Rare / The event may only occur in exceptional circumstances. Has not occurred in the educationSector in Australia or elsewhere.
Unlikely / Unlikely to occur but could happen. Has happened in Australia in the education sector or elsewhere in the last 10 years
Possible / Could occur sometime in the next 3-5 years. Has happened in the education sector in the recent past.
Likely / Can be expected to occur on a 1-3 year basis and has occurred in UWA in this basis in thisperiod
Probable / Expected to occur on a regular basis and has repeatedly occurred in UWA
Risk Management Levels
Low / Manage by routine procedures
Minor / Take reasonable steps to mitigate and monitor the risk
Moderate / Active management response required. Response should be documented and monitored
Major / Senior management attention required. Action plan to mitigate or remove necessary
Extreme / Immediate management attention and urgent mitigation action. Executive management involvement
Qualitative measures of Consequence
Insignificant / Minor / Moderate / Major / Catastrophic
Strategic objectives / No material effect on objectives / Temporary or inconvenient delays / Marginal underachievement or material impediment to achieving objective / Significant underachievement or major delay / Non achievement of objective
Reputation / Unsubstantiated adverse criticism; low impact; no media attention / Substantiated criticism; minor media attention / Substantiated wide spread public and sector comment; media attention and criticism, / Substantiated; sustained negative media coverage; 3rd party actions / Major loss of reputation. Loss of public confidence and government, community or student support
Health and Safety / Incident without injury / First aid treatment / Medical treatment, lost time; breach of H&S legislation / Extensive injury, extended incapacity; Worksafe investigation or penalty / Fatality or multiple severe injuries; prosecution of UWA or staff
Research / Drop of 5 places on ARWU/ HEEACT international research ranking scale / Drop of 10 places on ARWU/ HEEACT international research ranking scale / Drop of 25 places on ARWU/ HEEACT international research ranking scale / Drop of 35 places on ARWU/ HEEACT international research ranking scale / Drop of 50+ places on ARWU/ HEEACT international research ranking scale
Teaching and learning / Repeated complaints at school level / Repeated public criticism / Threat to accreditation
Small loss in ‘high end’ student enrolments / Accreditation limited, TEQSA(or equivalent) recommendation
Modest loss in ‘high end’ student enrolments / School viability threatened; non accreditation. Significant/widespread loss in UWA teaching reputation
Significant loss in ‘high end’ student enrolments
Legislative Compliance / Procedural or good faith breach / Breach of regulation; complaint lodged or minor investigation / Negligent breach; warning from regulator; lack of good faith or poor performance / Deliberate breach; gross negligence resulting in successful prosecution; regulatory involvement / Criminal negligence or act; prosecution or dismissal; ministerial censure
Financial loss / Financial or asset loss <0.15% of operating budget / Financial or asset loss Up to 0.5% operating budget / Financial or asset loss
Up to 1% of operating budget / Financial or asset loss
Up to 3% of operating budget / Financial or asset loss
>3% of operating budget
Risk Matrix
Ratings / Consequences
Insignificant / Minor / Moderate / Major / Catastrophic
Likelihood / Rare / Low / Low / Minor / Moderate / Major
Unlikely / Low / Low / Minor / Moderate / Major
Possible / Low / Minor / Moderate / Major / Extreme
Likely / Minor / Minor / Moderate / Extreme / Extreme
Probable / Minor / Moderate / Major / Extreme / Extreme
The UWA Risk Matrix is used to assist management and staff in assessing the risk ratings of various activities. The Matrix is approved by the UWA Audit and Risk Committee and is extensively used in conjunction with the UWA Risk Assessment for high to extreme risk rated tasks.