1.1OWN WORDS  - a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions (2)

1.2ABSOLUTELY UNTHINKABLE: You don’t think or expect something to happen at all.(2)

1.3Protest/demonstrations (1)

1.4Heating in classes

Treatment of individual students (2)

OR National issues and Local issues

1.5“run the school” (1)

1.6Demonstrations: Groups walk in streets shouting slogans, protesting together. (2)

1.7They get a few days off

It’s done by troublemakers and people who want to become politicians

Strike leaders are manipulated by groups outside the school (3)

1.8OPENLY CYNICAL: You state in public that you are believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of otherssomeone is not doing something for the right reasons(2)

1.9Striking students went to non-striking schools and threw objects at the windows of the classes. (2)

1.10YES/NO TWO reasons why it will be a good idea to strike/NOT to strike (3)


2.1The SAS alert people about the sewageproblem in the sea. They make the public aware of a health riskin the water. (3)

2.2FALSE “Only 8 years after”

2.3OWN OPINION: YES/NO  Reason (3)

2.4.1WATER: aquatic, sea, river, lakes (1)

2.4.2WARN: alert (1)

Question 3

  1. Three thousand years later, the American Lung Association describes cigarette smoking as the No. 1 cause of preventable disease and death worldwide.
  2. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which contain poisons and can cause cancer.
  3. Within seconds, the poisonous toxins of inhaled cigarette smoke enter the blood stream.
  4. Carbon monoxide makes up the bulk of gas found in the smoke of a lit cigarette, the same poisonous gas found in automotive exhaust.
  5. Cigarette smoke begins to cause damage to every organ of your body immediately.
  6. Your body also becomes addicted to the nicotine in tobacco quickly.
  7. The addictive elements of nicotine cause the overwhelming majority of smokers to fail at repeated attempts to quit smoking cigarettes.
  8. One out of every two lifetime smokers will die from the effects of smoking.
  9. Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke increase your blood pressure and heart rate and cause strain on your heart and blood vessels.
  10. Smoking increases your chance of having a stroke or heart attack dramatically as compared to the chances of a nonsmoker.
  11. Smoking makes you 10 times more likely to have lung cancer than someone who does not smoke.
  12. Smoking while pregnant can result in low birth weight babies and preterm deliveries and accounts for 10 percent of all infant deaths.
  13. Newborns born to smoking mothers may suffer from narrowed airways and reduced lung function
  14. . Health-care costs associated with smoking-related illness go up with the rising cost of health care.
  15. Lost productivity in the workplace due to tobacco-related illness also adds to the social cost of smoking.
  16. Stop smoking and within 10 years the chances of having a heart attack will be the same as someone who never smoked.
  17. Your cancer risk drops to that of a non-smoker 15 years after you quit.
  18. Smoking causes about 90 percent of lung cancer deaths and more than 80 percent of emphysema and chronic bronchitis deaths.

7+1+1+1 = (10)

7 facts

1 no of words

1 numbered bullets

1 heading


4.1.1He is writing. He has a pencil in his hand, sits at a desk with a desk light and there is a paper. (ANY ONE reason) (2)

4.1.2Laughing out loud (1 + 1 if laugh and loud is spelled correctly)

4.1.3Grandmother will think he is laughing because the parakeet is dead. (3)

4.2.1King & Queen Travel (1)

4.2.2To show that Mauritius is and Island

The map so you can see what is where

The suitcase to show you will have to pack (ANY TWO correct ones (2))

4.2.3A couple with a low budget who wants to enjoy a nice holiday. OPEN ANSWER. ANY SUITABLE RESPONSE. (2)

4.2.4OPEN ENDED: SUGGESTION: it will make the couple feel like a king and a queen. Royalty.(2)




Accumulate 


5.3eating 

5.4are 



5.7cannot 

5.8Eventually it results in an overweight body 



5.10Young people subject 

Suffer verb 

From obesity object 