P.I. SmithTitle Header

Qualitative Research Protocol

(Please use this template as a guide to draft your protocol)

Title of Research

I.Introduction and background of the study

II.Statement of the problem

III.Purpose of the study

IV.Research questions

V.Theoretical framework (if applicable)

VI.Definitions of key terms/abbreviations (if applicable)

VII.Significance of the study specific to your discipline in these three areas:

  • Education (i.e. Medical education, Nursing education, etc.)
  • Clinical Practice(i.e. Physical Therapy clinical practice, etc.)
  • Research (i.e. Respiratory Therapy research, Radiology research, etc.)

VIII.Philosophical underpinnings

IX.Scope and limitations of the study

X.Review of the literature: (If greater than 2 pages, please list additional content in appendix)

A scholarly critique of the primary resources of the empirical research that is relevant to the concepts of the study. The review establishes the current state of knowledge about the topic under study and contains gaps in the knowledge concerning the topic and the problem that exists. Include search engines and key words used in your search.

  • Historical context

Trace the historical background of the study focus.

  • Experiential context

Address your personal knowledge or involvement with this topic. Explain how you will bracket, explain epoche in relation to your study.


  • Research design

A thorough description of the qualitative method approach and rationale for use of this method (phenomenological, ethnographic, case study, etc.)

  • Sample and research setting
  • Purpose of the sampling
  • Characteristics of potential types of persons, events, or processes to be sampled
  • How decisions about sampling are made
  • Sample size estimates provided based on previous experience, pilot work, etc.
  • Access and recruitment of sample

How will you recruit subjects? Explain in detail.

  • Inclusion criteria
  • Exclusion criteria
  • Ethical considerations and protection of human subjects

Provide a detailed plan including how subjects will be informed of any risks/benefits by participating in the study. Refer to the IRB documents.

  • Data collection procedures

Explain in detail your procedure for data collection

  • Demographic data

What data will you collect and why?

  • Interview questions

Briefly explain the purpose of the interview, relate to the qualitative tradition and research design. Provide a list of interview questions

  • Data analysis plan

How will you analyze the data?

  • Research rigor

Address criteria for rigor and trustworthiness and how they apply and will be used in your study. Data storage and organization should be addressed as you discuss the various components of rigor. Where will data be stored? How will it be organized? How will it be retrieved?

XII.How will you disseminate your findings?

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