Question 1 Which of the following best describes the relationship between law and ethics?

Answer Choices
a. / Law and ethics are identical.
b. / Ethical values influence the development of the law, but the law does not influence ethical values.
c. / Ethical standards go beyond the law and are often not satisifed by mere conformance to the applicable laws.
d. / Law and ethics cannot be defined legally.

Question 2Which of the following defines the method by which to obtain a remedy in court?

Answer Choices
a. / Private law
b. / Civil law
c. / Substantive law
d. / Procedural law

Question 3Prior judicial decisions are binding authority in subsequent cases under the principle of:

Answer Choices
a. / ethical custom.
b / stare decisis.
c / judicial review.
d / Curia Regis.

Question 4In a crowded and complex society, rights will clash. When that occurs in the legal environment of business, what might be expected to follow?

Answer Choices
a. / Revolution.
b. / A court, if called upon to settle the dispute, will weigh and balance various factors, including the importance to society of the rights in dispute.
c. / If a party has a right, it is absolute.
d. / Rights disputes will not occur in business because businesses have no rights.

Question 5Examples of public law include all of the following except

Answer Choices
a. / contract law.
b. / constitutional law.
c. / criminal law.
d. / administrative law.

Question 6The doctrine of judicial review

Answer Choices
a. / results from the fact that state and federal constitutions provide for three co-equal branches of government.
b. / is the source of the system of checks and balances.
c. / is the power of the judiciary to review the actions of the other branches of government and to declare such actions void if they violate the Constitution.
d. / is no longer valid.

Question 7Reginald owns a grocery and his clerks are on strike. Reginald is trying to operate the store with the help of his manager, but ten of the striking clerks are crowding near the store entrance with large picket signs. If Reginald asks you what can be done, your best answer would be for Reginald to

Answer Choices
a. / merge law and equity.
b. / seek a decree of specific performance.
c. / seek an injunction.
d. / hire Norris, Stallone and Segal.

Question 8Which of the following accurately describes the concept of procedural laws?

Answer Choices
a. / Statutes that have been passed by legislative bodies
b. / Common law derived from cases decided by the courts
c. / The federal Constitution and state constitutions
d. / Statutes that determine how lawsuits are handled in the courts covering such matters as rules of evidence and related issues (method to enforce rights and duties)

Question 9The notion of civil disobedience is founded on what principle?

Answer Choices
a. / That immoral or illegitimate laws should not be obeyed
b. / That political demonstrations can be used to obtain preferential treatment under the law
c. / That the political process can be controlled by small but vocal minorities
d. / That individuals should disobey the law when such disobedience will improve their own position in life

Question 10Substantive law is that part of the law which

Answer Choices
a. / deals solely with the public sector.
b. / establishes the rights of an individual.
c. / defines how a judgment is to be enforced.
d. / is the same as equity laws.

Question 11Which of the following cases would involve private law?

Answer Choices
a. / A citizen who sues a trucking company for injuries received in an automobile accident
b. / A citizen is tried for and convicted of burglary
c. / A citizen refuses to leash his dog in violation of state law
d. / A citizen files for an injunction against the government to stop the construction of a nuclear power plant

Question 12Suppose a dispute arises between a company that pollutes the air and a nearby farmer who is adversely affected by the pollution. If no federal or state statute controls this kind of pollution, the dispute involves

a. / private and civil law.
b. / public law and criminal law.
c. / procedural law and criminal law.
d. / public law only.

Question 13Patricia Plaintiff files a lawsuit against Donald Defendant for breach of contract. This case is a/an

Answer Choices
a. / criminal proceeding.
b. / equitable action.
c. / civil proceeding.
d. / tort proceeding.

Question 14What source of law provides that statutes and treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land?

Answer Choices
a. / The common law
b. / The United States Constitution
c. / The United States Code of Federal Procedure
d. / Murphy's Law

Question 15 Equitable relief does not include

Answer Choices
a. / an award of monetary damages.
b. / rescission on a contract.
c. / an injunction.
d. / an award of specific performance.