

¿What is the SINA?

Environmental National system

The Environmental National System - SINA- is the assembly of orientation, norms activities, resources, programs and institutions that permit it set in motion of the environmental general principles oriented toward the sustainable development.

Thus the Law describes it 99 of 1993 that gave life to environmental the greater reform undertaken by the country in all its history, to propose a new plan of environmental management with greater status, resources and instruments of the ones that had never. The SINA proposes to integrate the different private, social, and public agents involved in the environmental theme in order to promoting a model of sustainable development, through an environmental management decentralized, democratic and participativo.

¿What is the sustainable development?

It is understood for sustainable development that that conduct to the economic growth, to the elevation of the quality of life and to the social welfare, without exhausting the base of the renewable natural resources in which is supported, without deteriorating the half an amiente or the right of the future generations to utilize it for the satisfaction of its own needs, according to the Law 99.

The concept of sustainable development was consecrated for more than 170 countries in the World Conference on Environment and Development celebrated in River of Janeiro in June of 1992. This summit influenced in the Colombian decision to offer greater priority to the environmental theme, by means of the incorporation of this dimension in the Constitution of 1991, and the reform of the institutional plan through the creation of a Department of the Environment and an Environmental National System.

¿When, why and why it was created the SINA?

The Sina was born in December of 1993 as result of a gradual one takes of conscience among the private and public environmentalists of the country on the harmonious social and institutional urgency to count on plans with the responsibility to protect and to do a sustainable use of the Colombian environmental patrimony, considered among the five richest of the planet.

Since the decade from the 80 the Colombian territory began to to be catalogued like a world power in biological diversity, upon counting on more 10 percent of all the spices I you live of the world, as well as a privileged diversity of ecosystems, genetic resources, thermal flats and sources of water and of oxygen. Colombia is also world leader in cultural diversity, upon counting on 84 native ethnic groups, besides rural and black communities depositarias of an invaluable traditional knowledge on the management of the biodiversidad consigned in his territories.

The process of devastation of this cultural and environmental patrimony, particularly during the second half of the century XX, he showed the empty of a model of development based on the pillage, the subvaloración of this national wealth, and the weakness of the environmental authority of that then, represented in a small adhering to institute the Department of Agriculture: the old one Inderena (National Institute of the Renewable Natural Resources and of the

He was then when he began to be gestated a social movement to create a new environmental authority and a proposal of environmental management participativa, that to permit to build a sustainable or harmonic model of development among the social welfare and the preservation of the nature.

¿ Who conform the Sina?

The SINA is heading for the Department of the Environment, as principal agency of the politics and the environmental regulatory nature. They integrate it, besides, 34 Regional Autonomous Corporations and of Sustainable Development, that act like regional environmental authorities; five institutes of investigation, responsible for giving the scientific and technical backup to the management; five urban environmental authorities in the main cities; a Unit of Natural National Parks. This assembly of companies constitutes the called Sina "institutional", "basic" or "state", that wrong is used to to be identified like the exclusive body of the Sina.

With the same level protagónico in the management, do part of the Sina other state companies that perform vertebral functions, and that know as "Sina territorial" : is the case of the territorial entities (municipalities, departments, ethnic territories), where should be executed the national environmental politics to local level, with advising of the Direction of Environmental Politics - DPA- of the National Department of Planning - DNP-

The "Sina sectorial or transectorial" is represented by the departments, some institutes and other state companies with environmental responsibilities, such as Invías or Corpoica. Are also actors of the agencies of control as the finance Office, the Attorney’s office and the Defensoría of the delegated Town in the environmental thing.

The not state actors that conform the SINA, the call "Sina social", are headlines by the not governmental organizations -NGO, the community organizations, of base or of second degree, and the territorial ethnic organizations, representatives of native towns, afro Colombian and/or rural. Prominent actors are also the universities and agencies of technological and scientific investigation.

The private sector and the diverse guilds of the production have a fundamental role in the construction of sustainable models of development and should be articulated with the other actors of the System, especially in the management of "clean production" or respectful of the cultural and environmental patrimony.

As it is observed, practically all the Colombians organized around environmental actions are actors of the Sina and therefore, responsible for their collective construction. Therefore, one of the most recent projects of strengthening of the System is called "we Are Sina"


Ministerio del Medio Ambiente

Silence 37 N° 8-40 Bogota

Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (Ideam)

Diagonal 97 N° 17-60 flats 1-3, 7 and 10 Bogota

Amazon institute of Scientific Investigations, Sinchi

Silence 20 Nº 5-44 Bogota

Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos, Alexander Von Humboldt

Silence 37 N° 8-40


Village of Leyva - Cloister of San Agustín

Instituto de Investigaciones Ambientales del Pacífico (IIAP)

Career 2 Nº 26 TO-68, neighborhood Rome Quibdó

Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, José Benito Vives de Andreis (Invemar)

Central Tip of Betín Holy Marta

Office of the secretary of Farm Development and Environment

Department of the Amazon Career 11 Nº 12-98. Leticia

Office of the secretary of Agriculture

Department of Antioquia Street 42B N° 52 -106 Medellín

Office of the secretary of Farm Matters

Department of Arauca Street 20 N° 19-71 Arauca

Office of the secretary of Farm Development

Department of Atlantic Street 40 Careers 45 and 46 flat 7 Barranquilla

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development

Department of Bolívar Plaza of the Proclamation Cartagena

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Stockbreeding

Department of Boyacá Street 20 N° 9-90 Tunja

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and of the Environment

Department of Caldas Career 21 Street 22 and 23 Manizales

Office of the secretary of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

Department of Caquetá Career 13 Street 15 corner Florence

Office of the secretary of Agriculture, Stockbreeding and Economic Development

Department of Casanare Career 20 N° 8-45 Building Aquarium Yopal

Office of the secretary of Mining , Industrial, and Agricultural Promotion

Department of the to Cease Silence 6 N° 12-120 Valledupar

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Economic Development

Department of Cordoba Palace of Naín Street 27 N° 3-28 Montería

Direction of Agriculture

Department of Cundinamarca Street 26 N° 47-73 Central Tower, flat 4 Bogota

Office of the secretary of Environment and Natural Resources

Department of Collided Silence 31 Career 1, corner Quibdó

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Fishing

Department of The Guajira Silence 1 Career 6 corner, Building of the Government Riohacha

Office of the secretary of Farm Development

Department of Guainía Departmental Palace Port Inírida

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Environment

Department of the Guaviare Central Administrative Departmental San José of the Guaviare

Office of the secretary of Mining and Farm Development

Department of the Huila Silence 8 Career 4 corner Neiva

Office of the secretary of Agriculture

Department of the Mary magdalene Silence 1 N° 16-15 Holy Marta

Office of the secretary of the Environment

Department of the Goal Career 33 N° 38-45 Villavicencio

Office of the secretary of Development and Environment

Department of Nariño Street 19 N° 23-78 Pasto

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Environment

Department of North of Santander Palace of Government Cúcuta

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development

Department of Putumayo Palace of the Government Mocoa

Office of the secretary of Agriculture

Department of the Quindío Silence 20 N° 13-22 Armenian

Office of the secretary of Rural Development Integrated

Department of Risaralda Park Olaya Blacksmith Pereira

Office of the secretary of Fishing and Farm Development

Department of San Andrés Departmental Palace San Andrés

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development

Department of Santander Street 37 N° 10-30 Bucaramanga

Office of the secretary of Agriculture

Department of Sucre Street 25 N° 25B -35 Sincelejo

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development

Department of the Tolima Career 3 Street 10 and 11 Ibagué

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Promotion

Department of the Valley Silence 9 N° 8-60 Building San Luis, first flat Cali

Office of the secretary of Farm Development and of the Environment

Department of the Vaupés Palace of Government Mitú

Office of the secretary of the Environment

City hall of Bucaramanga Street 48 N° 36-39 Bucaramanga

Commission of Ecology and Environment

Departmental assembly of the Collided Silence 31 career 1ª corner Quibdó

Office of the secretary of Agriculture and Stockbreeding

Department of Cauca Career 7a Silence 4 corner Popayán


Department of Guainía Greater city Hall of Port Inírida Guainía

Office of the secretary of Farm Development and Environment

Department of the Vichada Port Government Palace Carreño

Local Administrative department of the Environment (Dadima)

career 53 Nº 55-211 Barranquilla

Administrative department for Management of the Environment (Dagma)

Silence 10 North Nº 9 N-07 Santiago of Cali

Departamento Administrativo del Medio Ambiente (Dama)

Career 6 Nº 14-98 flat 2 and 5 Bogota

Administrative department of the Environment of Cartagena of Indias (Damarena)

Building Popular Bank, office 506 Cartagena

Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburrá - Environmental Unit

Career 55 Nº 40A -20 Medellín

Corporación Autonóma Regional de Cundinamarca(CAR)

Career 10 N° 16-82 flats 4-5 Edif. Idema Bogota

Corporación Autónoma Regional de Risaralda (Carder)

Silence 24 N° 7-29 flats 4, 5 commercial center The Lake Pereira

Regional Autonomous corporation of the Channel of the Dike (Cardique)

Cross 52 Nº 17-150, neighborhood The Forest - sector Manzanillo Cartagena

Regional Autonomous corporation of Sucre (Carsucre)

Career 25 Nº 22-29 flat 3, edif. Mr. Migue, av. The Peñitas Sincelejo

Corporación Autónoma Regional para la Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga (CDMB)

Career 23 N°37-63


Corporación Autónoma Regional para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Chocó (Codechocó)

Career 1ª N° 22-96 Quibdó

Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina (Coralina)

Highway San Luis Bigth km 26 San Andrés, island

Corporación Autónoma Regional del Centro de Antioquia (Corantioquia)

Career 65 N° 44 TO 32, sector of Naranjal Medellín

Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Area of Special Management of the Macarena (Cormacarena)

Career 35 Nº 25-57 flat 3, neighborhood San Benito Villavicencio

Corporación Autónoma Regional de las cuencas de los ríos Negro y Nare (Cornare)

km 54 way Medellín - Bogota The Sanctuary (Antioquia)

Regional Autonomous corporation of the High one Mary magdalene (CAM)

Career 1ª Nº 60-79, neighborhood The Mercy Neiva - Huila

Regional Autonomous corporation of the Mary magdalene (Corpamag)

Silence 22 N° 3-54, flat 10 Holy Marta

Corporación por el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sur de la Amazonia (Corpoamazonia)

Neighborhood The Esmeralda Mocoa

Regional Autonomous corporation of Boyacá (Corpoboyacá)

Old way to Paipa Nº. 53-70, next to the Idema Tunja

Corporation Autónma Regional of the Cauca (CRC)

Silence 5ª Career 6ª corner Cam 5 phase flat 2 Popayán

Regional Autonomous corporation of the Quindío (CRQ)

Silence 19 north Nº 19-55 Armenian

Regional Autonomous corporation of Caldas (Corpocaldas)

Silence 21 N° 23-22, Sure building Atlas, flat 15 Manizales

Regional Autonomous corporation of the Atlantic one (CRA)

Silence 66 Nº. 54-43 Baranquilla

Regional Autonomous corporation of the to Cease (Corpocesar)

Silence 16 N° 9-44, building Agrarian Box, flat 5 Valledupar

Regional Autonomous corporation of Chivor (Corpochivor)

Silence 8 Nº 8-44 Garagoa (Boyacá)

Regional Autonomous corporation of The Guajira (Corpoguajira)

Career 7ª N° 3-08 flat 2, Executive building Riohacha

Corporación Autónoma Regional del Guavio (Corpoguavio)

Career 7ª N° 1 - 52 Gachalá (Cundinamarca)

Headquarters Bogota

Career 13 Nº 28-38 of. 218

Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Mojana and the San Jorge (Corpomojana)

Career 21 Nº 21A-44 San Frameworks (Sucre)

Regional Autonomous corporation of Nariño (Corponariño)

Silence 25 N° 7 this-84, farm Lope-Way Carolina Pasto

Corporación Autónoma Regional de la Frontera Nororiental (Corponor)

Silence 13 Nº 3 AND - 278, neighborhood Caobos Cúcuta

Corporación Autónoma Regional de la Orinoquia( Corporinoquia)

Career 19 Nº 21-34 Yopal

Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Urabá (Corpourabá)

Silence 92 Nº. 98-39 Apartadó - Antioquia

Regional Autonomous corporation of the Tolima (Cortolima)

Avenue of the Railroad Silence 44 corner, edif. Cortolima Ibagué

Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (CVC)

Career 56 N°11-36 Santiago of Cali

Regional Autonomous corporation of Santander (CAS)

Career 12 Nº 4-92 neighborhood The Beach San Gil - Santander

Southern Regional Autonomous corporation of Bolívar (CBS)

Career 16 Nº 10-27 Ava. Colombia Magangué

Regional Autonomous corporation of the valleys of the Sinú and of the San Jorge (CVS)

Silence 29 Nº 2-43, flat 8 Montería - Cordoba

Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Norte y el Oriente Amazónico (CDA)

Silence 19 Nº 4-77, of. 504 Bogota

Corporación del Río Grande de la Magdalena (Cormagdalena)

Silence 49, career 11 flat 2, edif. Popular bank Barrancabermeja

Headquarters Bogota

Av. 40 TO Nº 13-09

Asociación de Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales, de Desarollo Sostenible y Autoridades Ambientales de Grandes Centros urbanos

Career 13 Nº 27-00, office 601, edif. Bochica - Central International Bogota

Special Administrative unit of the System of Natural National Parks (UAESPNN)

Career 10 Nº 20-30 Bogota