Questionnaire: Diagnostics und antimicrobial therapy in periodontics
- Are you working in the field of periodontology?
Yes No,I am referring to a specialist(go to question 11)
- Please specify your prescription habits in the treatmentof the following periodontopathies
Periodontopathy Always Sometimes Often Never Antimicrobial and dosage (e.g.. drug X, 3x400 mg, 7 days)
Slight chronic periodontitis______
Moderate chronic periodontitis______
Severe chronic periodontitis ______
Aggressive periodontitis ______Periodontal abscess ______
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis ______
Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis ______
Periodontitis with severe -
Immunodeficiencies (e.g. HIV, leukemia) ______
Refractory periodontitis with adequate
oralhygiene ______
3.Do you use antibiotics as a sole therapy in periodontal treatment? (without mechanical debridement)?
Yes, under the following conditions: ______
4.Which timing do you selectfor the adjunctive antimicrobial therapy?
Prior to mechanical therapy
During mechanical therapy
After mechanical therapy
Remarks: ______
5.Do you use local delivery devices?
No(go to queston 7)
Yes, in the following diseases:Chronic conditions (e.g. chronic periodontitis)
(multiple answers possible) Acute conditions (e.g. periodontal abscess)
Refractory diseases (e.g. refractory periodontitis)
Other: ______
- Which local delivery devices do you prefer? (multiple answers possible)
Doxycycline gel (Ligosan) Minocycline microspheres (Arestin) Metronidazole gel (Elyzol)
Chlorhexidine gel (Chlosite) Chlorhexidine-Chips (PerioChip) Others:______
- Do you use microbial tests complementing periodontal diagnostic?
Yes No(go to question 11)
- Which microbial diagnostic tests do you use?
(multiple answers possible)
GABA meridol Perio Diagnostics Carpegen Perio Diagnostics
Greiner Bio-One ParoCheck Kit 10/Kit 20 LCL biokey, LCL Parodontitistest
Hain Lifescience, micro-IDent (plus)Matrix, PerioMarker
Parident (MQT)Sunstar Germany, IAI Pado Test 4.5
Other: ______
- Which intentions do you pursue using microbial tests?(multiple answers possible)
Enabling an adequate (antibiotic) therapyControlling remaining pockets in refractory
Suspicion of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans periodontitis
Improving the patient´s motivation for oral hygiene Routinely under certain conditions:
Routinely for self-paying patients ______Controlling the therapeutic success Others:______(go to question 11)
- Why do you NOT use microbial diagnostic tests?
(multiple answers possible)
High costs
Lack of information
No additional benefit
Negative experiences in the past:______
To evaluate this questionnaire pleaseenter some personal information:
- Professional experience: _____ years
- Age_____ years.
- Gender: female male
- In the previous two years I attended educational lectures on the topic microbial diagnostics and antimicrobial use in periodontal treatment.
No Yes, organizer: ______
- In periodontal treatment I am prescribing antimicrobials approximately _____ times per quarter.
Thank you very much for your cooperation! Please send the questionnaire in the enclosed prepaid envelope.