)What three adjectives would your friends say about you?

3)What do you think you have to offer a college or university?

4)Do you think your grades are a true reflection of your ability? Please explain.

5)Was there anything throughout high school that may have impacted your grades either positively or negatively that you may want to share?

6)What has been your proudest moment in high school?

7)What do you think are your personal strengths?

8)What do you think is a personal weakness or something you would like to improve upon?

9)Is there a social issue that is important to you? If so, why? Tell me your plans on contributing.

10)Which schools and majors are you considering?

Parent/Guardian Brag Sheet


Parent Name:______


Please have your parent/guardian complete this form so that your counselor/teacher can help write your letter of recommendation. If needed please complete on a separate paper or download online from the guidance department and email your counselor.

  1. What do you consider to be an outstanding accomplishment of your child during the past three years?
  1. What words first come to mind to describe your child?
  1. Are there any unusual or personal circumstances that have affected your child’s educational or personal experiences?
  1. What do you consider your child’s best outstanding character traits?
  1. What college or university setting do you think your child would succeed in (describe location, size, costs, etc.)?
  1. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your child?

Please return to your school counselor