MATHEMATICS206-<section number>

<Quarter, Year>


Instructor: <name>

Office: <location>

Office phone: <number>

Office hours: <days and times>

Tutorial center hours: <days and times>

Email: <university email address>

Final Exam: <day and time>

General course description: Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on (or exemption from) ELM; Math 104A and 104B, each with agrade of C or better or satisfactory score on the exit examinations for these courses. Students with a grade less than B- in either Math 104A or Math 104B must enroll concurrently in Math 206P. This course will cover limits, derivatives, and applications using derivatives.

Textbook: <author and title>

Topical outline: Functions, graphs, conics, limits, continuity, derivatives, rules for differentiation, antidifferentiation, and applications of derivatives, such as related rates problems, optimization problems, and sketching the graph of a function.

Student Learning Outcomes: Students who successfully complete Math 206 will be able to:

Calculate limits graphically, numerically, and algebraically.

Understand and apply the definition of continuity.

Calculate the derivative of a function using the definition and the various rules of differentiation.

Solve related rates problems and minimization/maximization problems.

Understand the intermediate value theorem and the mean value theorem.

Use the derivative to sketch the graph of a function.

Compute basic antiderivatives.

Requirements: <attendance, assignments, homework, quizzes, tests, etc>

Grading system: <instructor’s grading system>

ADA statement: Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any student who is registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities and requests needed accommodation.

Academic honesty statement: Students are expected to do their own work. Copying the work of others, cheating on exams, and similar violations will be reported to the University Discipline Officer, who has the authority to take disciplinary actions against students who violate the standards of academic honesty.

Student responsibilities: Students are responsible for being aware of all announcements that are made in class, such as changes in exam dates, due dates of homework and papers, and cancellation of class due to instructor’s absence. Students are responsible for announcements made on days that they are absent.

Students must check their CSULA email account regularly for information from the instructor and the Department. Failure to do so may result in missed deadlines or other consequences that might adversely affect students. Note that you can forward this email account to any other account of your choosing.