Queens College, Indore

Queens College, Indore

Queens’ College, Indore

Session 2018-19

Summer Assignment

Class - VII


Make the best use of Summer holidays to enhance your reading skills and word power. Read the lessons from the Impression book mentioned below and do the given activities in your Writing Skills copy.
Lesson / Activity
L-12 Turkish Smells / Describe the exotic Turkish market in 100 words.Use relevant describing words and phrases.
L-7 The Desirable Shawl / Suggest an alternative ending to the story in 100 words.Use suitable idioms.
  • Use light pink colored A4 sheets for the tasks
  • Illustrate suitably
  • Take care of presentation.


NOTE: Assignment should be solved in worksheet copy only.

Q1) If’ a’ is any integer then a + 0 =------= ------

Name the additive identity.

Q2 ) Find multiplicative inverse of: a) 6 b) – 4

Q3) Find the product of:

a) 6 × (– 12 ) b) 0 × 192 × (–32 )

Q4) On subtracting – 5 from – 7 , we get ______

Q5) Find the value of : 23967 × 99 + 23967 (Use property)

Q6) Evaluate: ( –5 ) × (–15 ) (–1) × 0) × (–6 )

Q7) Find an integer which when multiplied by 3 and then divided by 2 becomes –18

Q8) Write the following in simplest form

Q9) Using distributive property, find: 176 × 102

Q10) Subtract the sum of - 524 and 678 from –9 2

Q11) Convert the following into mixed fractions:

a) 105/9 b) 37/5

Q12) Convert into improper fractions: a) 2 b) 9

Q13) Arrange in ascending order: 5/12, ¾, 7/8, 13/24

Q14) Write four equivalent fractions of : 6/7

Q15) Find the sum of the following: a) 7/9 from 1 5/18

Q16) Subtract the following: ) 7/9 from 1 5/18

Q17) Find: 3/7 of number of days of a week.

Q18) Simplify: : 12/25 ×10/18 × 15/8

Q19) Multiply: 2 × 1

Q20) Divide: 5 by 2

Q21 ) Divide the sum of the following fractions : 3/2 and 5/7 by their difference.

Q22) Find the product of: 32.5 × 1000

Q23) Subtract : 3. 6204 from 7

Q24) Add: 19.8,7.26,0.074, and 2.37

Q25) 1/5 can be expressed in decimal as ------

Q26) Divide: 1.07 by 2

Q27) The cost of one dozen of apples is Rs 256.20 .Find the cost of one apple.

Q28) Express the following as fractions: a) 2.75 b) 2.064

Q29) Express the following fractions as decimals: a) 12 b)

Q30) Write the following decimals in ascending order: 2.53,2.0532,4.0503,4.3502

General Science-

Note – To be done in CCE worksheet register. Q2 – Q6 are from Winds, Storms and Cyclones.

Q.1Find out 10 meaningful terms from Chapter – 3, Fiber to Fabric. Draw and solve the crossword puzzle taking 5 terms Across and 5 terms Down in the puzzle.

Q.2How does a vacuum cleaner work?

Q.3Why does air always move from high pressure to low pressure? Is there a way we could better prove that the air was moving out of the balloon and into the classroom air?

Q.4Observe the sequence of illustrations (1-5). Describe how a hurricane is formed?

G Documents 18 19 Gen Sci VII 2 11 04 18 jpg

Q.5Fill a glass with water up to the brim. Place a small piece of cardboard on it. Put the glass upside down keeping your hand softly on the cardboard as shown in the figure. Now gently remove your hand. You will find that the cardboard has stuck to the glass and the water is not falling. What is the reason behind this magic?

Q.6 Does air pressure help the birds to fly? How?

Social Science-

History Ch- 1 Tracing changes through a thousand years , Ch-7 Tribes, Nomads and settled communities

Geography - Ch-1 Our Environment

  • Note:- Choose any three questions and write answers in class work / CCE worksheet copy.

(I) From the list given below, classify different sources under archaeological sources and literary sources :

Autobiography, coins, temples, palaces, forts, accounts, registers, travelogues, letters, statues, utensils, miniature paintings, jewellery, maps, arms and weapons.

(II) The picture shows natural environment. Natural environment is made up of two components. Name and define each component, including examples for each from the picture.

(III) Paste photograph of any one historical monument in your city and write following information:

  1. Name of the monument.
  2. Who built it?
  3. Name the area/locality where it is located?
  4. How far is it from your home?
  5. What is its significance?

(IV) Find the words related to the chapter His- Ch-7 Tribes, Nomads and settled communities in the given word grid:

J / A / T / I / S / R / T / E / W / S / V / X
P / A / S / T / O / R / A / L / I / S / T / S
E / C / M / R / G / I / N / D / S / V / L / V
D / G / N / G / C / D / G / O / N / D / S / A
L / I / R / S / D / M / D / S / M / V / N / R
A / D / M / U / N / D / A / S / A / A / S / N
R / R / T / E / W / S / V / X / N / N / D / A
S / T / E / W / S / V / X / C / L / A / N / S


Note :- To be done in CW/HW copy.

Q. 1 Completez.

1. Une ville en France qui commence par <L>:......

2. Une mer qui separe la France de l'Angleterre :......

3. Un fromage qui commence par <G>:......

4. Un musee en France :......

5. Une voiture francaise :......

Q. 2 Liez les colonnes A et B.


1. le coql'hymne national

2. Marianneparfumeur

3.Chanella Republique

4. La Marseillaisela fierte

5.Citroen voiture

Q. 3. Completez avec l'article defini.

1. ll aime...... fromage mais il deteste ...... viande.

2. ll preferent ...... cafe, pas ...... the.

3. J'aime ...... fruits, je deteste ...... legumes.

4. Elle adore ..... dessert francais mais elle deteste ...... escargots

5. Les francais aiment ...... escargots et...... vin.


 Prepare a chart to show the feature of Windows -7.
