QTEM Application Form
Application Deadline: 1 February 2017
Please rank your preferred QTEM partner universities. You have to list
at least five QTEM partner universities. Applications with less than five universities cannot be processed.
Academic Year of Exchange: 2017/18
Personal Data:
Family Name: Name:Date of Birth/Place of Birth: Nationality:
Postal address during semester:
Postal permanent address:
Mobile phone: E-mail:
Masterprogram: MIEEP MMF BWL/International Management
Student ID (Matrikelnummer):
Additional Information:
Previous stays abroad (country, duration, year, reason):Bachelor degree (degree program, final grade, University and country):
Which QTEM track to you want to study (Track A, B, or C)?
Track A Track B Track C
Please note (Track A students only): In order to be nominated for the second QTEM semester Track A students have to submit a list of five universities to the QTEM coordinator by 01 June 2017!
Social, Voluntary Commitment for Student Initiatives at the Faculty/University:
Amount of Commitment in Hours:
Social, Voluntary Commitment outside the University:
Amount of Commitment in Hours:
Language skills and if available certificates:
GMAT score (for GRE scores check the official conversion tool):
You need a minimum GMAT score of 600, otherwise the application cannot be accepted!
I hereby agree that Goethe University forwards my application to the QTEM Network. My contact details can be make know to academic and corporate partners of the QTEM Program as well as to students interested in the Program. I confirm that I will write a report about my semester abroad and submit it within 4 weeks after the end of my semester abroad. I agree that the report is published.
I further agree that the Examination Office may forward the results of my exams to the International Office of the Faculty (Auslandsbüro) and to the academic partners and academic coordinators of the QTEM Network.
Place, Date:...... Signature of Student:......
Please submit all documents mentioned in the call for application. Please tack the papers and put them in an envelope. We do not necessarily need application files. Please note that we will not return documents after the selection process.
Please submit documents to SSIX Infocenter (RuW Building, 1. floor, room 1.203).
Please note that we will not accept handwritten application forms!
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