Read all of the following BEFORE filling out the information form and sending it to us.

1)  To be part of our youth staff you must CURRENTLY be:

a.  A high school student (or rising 9th grader)

b.  Drug free (tobacco, alcohol, or other illegal drug users are not eligible)

c.  A team player

d.  A willing learner

e.  Creative

f.  Flexible

2)  Youth staff should be willing to commit at least 5-7 hours/week to the position.

3)  You must have access to transportation to our office (address below).

4)  While no experience is necessary, youth staff are expected to speak in public, travel, create activities, do media interviews, learn about how laws are made and changed, advocate for adolescent health issues and participate in community advocacy projects. On-the-job training will be provided.

5)  You must be willing to submit relevant information for a background check. Our organization requires background checks of everyone hired as staff and for all our volunteers.

Return this application by mail, fax OR e-mail to the YES! office nearest you (Please select one):

YES! Raleigh

4021 Carya Drive, Suite 160

Raleigh, NC 27610

919.640.8990 (fax)

YES! Charlotte

601 E. Fifth Street, Suite 330

Charlotte, NC 28202

704.973.0888 (fax)

YES! Asheville

50 S. French Broad Ave., Suite 245

Asheville, NC 28801

828.355.4080 (fax)

Youth Empowered Solutions

Youth Employment Application



Age: Date of Birth:

Gender: Female Male

Social Security Number: --

YES! Youth Staff Members are paid employees. As such, are you legally able to work in the United States as an employee? Yes No


Home Phone: () - Best time to call?

Cell Phone: () -

Email Address: @

School: Grade:


Parent / Guardian Name (1):

Email Address (1): @

Address (1):

Phone Number (1): () -

Parent / Guardian Name (2):

Email Address (2): @

Address (2):

Phone Number (2): () -


Do you have reliable access to transportation? Yes No

Trainings and meetings will take place weekends and after school. Are you available during these hours? Yes No

Can you make a one-year commitment? Yes No

How did you first hear about Youth Empowered Solutions?


1.  Why are you interested in working at Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!)?

2.  What does “empowerment” mean to you?

3.  Please share any skills, experience, training, or work that you’ve done that has prepared you for this position.

4.  Please list your extracurricular activities and time commitments:


(Please list two adults who are not related to you whom we can contact.

Ex: Teacher, coach, pastor, club/organizational leader, supervisor)

1.  Name:


How long have you known this person?:

Phone Number:

2.  Name:


How long have you known this person?:

Phone Number:

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes No

(If yes, please provide details)


I certify that the answers given in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation into all statements I have made on this application as may be necessary for reaching an employment decision.

In the event I am employed, I understand that any false or misleading information I knowingly provided in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge and/or legal action. I understand also that if employed I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the employer and any special agreements reached between the employer and me.

Print Name:



If you are emailing this application, typing your name on the signature line will be considered your signature for the acknowledgement above.