1. Quality Meetings
  2. Strong teachings
  3. Clear content
  4. Engaging delivery
  5. Appropriate length
  6. Fun activities
  7. Energy
  8. Variety
  9. Relating
  10. Hang out and have conversations with the students
  11. Join in fun activities with them
  12. Discipline
  13. Set a strong, spiritual tone:“We have fun here, and we’re really into following God.”
  14. Most effective: positive reinforcement (catch them being good) and positive relationships
  15. Also necessary: address negative behaviors and attitudes
  16. Address negatives primarily on a spiritual level- have the conversation
  17. Use range of consequences- move seats (light), call parents (medium), suspension (extreme- seek counsel)
  18. Evangelism
  19. Encourage students to BOTH invite friends AND share the Gospel
  20. Gospel in teachings
  21. Necessary every time! Might be a new student’s only time they’ll hear it.
  22. Just old members at cell tonight? Give the gospel in a way that makes them wish they brought their non-Christian friends.
  23. Use discussion questions/small groups to explore students’ conversion stories, and then follow up afterward.
  24. Gospel in conversations: most effective! Includes impromptu and planned opportunities (e.g. car rides).
  25. Follow Up
  26. Interacting with students
  27. Get to know the students right away when group starts
  28. Warmly welcome new students
  29. Interacting with parents** [2nd Most Commonly Neglected Essential!]
  30. Get a new students’ contact info at theirfirst meeting
  31. Call parents
  32. “We love having ______. Thanks for letting ______be involved...”
  33. Tell them something specific you enjoy about their kid
  34. “Do you have any questions about what we do...?”
  35. “Can we send you our next flyer with upcoming events...?”
  36. Mobilize relatively mature students to help welcome new folks: coach, oversee, and give feedback
  37. Mentoring
  38. Pre-mentoring Engagement
  39. Invest in students at cell and prayerfully observe spiritual interest—want to eventually (by 7th grade) mentor students who demonstrate desire to learn and serve, not just comply
  40. Initiate time spent outside cell meeting** [Most Commonly Neglected Essential!]
  41. Individual or small group
  42. Include fun and study
  43. Contact parents
  44. Established mentoring
  45. Weekly or bi-weekly, with prayer, study, counsel, and fun
  46. Planning/Prayer
  47. Pray for all students by name regularly
  48. Regular parent contact: quarterly flyers (email to Rachel Cook), weekly emails, calling/texting as needed
  49. Plan small events semi-regularly
  50. As a cell-night activity or another time (great for outreach)
  51. Service projects
  52. Plan an annual retreat
  53. Parent night
  54. Getting students plugged into larger JH opportunities: central teaching, camp, classes, missions trip
  55. Adjust plans as needed
  56. Teamwork
  57. Your leadership team
  58. Meet regularly: try to cover important but not urgent (mentoring, ethos, etc.)
  59. Do as much planning/scheduling as possible over email
  60. Senior leaders learn to delegate(e.g. stats); co-leaders learn to initiate
  61. Your sphere team
  62. Seek counsel—no question too big or small!
  63. Disclosures: **mandatory** contact sphere coach within 48 hours if a student discloses anything related to suicidal thoughts, abuse, self-harm, or anything dangerous/illegal. Call police/suicide hotline right away for emergencies (e.g. if they have a plan in mind for suicide).