Quest School Curriculum Model

Pupils working predominantly on P Levels

Areas / KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / KS4
Individualised small steps curriculum delivery / Literacy, Numeracy, Imitation skills, Play, ICT, Social communication, Daily living skills / Literacy, Numeracy, Imitation skills, Play, ICT, Social communication, Daily Living skills / Literacy, Numeracy, Imitation skills, ICT, Social Communication skills, Emotion and higher order thinking skills / Literacy, Numeracy, ICT Social Communication skills, PHSE inc SRE, Emotion and higher order thinking skills
Group learning curriculum / Circle Time:
RE, PHSE, Numeracy, Literacy, Play skills, Science & Nature, Drama / Equals curriculum: Literacy, Science, RE.
Circle Time:
RE, PHSE, Numeracy, Literacy, Play skills, Science & Nature, Drama / Equals curriculum:
DT, Humanities, ICT, PHSEC (inc SRE & Careers), Science, RE,
Foreign Languages (as appropriate) / Equals curriculum:
DT, Humanities, ICT, PHSEC (inc SRE & Careers), Science, RE,
Creative Arts / Music & Art
Cross-cultural & topical themes / Music & Art
Cross-cultural & topical themes / Music & Art
Cross-cultural & topical themes / Art
Cross-cultural & topical themes
Group activities
Theme Days / Literature, Science,
Cross-cultural, Geography, History, Foreign Languages / Literature, Science,
Cross-cultural, Geography, History, Foreign Languages / Literature, Science,
Cross-cultural, Geography, History, Foreign Languages / Literature, Science,
Cross-cultural, Geography, History, Foreign Languages
Language and communication skills / Mands, Tacts (inc affecting a listener), Echoics, Intra-verbals, Peer interaction,
Listener Behaviour / Mands, Tacts (inc affecting a listener), Echoics, Intra-verbals, Peer interaction,
Listener Behaviour / Mands, Tacts (inc affecting a listener), Echoics, Intra-verbals, Peer interaction,
Listener Behaviour
Social Use of Language / Mands, Tacts (inc affecting a listener), Echoics, Intra-verbals, Peer interaction,
Listener Behaviour, Social Use of Language
Student Voice / Promoting spontaneous communication
Student contribution to annual review / Promoting spontaneous communication
Student contribution to annual review / Promoting spontaneous communication
Rapport Building
Student contribution to annual review / Promoting spontaneous communication;
Rapport Building
Student contribution to annual review
Independence skills / Independence skills: toileting, dressing, eating, drinking, healthy living.
Community trips & road safety / Independence skills: toileting, dressing, eating, drinking, healthy living, Community trips & road safety / Independence skills:
Personal hygiene, healthy living,
Making cold lunch Community trips & road safety / Independence skills:
Personal hygiene, (cleaning, washing clothes), healthy living.
Making hot lunch
Community trips & road safety
Vocational skills / Careers Education / Careers Education
Work Experience (onsite)
Gardening, Car Valeting
Physical Education / PE (onsite),
Park, Soft Play centre,/swimming/ Horse Riding (offsite) / PE (onsite)
Park/soft play
Trampolining/ Horse Riding (offsite) / Swimming (offsite) Trampolining (offsite)
PE (onsite) / Swimming, Gym, Trampolining (offsite)
PE (onsite)
OT / Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor skills
Sensory diet / Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor skills
Sensory diet / Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor skills
Sensory diet / Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor skills
Sensory diet
Integration / mainstream where appropriate / mainstream where appropriate / mainstream where appropriate / Mascalls (for Science)
Hadlow college
Externally Accredited courses / Asdan: Transition Challenge
Bronze Award
Entry level
BTEC Level 1 / 2 awards
Transition / Transition to Post KS4 provisions

Quest School Curriculum Model Mar 2015