Questionnaire: Diagnostics und antimicrobial therapy in periodontics

  1. Are you working in the field of periodontology?

Yes No,I am referring to a specialist(go to question 11)

  1. Please specify your prescription habits in the treatmentof the following periodontopathies

Periodontopathy Always Sometimes Often Never Antimicrobial and dosage (e.g.. drug X, 3x400 mg, 7 days)


Slight chronic periodontitis______

Moderate chronic periodontitis______

Severe chronic periodontitis ______

Aggressive periodontitis ______Periodontal abscess ______

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis ______

Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis ______

Periodontitis with severe -

Immunodeficiencies (e.g. HIV, leukemia) ______

Refractory periodontitis with adequate

oralhygiene ______

3.Do you use antibiotics as a sole therapy in periodontal treatment? (without mechanical debridement)?


Yes, under the following conditions: ______


4.Which timing do you selectfor the adjunctive antimicrobial therapy?

Prior to mechanical therapy

During mechanical therapy

After mechanical therapy

Remarks: ______


5.Do you use local delivery devices?

No(go to queston 7)

Yes, in the following diseases:Chronic conditions (e.g. chronic periodontitis)

(multiple answers possible) Acute conditions (e.g. periodontal abscess)

Refractory diseases (e.g. refractory periodontitis)

Other: ______

  1. Which local delivery devices do you prefer? (multiple answers possible)

Doxycycline gel (Ligosan) Minocycline microspheres (Arestin) Metronidazole gel (Elyzol)

Chlorhexidine gel (Chlosite) Chlorhexidine-Chips (PerioChip) Others:______

  1. Do you use microbial tests complementing periodontal diagnostic?

Yes No(go to question 11)

  1. Which microbial diagnostic tests do you use?

(multiple answers possible)

GABA meridol Perio Diagnostics Carpegen Perio Diagnostics

Greiner Bio-One ParoCheck Kit 10/Kit 20 LCL biokey, LCL Parodontitistest

Hain Lifescience, micro-IDent (plus)Matrix, PerioMarker

Parident (MQT)Sunstar Germany, IAI Pado Test 4.5

Other: ______

  1. Which intentions do you pursue using microbial tests?(multiple answers possible)

Enabling an adequate (antibiotic) therapyControlling remaining pockets in refractory

Suspicion of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans periodontitis

Improving the patient´s motivation for oral hygiene Routinely under certain conditions:

Routinely for self-paying patients ______Controlling the therapeutic success Others:______(go to question 11)

  1. Why do you NOT use microbial diagnostic tests?

(multiple answers possible)

High costs

Lack of information

No additional benefit

Negative experiences in the past:______


To evaluate this questionnaire pleaseenter some personal information:

  1. Professional experience: _____ years
  2. Age_____ years.
  3. Gender: female male
  4. In the previous two years I attended educational lectures on the topic microbial diagnostics and antimicrobial use in periodontal treatment.

No Yes, organizer: ______

  1. In periodontal treatment I am prescribing antimicrobials approximately _____ times per quarter.

Thank you very much for your cooperation! Please send the questionnaire in the enclosed prepaid envelope.