Name of organiser…...... Date of application ......
Email address………………………………… Contact telephone no………………………….
Proposed date of the event ......
Venue or room requested ......
Description of the event or meeting ......
Please supply a brief description of the talks and activities which will take place at the meeting
Will meeting be open to the public (Yes / No)
If not open to the public, who may attend……………………………………………………......
Name and contact details of the organisation or University society making the arrangement and represented
If a University Society * state position held ......
Name and contact details of the expected speakers or presenters (whether or not members of the College or University)
Will there be a charge of any sort for this event ? If so, how much ......
Will alcohol be SOLD at this event? ......
Signature ...... Date ......
Bookings on behalf of a University Society may be made by members of the College. Unless that person is a bonafide officer of the Society (i.e. President, Secretary or Treasurer) the Timetabling Committee will make a charge for the room hire where applicable
Please Note : The Fitzpatrick Hall is not bookable by University Societies.
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Timetable Committee Confirmation of Booking
Room hire charges applied to this event(if applicable) £......
ChargeThe Timetabling Committee has decided that the charge for this booking shall be ...... It will be charged to the College account of the person named as making the booking; if you wish to pay otherwise, please take a cheque payable to Queens' College to the Catering department before the date of the booking.
Please call in to the Catering office to sign the book as soon as possible. Please also obtain a copy of the booking regulations for the venue you have been allocated and satisfy yourself that your booking meets these regulations. Note that the person on whose name the room is booked must be present throughout the booking and is responsible for ensuring that the regulations are observed. If extra cleaning of rooms is required, or if any damage is done, the full cost of cleaning and of repairing any damage (including the cost of administration) will be charged to the person booking the room.
Please notethat this is only a confirmation of room booking and all permissions for parties etc should be sought in the usual way.