Quechan Tribal Court

450 Quechan Drive • Winterhaven, CA92283

P.O. Box 1899 • Yuma, AZ85366-1899

Telephone 760-572-5552 • Fax 760-572-5560

Parenting Plan Agreement

Today’s Date: ______Court Case No. ______

Petitioner: ______Next Hearing Date: ______

Respondent: ______


NameDate of BirthSex

______Male Female

______Male Female

______Male Female

______Male Female

Parties agreed to the following:


Child’s name Legal Custody Physical Custody Primary Residence





2.PARENTING TIME SCHEDULE starting on: ______

A. Weekday and Weekend Schedule

The child(ren) will spend time with the parents on the following days and times:



B. Summer Schedule

( ) The summer schedule will remain the same as noted above.

C. Holidays/Special Days Schedule

( ) Holidays shall be arranged by mutual agreement of the parents.

1. Winter/Christmas School Break

( ) The parents shall follow the regular weekday/weekend schedule.

2. Spring Break

( ) The parents shall follow the regular weekday/weekend schedule.

D. Transportation/Exchanges

( ) Transportation shall be by mutual agreement of the parents.


A. Vacations

( ) Vacation periods shall be arranged by mutual agreement of the parents. The parent must notify the other parent verbally/writing of their vacation plans a minimum of

1 week in advance and provide a basic itinerary that includes dates of leaving and returning, destinations, and telephone numbers for emergency purposes.

B. Telephone Guidelines

( ) The child(ren) may have telephone access to the parents at reasonable times and for reasonable duration.

( ) The parent may have telephone access to the child(ren) at reasonable times and for reasonable duration.

C. Restraints of Conduct

( ) No use of child(ren) as a messenger.

The parents will communicate directly with each other concerning the child(ren) and may not use the child(ren) as messengers between them.

( ) No negative comments.

Neither parent will make or allow others to make negative comments about the other parent or the other parent’s past or present relationships, family, or friends within hearing distance of the children.

D. Canceled Parenting Time

( ) In the event that the non-custodial parent is unable to exercise visitation on a given occasion, he or she, must notify the custodial parent at the earliest possible opportunity.

F. Additional Provisions

( ) Child(ren)’s clothing and belongings

( ) Each parent will maintain clothing for the child(ren) so that the child(ren) do not have to make exchanges with additional clothing.

( ) The child(ren) will be returned to the other parent with the clothing and other belongings they had when they arrived.

The above parenting agreement represents a fair and accurate representation of the efforts made by the parties during the mediation process. It also represents the parties’ determination of what represents the child(ren)’s best interest.

Once this Parenting Plan Agreement has been signed by both parties, it may be considered by the Court even if one of the parties later disagrees with one or more of the terms.

The terms and conditions of this order may be added to or changed as the needs of the children and parents change. Such changes will be in writing, dated, and signed by both parties. In order for changes to be legally enforceable it also needs to be signed by a judge.

Petitioner: ______Date: ______

Respondent: ______Date: ______

Mediator: ______Date: ______


The foregoing written parenting agreement between the parties is declared the order of the Court and order filed. The petitioner and respondent are ordered to comply with and perform each and all of the terms, conditions, and provisions of the agreement, and said agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless changed by further order of the Court.

Date: ______Judge: ______