Questionnaire about lifetime UV radiation exposure

Strong sunlight increases the risk of skin cancer. The objective of this study is the estimation of the level of work-related and non-work-related exposure to the sun’s radiation among seafarers.

Time spent “in the open air” is defined as a state of exposure to direct sunlight in the open air.


a. Pre-employment UV exposure

Apart from your occupation as a seafarer (e.g. as a child or after your active seafaring time), were you ever exposed to UV radiation through a longer stay of more than one month in the tropics/subtropics?  Yes  No

If yes,  I grew up in the tropics/subtropics up to the age of 

 I have lived in the tropics/subtropics since(year)

I stayed in the tropics/subtropics fromto(year)

due to ______

b. Visits to solariums

Were you exposed to UV radiation through regular visits to solariums?  Yes  No

c. UV exposure during home leave in the past 5 years

How long was your average home leave during the past 5 years? approx.days in the past 5 years

During this home leave, did you spendsome time in the tropics/ subtropics?

 Yes; in total approx. days in the past 5 years  No

During this home leave, how many hours on average did you spend in the open air (e.g. working in the garden, playing outdoor sports or for other outdoor leisure activities at home)? approx.hours per day in the past 5 years


a. How many years have you been working as a seafarer at sea? in totalyears

b. The UV exposure on board depends to a large extent on your job activities in the open air and the shipping routes. Therefore, please state your past periods of occupation as a seafarer with different levels of UV exposure in the following table.

Period / Time spent in the tropics/ subtropics more than 6 months per year on average / Average duty in the open air
from / to / yes / no / in hours per day / working days per year
 / 
 / 
 / 
 / 

c. Apart from your occupation as a seafarer, were you employed in jobs with a higher level of UV exposure (e.g. as a postman, gardener, bricklayer)?  Yes  No

If yes, in which job?

as ______, from to (year); in total years

as ______, from to (year); in total years

as ______, from to (year); in total years


Please indicate if you were ever exposed to one or more of the following over a period of more than 6 months, during your work or outside your work:

Arsenic (during the extraction of copper, lead, cobalt and gold)

Tar/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (during the burning of organic material, e.g. coal, fuel oil, fuel or wood)

 Chrome (in electroplating or leather tanning)

Artificial UV radiation (e.g. during the UV drying of paints and adhesives or during welding and cutting without a protective shield)

Ionising rays (to do with radioactive material or X-rays)

If you were exposed to one of the mentioned impacts,please specify:

No.  from  to ; in total years; during job activities?  Yes  No No.  from  to ; in total years; during job activities?  Yes  No