C (i)




TRUST NAME: East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

DATE: 21/01/13


AUTHOR:Jill Moseley, Associate Director of Clinical Quality


This report sets out the position for quarters 1to 3 of the 2012/13priorities set out in the 2012/13Quality Account.


  1. The topic group to note the report.
  2. The topic group is asked to advise if further action is required.


The majority of the 2012/13 Quality Account priorities are on target. The three areas which are below target are:

-Category A8 response times

-Category A19 response times

-Percentage of FAST positive stroke patients who arrived at a hyper acute stroke centre within 60 minutes of call

These three priorities have action plans to improve performance, which are linked in terms of improving the Trust’s speed of response to patients.

PRIORITY 1:Percentage of Cat A Calls emergency response < 8 minutes

This priority is not on target with the year to date position being 74.0% against an end of year target of 75%. A number of actions have been put in place by the Trust including:

- Recruitment campaign launched to increase front line staffing. The Trust is looking to recruit an additional 75 paramedics and has already made offers to 24 paramedics

- The Trust has nearly filled 141 Emergency Care Assistant training places

- The trust has set up an abstraction management plan to reduce the amount of hours the Trust loses from front line cover because of sickness, training or leave. The group managing this is looking at actions to reduce abstractions, and thus increase front line capacity both in the short and longer term

- Roll out of a pilot scheme to tackle the issue of staff finishing their shift late. These late finishes often result in staff not being available as planned for their next shift and the next crew not being able to start their shift on time due to the Ambulance not being available.

- Four mobile treatment centres have been leased from St John’s Ambulance. These are deployed to hospitals where the Trust is experiencing long patient handover delay. These allow ambulance crews who are queuing at hospital to hand their patients over to the care of staff on the mobile treatment centre and thus be available to respond to other patients.

PRIORITY 2: Percentage of Cat A Calls ambulance <19 minutes

This priority is not on target with the year to date position being 93.9% against an end of year target of 95%. A number of actions have been put in place by the Trust and are summarised in the priority 1 box.

PRIORITY 3: SQU03_05 c) Percentage of STEMI patients who received appropriate care bundle

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 4: SQU03_06 (b) Percentage of suspected stroke patients who received appropriate care bundle

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 5: SQU03_06 (a) Percentage of FAST positive stroke patients who arrived at a hyper acute stroke centre within 60 minutes of call

This priority is not on target and actions listed in priority box 1 will help improve performance on this indicator. The Trust has a dedicated stroke lead who is overseeing this priority and conducting on-going investigations in all cases of non-compliance. To raise awareness of stroke care, the stroke lead ran an stroke awareness week for staff and the public earlier this year, including a stroke summit where clinical leaders in this field spoke to delegates about achieving high quality care for patients.

PRIORITY 6: Annual Staff survey: Staff recommendation of the trust as a place to work or receive treatment

This is an annual staff survey – the results of which are not yet available.


PRIORITY 7: Proportion of patient safety incidents reported as resulting in severe harm or death per 100 patient incidents

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 8a: Total number of patients who received liquid paracetamol as pain relief

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 8b: Total number of patients who received Oramorph as pain relief

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 8c: Total number of patients who received co-codamol as pain relief

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 8d: Percentage of patients who received pain relief medication who had an initial pain score documented

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 8e: Percentage of patients who received pain relief medication who had an pain score post medication documented

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 8f: Percentage of patients who received pain relief medication for whom pain score improved or remained the same

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 9a: % of front line staff who have completed the education module as per CPD programme 2012/13

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 9b: Total monthly number of service users accessing the Easy Read documents via the website

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 10a: Number of patients with a mental health / psychiatric history who have had a Capacity to Consent form completed

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 10b: Number of patients who have attempted suicide or self-harm and have had a JRCALC Suicide and Self-Harm Risk Assessment Tool completed

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 11a: Number of major trauma patients conveyed to a major trauma centre - primary transfers

This priority is on target

PRIORITY 11b: Number of major trauma patients who received tranexamic acid as part of their treatment

This priority is on target