
Question Marks versus Other Marksof


Prompt: Commasandperiodsalways go before (never after) thesecondsetof quotationmarks (Americanconvention):"WhenIamrich," he muttered,"I will showthem."Questionmarks and exclamationpointsmaygo before or after thesecondsetof quotationmarks—marks belongingtothe quotationstay withinthequotationmarks:Theteacher askedthestudent, "Where is your assignment?" And:Didyoumark theletter"Confidential"?

Directions: Quotationmarks andothermarks of punctuation,if necessary, have been correctlyusedinonlyoneofthefollowingpairedsentences.Highlightthe letter ofthecorrectsentence(A or B)for each ofthefollowingpaired sentences.

1. ( A) Father asked,"Where areyou boys going?" ( B) Father asked,"Where areyou boys going"?

2. ( A) "Whatabeautifulday,sheexclaimed!" ( B) "Whatabeautifulday!"sheexclaimed.

3. ( A) "Holdeverything!"Ishouted. ( B) "Holdeverything,Ishouted."

4. ( A) Didtheymark thepackage"Personal?" ( B) Didtheymark thepackage"Personal"?

5. ( A) "Can't yougo tothegame,heinquired"? ( B) "Can't yougo tothegame?"heinquired.

6. ( A) I thoughttomyself,"Whycan'tIwritelike that"? ( B) I thoughttomyself,"Why can'tIwritelike that?"

7. ( A) "Waitfor me!"heshoutedas herantothe bus. ( B) "Waitfor me,heshoutedas herantothe bus."

8. ( A) "All together,"yelledtheleader,"pullforallyou'reworth!" ( B) "All together,"yelledtheleader,"pullforallyou'reworth"!

9. ( A) "Was thatmylastdollar, hemoaned"? ( B) "Was thatmylastdollar?"he moaned.

10. ( A) "Congratulations!"exclaimedCarl."Iknewthatyouwouldwin!" ( B) "Congratulations,exclaimedCarl.Iknewthat youwouldwin"!

11. ( A) "AmIinvited, askedJane.Ifso,I'dlove togo?"

( B) "AmIinvited?"askedJane."Ifso,I'dlove togo."

12. ( A) "Iknowyou don'thave theanswer now,"hesaid,"butwillyouletme knowwhenyou do?"

( B) "Iknowyou don'thave theanswer now, hesaid,butwillyouletme knowwhenyou do"?

13. ( A) "Nonsense!"shoutedgrandpa. ( B) "Nonsense,shoutedgrandpa!"

14. ( A) "No,declaredJonathan,I wanttogofishing."

( B ) "No!"declaredJonathan,"Iwanttogofishing."

15. ( A) She questioned,Are youa"philanthropist?"

( B) She questioned,"Are youa'philanthropist'?"

16. ( A) Her exactwords were, "Mark thepackage'Confidential' before you mailit."

( B) "Her exactwordswere,Mark thepackageConfidential before you mailit."

17. ( A) "Heshouted,It'sgoingtorain"! ( B) Heshouted,"It'sgoingtorain!"

18. ( A) "She asked,Is itgoingtorainhard"? ( B) Sheasked,"Isit goingtorainhard?"

19. ( A) "Very well,I'lltake outthe garbage,"saidPedro. ( B) "Very well,I'lltake outthe garbage,saidPedro."

20. ( A) "Hebecamephilosophical whenhesaid,That's justanother bridge to cross!"

( B) He becamephilosophical whenhesaid,"That'sjustanother bridge to cross!"

Combining with -ING Words (PRESENT PARTICIPLES)

There is another trick too that can help you become an expert in sentence building. Look at the way two sentences can be combined by adding -ING to one of the verbs.

A. Daring Donald hurt his knee.

B. Daring Donald jumped from the garage roof.

Combined Sentence Becomes:

Daring Donald, jumping from the garage roof, hurt his knee.


Jumping from the garage roof, daring Donald hurt his knee.


Daring Donald hurt his knee,jumping from the garage roof.

Notice in which cases commas were used.

You can make an -ING word from almost any verb and use it as a sentence-combining word. Try it. You'll see.

Exercise 1:

Combine these sentences with -ING words. You may use them in any of the three places which have been modeled. Combine each set in at least TWO different ways.

1. Mary Jane drives a sports car.

Mary Jane easily out-drags everybody else.

2. Sheila looked for the boy.

She found him in the trash can.

3. Carolyn feeds her guppies.

She notices that many of the little ones are missing.

4. We smiled nervously at Count Dracula.

We wished we had not gone to his castle.

5. Sally jumped from the top of the jungle gym.

Sally wore her Batgirl costume.

6. The baby smiled happily.

She smeared glue in her hair.

7. The parakeet amuses Orville.

The parakeet whistles "Dixie" in its cage.

8. The pig beats the heat.

The pig snorts contentedly in the mud.

9. Beth opens the surprise package.

She finds it contains only a rabbit-foot key chain.

10. Mr. Tattan has become rich.

He teaches spiders to make lace.


1. Oh no! My favorite soccer team just lost!

2. Lori, could you please stand quietly in the corner?

3. Uh-oh, the angry principal glared at the loud students in the hall.

4. Jerry, the large poster fell and ripped in half.

5. Yuck! We stood in line for hours yesterday.