Questionnaire for students completed their course (tentative)

<Course> / 1.MC 2.DC / <Overseas Students> / YES NO
<Department> / 1.Computer and Mathematical Sciences / <Group of Major> / 1.Mathematical(Group1)
2.System Information Sciences / 2.Computer Science and Life Science(Group2)
3.Human-SocialInformation Sciences / 3.Machine and Intelligence(Group3)
4.Applied Information Sciences / 4.Civil Engineering
5.Linguistics and Media
6.Psychology and Philosophy(Group6)
7.Social Science(Group7)

(Please put a circle)

Ⅰ.Student life

(1)To what extent did you have a definite goal for studying (aiming)at the time of

entrance in GSIS?



Not at all Extremely High

(2)Isour university/department/Major your first choice?



(3) Are you satisfied with your school life in GSIS?



DissatisfiedVery Satisfied

(4)Are you satisfied with special lectures in GSIS?



DissatisfiedVery Satisfied

Please state your opinions on the special lectures.

(5)Are you satisfied with your supervisor’s advice?



DissatisfiedVery Satisfied

Please state your opinions about on the advice.

(6)Did you achieve your purposein your major field?



Extremely lowExtremely High

(7)Please state the number of presentations on your research result after your enrollment.

Number of papers in Japanese published in refereed journals


0123 and more

Number of papers in English published in refereed journals


0123 or more

Number of presentations in English at international symposiums or international conferences items

Number of presentations in Japanese at domestic research workshops


0123 or more

Ⅱ. Student Support

(8)Are you satisfied with research environments such as informational devices and information networks?



Dissatisfied Very Satisfied

Please state your opinions on research environments.

(9)Are you satisfied with our living support such as scholarship,tuition waver, RA, etc.?



DissatisfiedVery Satisfied

Please state opinions about living support.

(10)Are you satisfied withour employment/education assistance (by your supervisor and our administrative office).



Dissatisfied Very Satisfied

Please state your opinions onthe employment/education assistance.

Ⅲ.Career choice

(11)Please put a check to applicable item shown below after you graduate.

□doctoral course(□Tohoku University □Other University

□Overseas )□Research student



If you are a 2nd-grade student in master course, please state your reason why you decided to continue the doctoral course or not.

(12)What kind of job do you want to get?

□Academic position(□University □Company □Public Institution)

□Technical staff□Teaching staff□Government officer□Other(such as starting business)


(13)What position would you aim for a future career decision /society?

□Extremely top class□Top class□High class

□Middle Class□undecided□not sure

Ⅳ.Please state your opinions freely.

(Thank you for your cooperation)