Queen Mother’s Clothing Guild (the Guild)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Privacy Notice

Changes to the Data Protection regulations effective from 25th May 2018 mean we need your agreement to continue to keep in touch with you and to continue to keep the records we keep about you.

The purpose of this statement is to advise you of some of the key points arising and to ask for your consent to allow us to keep certain records about you. Please read this carefully and contact us if you have any concerns before providing us with your consent.

Guild Records

The Guild holds some personal data about individuals, and will only process information that is necessary for the purpose for which it has been collected, principally to communicate with its members and supporters and others, such as the Charity Commission and charities the Guild supports, or may support, in order to conduct the Guild’s day to day and ongoing business.

What Information the Guild Holds About You

Information is held by the Queen Mother’s Clothing Guild as follows:

We normally hold your name, postal and email addresses, and telephone number(s), and in some cases your date of birth. We may hold your bank details if you use standing orders, cheques or bank transfers.

In the case of donors and of charities we support, we also hold a record of the name of your organisation/charity.

For those visiting St James’s Palace we also hold and are required to provide to the Palace their names and addresses, and in addition we may be required to providepassport numbers, dates and places of birth. Additionally for those driving to St James’s Palace (for example to deliver and collect items) we are also required to hold and provide to the Palace their vehicle registration numbers.

In the case of Trustees we also hold any other information as required by the Charity Commission, and/or our insurers.

We may request other information as appropriate and relevant eg if required for an accident or incident form, or for insurance purposes.

We may collect your personal information from websites or through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram or Google Plus or, if you raise funds from other organisations such as Just Giving, Give as you Live or similar websites.

How the Guild uses your personal information.

The Guild will neversell or share such information with any other charity or company for their marketing or commercial purposes.

We will share your information when we are required to provide details to St James’s Palace in relation to Packing Weekfor security and access purposes. We require that they treat your data as carefully as we do, and only use it for the purposes for which it is provided.

We will share your information as required by the Charity Commission; the tax office in relation to gift aid, if required by our insurers, or where we are required by law.

The Guild will use your personal information in a number of other ways in order to conduct the Guild’s day to day business:-

We will provide you with information such as the AGM and Packing Week.

We will keep you informed about the work of the Guild and fundraising opportunities.

We will handle the administration of your gift or donations when received via cash, cheque, credit/debit card, standing order, or charity voucher, or via online fundraising partners such as Just Giving or Give as you Live.

To facilitate communication within the Guild, for example, we share Presidents’ contact details with the Trustees, Executive Committee and other Presidents.

To disseminate information about the Guild on the web site and Facebook.

How long the Guild keeps your information

We will not retain your personal information for longer than is necessary for the purposes set out above, or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements. We will delete it if we no longer need it or if you withdraw your consent for us to hold it.

In certain circumstances we may have a statutory obligation to keep certain financial information about you for a set period of time (normally 7 years).

Privacy and Confidentiality

The Guild will treat your personal information as private and confidential and will always ensure your information remains safe and secure.

Your Rights

GDPR gives you certain rights in relation to the data the Guild holds about you, which are referred to below. You have the right to:-

Ask for a copy of the information that we hold about you;

Correct and update your information;

Ask for your information to be deleted;

Object to our use of the information provided we do not have any continuing lawful reason to continue to use and process the information;

Request that we erase your information (or restrict the use of it), provided we do not have any continuing lawful reason to continue to use and process that information.

Contact us

If you either wish to exercise the above rights and/or manage your information; or have any specific data protection concerns or complaints please contact the Guild’s Data Protection Officer, Sharon Stewart at or 020 87462001


GDPR requires us to seek your explicit and written consent for us to hold your personal data. If you are content for us to maintain our records please would you email or write to Sharon Stewart at dicating your consent using the attached Consent Form.

Majella Forster


Queen Mother’s Clothing Guild (the Guild)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Consent Form

Restrictions and Limitations

I understand that the Guild may contact me by phone, email or post, and for this purpose holds these details. Please indicate below any restrictions I should like the Guild to observe in contacting me in any or all of the above ways.

Phone______Yes No




I have read the Privacy Notice and (subject to any specific restrictions I have noted above) I hereby confirm my consent for the Guild to hold my personal data for the purposes undertaking its business as outlined therein.


Print and sign name (or type name if sending by email)Date

Please return this form to Sharon Stewart at or 22 Stamford Brook Road, W6 0XH