CHEM 2325Exam 4Name:

Summer 2017August 7Student ID #:

If required, the Exam 4 retake will be due tomorrow Tuesday, August 8, before 12 noon via No exceptions or excuses! Expect an email from me this evening.

1.-7. It was recently reported that there is a rise in allergies to the following disaccharide found in most meats. What is its systematic name according to what you learned in the carbohydrate lesson? Answer using the following name template. Notice that questions 3, 4, and 5 fill in two slots in the name but that the last letters are different after the answer to question 5 (yl vs e).

(Hint: Write out your own answer below the following name template and then answer questions 1-7.)

question 1-O-(question 2-question 3-question4question5yl)-question 6-question 3-question 4question5e

  1. What number should be used for the slot for this question (1)in the given name template?

a. 1b. 3c. 4d. 6e. not a.-d.

  1. What Greek letter should be used for the slot for this question (2)in the given name template?

a. alphab. betac. gammad. deltae. not a.-d.

  1. What letter should be used for the slot for this question (3)in the given name template?

a. db. lc. Dd. Le. not a.-d.

  1. What name should be used for the slot for this question (4) in the given name template?

a. fructob. galactoc. glucod. riboe. not a.-d.

  1. What name should be used for the slot for this question (5) in the given name template?

a. furanosb. maranosc. pyranosd.thanose. not a.-d.

  1. What Greek letter should be used for the slot for this question (6) in the given name template?

a. alphab. betad. gammad. deltae. not a.-d.

  1. Which part of the correct systematic name of the given disaccharide could be changed so that the corresponding new structure for sure would have the same health effects? The part that was determined in …
  1. question 1b. question 2c. question 3d. question 4e. not a.-d.
  1. Which functional group is consumedif you add Ag+ to it?
  1. a ketalb.a hemiketalc. a acetale. not a.-d.
  1. Which functional group in sucrose should most easily reacts with acid and water to allow the formation of glucose and fructose?
  1. anacetalb. a hemiacetalc. a hemiketald. a ketale. not a.-d.
  1. Which compound is not common to the Fischer-Kiliani Synthesis or Ruff Degradation of carbohydrates?

a.b.c.d.e. not a.-d.

  1. Identify the original carbohydrate in the following reaction scheme.

a.b. glucosec. galactosed.e. not a.-d.

12.-14. Match each reaction sequence to a final product on the right. Answers may be repeated.

  1. , NH3, HCN, H30+a. isoleucined. lysine
  2. , NaOCH3, , NaOH, H+, heatb. leucinee. not a.-d.
  3. , PBr3, Br2, H2O, , NH2NH2c. valine
  1. What is the final product of the following reactions?

Ile + CH3OH and acid catalysis  A, Leu + (CH3)3COCOCl and base catalysis  B, A + B + DCC  ?

a.b.c.d.e. not a.-d.

  1. Ignoring stereochemistry, what is the final product of treating structure 15.a. with mild acid, PhNCS, and CF3CO2H?
  1. b.c.d.e. not a.-d.