
Quarter I Final Exam—English IV

When you finish the Part I: Meaningful sentences, turn in the test and pick up Part 2.

Meaningful Sentences: Please write meaningful sentences with the following words.

  1. autonomous:
  1. ludicrous:
  1. construed:
  1. epochs:
  1. automaton:
  1. rampant:
  1. irrevocably:
  1. catharsis:


Quarter I Final Exam Part 2—English IV

Literary Elements

Directions: Answer each question in complete sentences. If you need more space, write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

  1. What is surrealism? Identify 2 specific examples of surrealism in Invisible Man and discuss how each is an example of surrealism. (You may use quotes, but you do not need to.)
  1. What is a motif? Identify 2 different motifs in the novel and explain how they are motifs.

Short Answer Responses

Directions: Answer each question fully in complete sentences with a claim. You do not need quotes, but feel free to use them if it’s easier for you.

  1. What evidence might we have for how the Founder and the college that IM attends is modeled after Booker T. Washington and Tuskegee Institute? (Name 2 pieces of evidence.)
  1. Does the narrator realize his own invisibility during his high school and college days? (Respond with a claim and 2 examples—you do not need quotes, but you can use them if you would like.)

Analyzing Quotes

  1. “For although I had not intended it, any act that endangered the continuity of the dream was an act of treason” (134).




  1. “I looked out at the scene now from far back in my despair; seeing the platform and its actors as through a reversed telescope; small doll-like figures moving through some meaningless ritual” (117).



Significance/Importance (make sure you discuss changes in the speaker’s perspective in your explanation):

3. “I am standing puzzled, unable to decide whether the veil is really being lifted, or lowered more firmly in place; whether I am witnessing a revelation or a more efficient blinding” (36)




Delve In Paragraphs

Directions: Please respond with a claim and three quotes from the book to back up your claim. Make sure each quotes is well-integrated—meaning hamburger quotes where you introduce each quote (identify speaker and context) and analyze each quote (explain how it proves your claim.) Make sure you cite each quote correctly and include page numbers. Please write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Delve In #1: Invisible Man

Question: Why are IM and Mr. Norton so perturbed/shocked/disturbed by the crazy vets’ behavior at the Golden Day?

Delve In #2: Literature Circle Book

Please choose just one question to answer on your literature circle book.

Question 1: (fiction) What is a theme of your novel?

Question 2: (fiction) How does the main character change in your novel?

Question 3: (nonfiction and fiction) What is one major conflict in the novel and how is it resolved?

Question 3: (nonfiction) What is one argument that the author makes in your book?


English IV Mid-Quarter Test

Directions: You may use your books and any notes you have written in your books.

Section 1--Analyzing Quotes and Metaphors

  1. 1. “I imagined myself whirling about in my mind like an old man attempting to catch a small boy in some mischief, thinking, Who am I?” (242). What is IM talking about? Make sure you identify and explain the simile fully.
  1. “‘Why not castration, doctor?’ a voice asked waggishly” (236). Why does he talk about castration? What does castration have to do with anything?
  1. “They got all this machinery, but that ain’t everything; we the machines inside the machine…
  1. “Our white is so white you can paint a chunka coal and you’d have to crack it open with a sledge hammer” (217). There are multiple ways you can interpret this statement as a metaphor. Please explain one possible interpretation of this statement as metaphor.
  1. On page 201, please explain the symbolic significance of the weathered paint on Trueblood’s cabin and the very white paint of the college that IM attended.
  1. “My dear Mr. Emerson,” I said aloud. ‘The Robin bearing this letter is a former student. Please hope him to death, and keep him running…Sure: ‘Dear Bled, have met Robin and shaved tail. Signed, Emerson’” (194).
  1. “I thought you was trying to deny me at first, but now I be pretty glad to see you” (176).




8. ”Play the game but don’t believe in it—that much you owe yourself. Even if it lands you in a strait jacket or a padded cell. Play the game, but play it your own way—part of the time at least…Learn how it operates, learn how you operate…we’re an ass-backward people, though” (154).



Significance and Explanation: (make sure you explain each part of the quote and all the metaphors. For example, “the game” and what does it mean to learn how it operates? Then, tell why this is significant to plot, character, conflict, etc.)

9. “Continue on the yam level and life would be sweet—though somewhat yellowish” (267)



Significance: (Hint: make sure you explain what he means by the “yam level,” “yellowish,” and how this fits into his internal conflict)

  1. “What a group of people we were, I thought. Why, you could cause us the greatest humiliation simply by confronting us with something we liked” (264).
  1. “A remote explosion had occurred somewhere, perhaps back at Emerson’s or that night in Bledsoe’s office, and it had caused the ice cap to melt and shift the slightest bit” (259)



Significance: (Hint: make sure you explain each metaphor for full credit and explain what is being referred to in every instance.)

  1. Coming to New York had perhaps been an unconscious attempt to keep the old freezing unit going, but it hadn’t worked; hot water had gotten into its coils” (259).
  1. “Across the aisle a young platinum blonde nibbled at a red Delicious apple as station lights rippled past behind her” (250).

Section 2-Evaluating Arguments and Themes

1. “I fell to plotting ways of short-circuiting the machine…No, not only was there no room but it might electrocute me…I had no desire to destroy myself even if it destroyed the machine; I wanted freedom, not destruction” (243).

Please evaluate what IM is saying in this quote. Do you think his philosophy is a good one? Why or why not? Please consider both sides of the argument before drawing your conclusion. (Before you answer this question, please explain what is being said figuratively/metaphorically).

Evaluation—do you agree or disagree?

3. “White! It’s the purest white that can be found. Nobody makes a paint any whiter. This batch right here is heading for a national monument” (202). There are many levels at which this statement is ironic. Please explain at least one way in which this statement is ironic.

  1. “And I tell you something else, it’s the ones from the South that’s got to do it, them what knows the fire and ain’t forgot how it burns. Up here too many forgets. They finds a place for theyselves and forgets the ones on the bottom” (255).

Do you agree or disagree with her statement? Please consider both sides of the argument before drawing your conclusion. (Before you answer this question, please explain what is being said figuratively/metaphorically). Make sure you explain what the “it” she’s talking about is. Explain your answer fully, drawing on personal experiences and knowledge to argue your point.

  1. “They reminded me fleetingly of prisoners carrying their leg irons as they escaped from a chain gang. Yet they seemed aware of some self-importance, and I wished to stop one and ask him why he was chained to his pouch” (164).



Significance and Interpretation: (make sure you explain the figurative language here.)

Delve In Paragraph (using quotes to support your thesis)

  1. How does IM begin to change from his former self to his current self?
  2. Why does IM worry about his identity?
  3. Is Emerson’s son a really open-minded non-prejudiced person? Or, is he a small-minded racist? Or, somewhere in between? Back up your response with at least three quotes, introduced and analyzed. (aka Delve In paragraph).


Quarter 2 English IV Final

Short Answer Responses

Directions: Choose 2 out of the following 3 questions to answer. Answer each question fully in complete sentences with a claim. You do not need quotes, but feel free to use them if it will improve your response. Please use your own paper.

1.“It’s simple.; we are working for a better world for all people. It’s that simple. Too many have been dispossessed of their heritage, and we have banded together in brotherhood so as to do something about it. What do you think of that?” (305)

In your response, please explain who is speaking and what they are referring to first. Then, answer the question: does the speaker’s organization actually follow their own mission as stated? Please give 3 specific examples from the book to support your response. Your evidence can be in the form of quotes or paraphrasing from the book.

2. Interpreting symbolic objects: The coin bank in chapter 15 can be interpreted as symbolic. What do you think the bank represents? Please give 3 reasons/supporting details to back up your interpretation. Your evidence can be in the form of quotes or paraphrasing from the book.

3. Marcus Garvey: Explain how Ras the Destroyer is modeled after Marcus Garvey, the founder of the Black Nationalists. Give 2-3 examples. Then, answer the questions: do you think the book is for or against (or neutral towards) the Black Nationalists (Marcus Garvey’s organization)? Explain fully with 1-2 examples to back up your claim. You may use your Marcus Garvey notes.

Analyzing Quotes

Directions: Please choose 8 out of the following 10 questions to complete. Be sure to answer as completely and insightfully as possible.

  1. “Suddenly I felt an urge to go look at her, perhaps I had really never seen her. I had been acting like a child, not a man” (297)




  1. “Think about it, they’ve dispossessed us each of one eye from the day we’re born. So now we can only see in straight white lines. We’re a nation of one-eyed mice” (343).



Explanation: (make sure you explain each part of the quote.. Who is “they”? What does it mean to be dispossessed of one eye? What does it mean to only “see in straight white lines”? )

Make a connection: (How does this quote connect to a theme, a motif, etc. that is present in the book?)

  1. “We recognized no loose ends, everything could be controlled by our science. Life was all pattern and discipline; and the beauty of discipline is when it works. And it was working very well” (382).


Explanation: (who is “we”? what is the philosophy here? where does the speaker get this philosophy from?)

Significance: (having read until the end, how does the speaker rebel against this philosophy of “science” and “philosophy”?)

  1. “Well, I wasn’t always lame, and I’m not really now ‘cause the doctors can’t find anything wrong with that leg. They say it’s sound as a piece of steel. What I mean is I got this limp from dragging a chain” (387)



Significance: (explain why the speaker has a phantom limp, and what does it say about society?)

  1. “Yes, primitive; no one has told you, Brother, that at times you have tom-toms beating in your voice” (413)




  1. “What if history was a gambler, instead of a force in a laboratory experiment, and the boys his ace in the hole? What if history was not a reasonable citizen, but a madman full of paranoid guile and these boys his agents, his big surprise! His own revenge? (441)



Signficance/Explanation: (what does the speaker speculate about the nature of history? What are some logical consequences of thinking of history in this way?)

  1. “Who are you anyway, the great white father?” (473)



Explanation: (who is being accused of being the “great white father,” what does that even mean, and why is the person being accused of it?)

8.”If dark glasses and a white hat could blot out my identity so quickly, who actually was who?” (493)




  1. “Who’s taking revenge on whom? But why be surprised when that’s what they hear all their lives” (520).




10. Why does IM keep the leg chain, the letter, the bank? Based on your answer, come up with a possible theme statement.

Delve In Paragraphs

Directions: Please respond with a claim and three quotes from the book to back up your claim. Make sure each quotes is well-integrated—meaning hamburger quotes where you introduce each quote (identify speaker and context) and analyze each quote (explain how it proves your claim.) Make sure you cite each quote correctly and include page numbers. Please write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Delve In #1:

Question: How does motif/symbolic objects inform theme? (Select one of the following motifs/symbolic objects: chain link, Sambo doll, blindness, light, white line, betrayal, etc. Or, pick one of your own)

(optional) Delve In #2:

Question: Choose one incident where IM was betrayed by somebody. How does IM view the world differently after the betrayal?

Extra Credit:

“It was as though I’d learned suddenly to look around corners; images of past humiliations flickered through my head and I saw that they were more than separate experiences. They were me; they defined me. I was my experiences and my experiences were me, and no blind men, no matter how powerful they became, even if they conquered the world, could take that, or change one single itch, taunt, laugh, cry, scar, ache, rage or pain of it” (508).

What a beautiful passage. I’m sorry we didn’t have a chance to discuss it. For extra credit, contemplate it, and give your interpretation of what IM is saying. What do you think of his newfound truth? Agree? Disagree?


Chapters 18 and 19 Quizzes

  1. What does Brother Tarp give to IM?
  2. What does Brother Wrestrum encourage IM to do?
  3. What does the anonymous letter tell IM to do? (there can be more than one right answer)
  4. Who betrays IM? How?
  5. What is the committee’s decision on IM’s reassignment? (what is he now assigned to do?)
  6. Where does IM meet the woman who he sleeps with?
  7. How does she get him to come up to her apartment?
  8. Who comes in, according to IM, while he is in her room?
  9. What is IM afraid of throughout this whole chapter?
  10. What does everyone say happened to Brother Clifton at the end of chapter 19?


Chapters 18 and 19 Quizzes

  1. What does Brother Tarp give to IM?
  2. What does Brother Wrestrum encourage IM to do?
  3. What does the anonymous letter tell IM to do? (there can be more than one right answer)
  4. Who betrays IM? How?
  5. What is the committee’s decision on IM’s reassignment? (what is he now assigned to do?)
  6. Where does IM meet the woman who he sleeps with?
  7. How does she get him to come up to her apartment?
  8. Who comes in, according to IM, while he is in her room?
  9. What is IM afraid of throughout this whole chapter?

10. What does everyone say happened to Brother Clifton at the end of chapter 19?


Chapters 18 and 19 Quizzes

  1. What does Brother Tarp give to IM?
  2. What does Brother Wrestrum encourage IM to do?
  3. What does the anonymous letter tell IM to do? (there can be more than one right answer)
  4. Who betrays IM? How?
  5. What is the committee’s decision on IM’s reassignment? (what is he now assigned to do?)
  6. Where does IM meet the woman who he sleeps with?
  7. How does she get him to come up to her apartment?
  8. Who comes in, according to IM, while he is in her room?
  9. What is IM afraid of throughout this whole chapter?

10. What does everyone say happened to Brother Clifton at the end of chapter 19?


Chapter 25 and Epilogue Quiz

Ch. 25

  1. Where was the riot taking place?
  2. Name 2 things that were looted/stolen.
  3. What is one theory for why the riot started?
  4. What does Dupre do to the tenement building? Why?
  5. What does IM find hanging from the lampposts?


  1. Who does IM meet on the subway?
  2. After he falls into the manhole, what’s his final decision for action? What’s his next step?
  3. What realization does he come to about his grandfather’s humanity?
  4. What might be his “greatest social crime”?
  5. Has he gained visibility at the end? Why or why not? What has he gained?