MOON PIE 2007: Packet by Louisville

1.At a time when England was focused on applied mathematics, this man was among the first to emphasize rigor and pure math. His career featured two extremely successful collaborations, one with his Cambridge colleague J. E. Littlewood and one with Indian prodigy Srinivasa Ramanujan. Perhaps his greatest achievement is his proof that there are an infinite number of zeros of the Riemann Zeta function on the critical line. FTP, name this man, author of “A Mathematician's Apology.”

ANS:Godfrey Harold (G. H.) Hardy

2. The first dog racing track to employ an imitation rabbit opens in Emeryville, California. The Palm Sunday tornado outbreak hits the Great Lakes region and Deep South states. The first game of the Negro National League baseball is played in Indianapolis. Sinclair Lewis publishes Main Street. The Red Sox trade Babe Ruth to the Yankees for $125,000. The senate votes against joining the League of Nations and Woodrow Wilson is on his way out of office. Women get the vote and elect Warren Harding, ranked by most scholars as one of the least successful presidents, but hey, he’s pretty hot. FTP, what was this year in United States history?


3.This French postmodern cultural theorist, who died in March 2007, may not have been understood by many Americans, but he loved us nonetheless, affectionately calling America “the last primitive society.” Known for his application of semiotics to the work of Karl Marx, as well as for his theories of simulation, he was criticized for his remark that the first Gulf War “did not take place.” FTP, name this author of Simulacra and Simulation, whose influence can be seen in, among other things, the Matrix films.

ANS:Jean Baudrillard

4.He has played both the love interest and the brother of Emma Thompsen, thankfully not at the same time. At various times, and in various characters, he has compared himself to Ibiza and his Aunt Mildred, has erroneously claimed to be a reporter from Horse and Hound, and has sung Good King Wenceslaus to a group of dancing children. He recorded six songs for the soundtrack of his most recent film, including a duet with co-star Drew Barrymore. He owes much of his success to writer/director Richard Curtis who wrote five of his roles including his breakout part in Four Weddings and a Funeral. FTP name this actor, who played opposite Julia Roberts In Notting Hill.

ANS:Hugh Grant

5.This Harlem Renaissance author, born in 1902, wrote primarily drama and novels, though he also edited the magazines Fire!! and Harlem: a Forum of Negro Life. His best-known work focused on the African-American community’s intraracial prejudice between light- and dark-skinned blacks. For ten points, name the writer of The Blacker the Berry: A Novel of Negro Life.

ANS:Wallace Thurman

6.This reaction of earned its creators the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1950. It is sometimes referred to as the “Mona Lisa” of reactions in organic chemistry because it takes very little energy to produce the very useful cyclohexene ring. It involves the combination and subsequent reaction between a diene and a substituted alkene, also known as a “dienophile”. Ortho- and para- orientations are usually favored over meta- in, FTP, what reaction?


7.In 1857, British engineers accidentally used bricks from this city’s ruins in the construction of the East Indian Railway (oops). Though first written about by Charles Masson in his Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan and Punjab, 1826-1838, no one seriously investigated the civilization there until the 1920’s. FTP, name this first-excavated city of the Indus Valley civilization.


8.Though this author once called women “traps which lie in wait for men everywhere,” his dying desire was to emigrate to Tel Aviv with his 19-year-old girlfriend, Dora Dymant, where he hoped to open a Jewish restaurant at which she would cook and he would wait tables. His illustrious dreams were shattered, however: in 1924, just one year after he met Dora, he died at a sanatorium outside Vienna. Though Dora secretly kept a number of this author’s papers, his editor, Max Brod, disregarded his wish to destroy his remaining writings and published a number of his unfinished novels, such as America, The Trial, and The Castle. Identify this tubercular Jew famous for creating a character who wake up to find himself transmutated into a giant insect.


9.In one of the paintings of this period, a woman pets the titular animal, whose blackness appears as an extension of her shadow, while her own hand seems to disappear as she touches him. That work, Woman with Crow exemplifies the fluidity of line prominent in this period, while other works like Family of Acrobats with Monkey and Family of Saltimbanques feature circus-themes also prevalent in this period. FTP, name this colorful artistic period in the life of Picasso, of which the most famous painting is Garçon a la Pipe and which followed his Blue Period.

ANS:Rose Period or Pink Period (prompt on Picasso before he is named; prompt on Circus or Harlequin Period)

10.Its sources are found in the streams and melted snow of the Hengduan Mountains. It passes through a series of three gorges shortly after its formation at the confluence of the Mai Kha and Mali Kha Rivers. Its largest tributary, the Chindwin, first joins it near the city of Myingyan and this river flows into the Gulf of Martaban, an arm of the Andaman Sea. Prominent cities located along its banks include Mandalay and Yangon. FTP, name this river, the longest river and most important waterway of Myanmar.

ANS:Irrawaddy River or Ayeyarwady River

11.These anatomical structures are located within the inner ventricle walls of the heart, just under the myocardium. They work with the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node to control the heart rate and are specialized to rapidly conduct impulses. If it weren’t for these, the ventricles would not be able to contract and send blood into the pulmonary and systemic circulation. FTP, name this cell type, discovered by a man in 1839 who named another cell after himself in 1837, which can be found in the cerebellum.


12. The crazy woman in the attic is actually his wife, the French girl he has adopted is assumed to be his illegitimate daughter, and the housekeeper is his distant cousin. Upon his return to England, he courts Blanche Ingram but falls in love with the governess. In the end, he looses a hand and eye in a fire, but regains his beloved Jane. FTP who is the master of Thornfield Hall, the hero of Jane Eyre?

ANS:Mr. EdwardRochester

13.In this work, Pausanias advances the argument that the friendship and societal bonds created through pederasty are inimical to tyranny, while Phaedrus defends the idea that Achilles was Patroclus’s beloved. Aristophanes says that sexuality results from man’s original form, which saw two men, two women, or one of each attached to one another. Upon the arrival of Alcibiades, he immediately begins in his pursuit of Socrates. FTP, name this Platonic dialogue, in which Socrates discusses love at the titular event.

ANS:Symposium or Symposion

14.This conflict's largest naval battle was fought around 2 AM and was a great victory for the side that would lose the war less than a year later, while critics such as Antony Beever have condemned the losing side for seeking propaganda victories over real victories. Presaged by the murders of José Castillo and José Calvo Sotelo, hopes for a quick end were dashed by the capture of Ferrol, and fighting in the north was effectively ended by the fall of Santander and the capture of Bilbao. George Orwell wrote Homage to Catalonia and Pablo Picasso painted Guernica in response to, FTP, what conflict, that saw the Republicans lose to the Nationalists, led by Franco, for control of Madrid?

ANS:Spanish Civil War

15.When Massachusetts Democrats elected him to the US Senate to replace Daniel Webster, they worried that he would be a radical instigator against slavery. Their fears were well founded, as his first major speech was a call for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act, in direct opposition to the official platform of his Republican party. He remained a tireless abolitionist throughout his Senatorial career, once gaving a speech entitled "The Crime against Kansas" in which he insulted the speech defects of South Carolina Senator Andrew Brooks. It was this speech that would inspire Brooks' nephew to attack the senator. FTP, name this man, best known as the recipient of an attack by cane from Preston Brooks on the Senate floor in 1856.

ANS:Charles Sumner

16.The first breakthrough in cracking it was made by Marian Rejewski, a Polish mathematician, in 1932. However, Rejewski's attack depended on the German practice of repeating the day's key to reduce transmission errors. When the Germans stopped this insecure procedure, Rejewski's approach was useless. The solution to the problem was found by Alan Turing, using a mechanical technique to calculate the day’s key given a suitable amount of known text to correspond with some given encrypted text. FTP, name this enciphering-deciphering machine used by the Germans in World War II.

ANS:Wehrmacht Enigma

17.In addition to his many plays and film scripts, this Chicago busboy-turned-author has written a number of additional non-theatrical works, such as his 2004 commentary on the Torah entitled Five Cities of Refuge: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Other works include a recent reflection on the film industry called Bambi vs. Godzilla, and novels such as The Village and The Wicked Son. Identify this Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist known for his confident manipulation of cynical, routinely controversial satire in plays such as Sexual Perversity in Chicago, Speed the Plow, and American Buffalo.

ANS:David Mamet

18.One of the most historically significant rulers of Late Antiquity, his reign is marked by the ambitious, but ultimately unrealistic project of renovatio imperii, or “restoration of the empire”. This ambition was expressed in the partial recovery of the territories of the Western Roman Empire, including the city of Rome itself, and perhaps most importantly, the uniform rewriting of Roman law, Corpus luris Civilis, which is still the basis of civil law in many states. His reign also marked a blossoming of Byzantine culture, an example being the church of Hagia Sophia. FTP, who is this man, considered a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church?

ANS:Justinian I

19.She sometimes serves a prophetic role, having declared that the wife of Bata created by Khnemu would be killed by a knife. She was associated with Nekhebet, goddess of the South, and Uatchet, goddess of the North, and thus with rulers, who used her symbols, the vulture and the uraeus. Because of her association with the star Sophis, she was closely associated with both Ra and Horus, as their right eyes. She was a goddess of love and happiness and was regarded as the mother of all things and all gods. FTP, name this Egyptian goddess, most often depicted with the head of a cow or with the sun-disk between her two horns.

ANS:Hathor or Het-Hert or Het-Heru

20.Jan Claudius de Cock contributed a bas-relief depicting these two figures to the Kabinet der Koningin in The Hague. Nicolas and Guillaume Coutou the Elder produced two sculptures each depicting one of them for the fountains at Château de Marly in 1714. Massimiliano Soldani produced a sculpture depicting the two, one with her arms reaching towards the sky just as she is to be caught by the other, her pursuer. FTP, name this mythical couple, the most famous sculpture of whom was rendered by Bernini and features bark taking hold of the maiden, while her fingers and hair begin to sprout leaves.

ANS:Apollo andDaphne (accept in either order)

21.Its third governor built the lavish residence Prinzhoff upon Tinicum Island, which became the capital in 1643. Johan Printz's strategy of building forts along the Schuylkill River allowed it to control the beaver and otter fur trade in the area around the Delaware Bay, much to the dismay of its colonial rivals. A conflict over Fort Casimir led to a conflict with the Dutch under Peter Stuyvesant, to whom Fort Christina surrendered in 1655. That capitulation marked the end of, FTP, what North American colony, named for its Scandinavian mother country?

ANS:New Sweden

22. The most recent London revival of the winner of the 1951 Tony for best musical stared Ewan McGreggor and Jane Krakowski. The film verson replaced the song “I’ve Never Been in Love Before” with “The Eyes of a Woman in Love” and completely removed Uncle Arvide’s “More I Cannot Wish You” and Sarah and Adelaide’s “Marry the Man Today.” FTP name this Frank Loesser musical based on the short story The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown by Damon Runyon, which depicts the unlikely romance between a high rolling gambler and the leader of the “Save-a-Soul” mission.

ANS:Guys and Dolls

23. Born in Los Angeles in 1928, this prominent avant-garde multi-instrumentalist was a friend and collaborator of both John Coltrane and Charles Mingus. Though his professional career lasted less than a decade, he collaborated with a number of important jazz artists, among them John Lewis, George Russell, Andrew Hill, Oliver Nelson, Makanda Ken McIntyre, and Booker Little, as well as influenced artists as diverse as Tony Williams, Freddie Hubbard, Joe Henderson, Bobby Hutcherson, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, and Frank Zappa. FTP name this renowned American jazz musician, the first to take the flute beyond the boundaries of bebop and employ the bass clarinet as a serious solo instrument.

ANS: Eric Dolphy

24.One disorder of this type of cell is known as achlorhydria, which is an impaired ability to produce a sufficient amount of gastric acid, resulting in an increased pH of the stomach and a reduced capacity to digest food. The unique hydrogen-potassium ATPase pump transports hydrogen ions into the cell against a gradient of about three million to one. Also known as an oxyntic cell is, FTP, this cell of the stomach epithelial lining which secretes hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor.

ANS: Parietalcell

Louisville Boni:

1.Answer these questions about some 20th century US presidents who have something in common, FTPE:

(10)This man was originally elected as a vice president, but he took office after the death of the elected higher-up. He was a pretty popular president at the time of his administration, but he later received some criticism because of his laissez-faire style of government during the time leading up to the Depression.

ANS: Calvin Coolidge

(10)Some of his “Great Society” proposals were stalled initiatives from his predecessor’s “New Frontier”, and a few, such as Medicare and Medicaid, continue to receive funding from the government.

ANS: LyndonB. Johnson (accept LBJ; prompt on Johnson)

(10)He is credited as being a “trust-buster” but his elected successor actually began most of the anti-trust proceedings. He wore many hats during his lifetime, including historian, naturalist, explorer, author, Assistant Secretary of the US Navy and Governor of New York.

ANS: Theodore (Teddy)Roosevelt (prompt on Roosevelt)

2.Questions about everybody’s favorite organ, FTPE:

(10)It plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis of the body by performing functions such as acid-base balance, regulation of electrolyte concentrations, control of blood volume, and regulation of blood pressure.

ANS: Kidney

(10)This is the functional unit of the kidney.

ANS: Nephron

(10)This is the name given to the unit of the nephron enclosing the capillary tuft known as the glomerulus. Filtrate that passes through the capillaries at this structure pass into a “space” of the same name.

ANS: Bowman’s capsule

3.F10PE, identify each of the following Chilean cities.

(10)Though not officially the capital, this city, Chile’s second largest and its most important seaport, is home to the National Congress. In 2003, it was declared “Chile’s Cultural Capital” by the legislature.


(10)This city, which is the southernmost city of its size, about 120,000, in the world, is found on the northern shore of the Strait of Magellan and is capital of the Magallanes y la Antarctica Chilena Region.

ANS:Punta Arenas

(10)This city is the nation’s capital and, including metropolitan area, its largest. It will be home to the Contanera Center, which upon completion in 2009, will be the tallest building in South America.