QEP Team Meeting

August 16, 2005

1:00 p.m., IBDC 157

Members Present:Marianne Taylor, Chair;Amy Fendley, Katy Goforth, Eugene Grant, Holly Griffith, Denise Hall, Lynn Lollis, Brenda Mattison, Sharon Miller, Debbie Nelms,

Members Absent:Carrie Armbruster, Brian Swords, Edie Hardin

Others Present:Margaret Burdette, Chris Marino

Length of Meeting:

Presiding:Marianne Taylor, Chair

Marianne called the meeting to order and referred the Team to the rough draft that the subcommittee had worked on last Thursday. She saidthat after reviewing the information, the subcommittee haddecided against using the Greater Expectations piece that Amy had presented at the previous meeting. The group decided to take the three factors (Academic preparedness and Placement, Instruction, and Career Planning and Academic Advising) and present them as three separate plans. She explained that the subcommittee had used the questions in the QEP booklet to explain the plans. Marianne asked Margaret if the plans should include suggested activities.

Margaret said that she was concerned that these plans would not be perceived by the Executive Staff as topics. She said that they were factors, not topics. Margaret sited some topics that other colleges have used: Putting Critical Thinking in the Classroom, Redefining Gen Ed Requirements, Thinking Critically, and Preparing Students for a Global Society. Margaret said that the Team needs to synthesize the factors to come up with a topic that relates to student learning. She further explained that the charge of the Team is to come up with a topic that is related to student learning based on data gathered and literature review and a topic that is doable, including activities that are tied to the College Strategic Plan.

Debbie said that the subcommittee did not think that enough data was there to support the expectations topic. Margaret said that the topic did not have to be about expectations—that the Team should come up with three new topics.

Marianne asked for suggestions from the Team. After a lengthy discussion, the Team came up with the following topics:

  1. The TCTC Experience: Meeting Individual Needs
  2. Starting Now: The Transition to College
  3. Knowing and Growing: Aligning Expectations and Responsibilities

The Team was then divided into three subgroups to work on the three possible topics. Chris Marino said that the topic proposal should be very brief, one page if possible with several paragraphs, not bullets. Margaret said that the proposal should tie the topic to student learning based on the literature reviews and Chris’s data and explain the doability—how well the topic ties to the College Strategic Plan. The subgroup members and topics are:

  1. The TCTC Experience: Meeting Individual Needs—Amy Fendley, Brenda Mattison, Debbie Nelms, and Marianne Taylor
  1. Starting Now: The Transition to College—Brian Swords, Eugene Grant, Lynn Lollis, Sharon Miller
  1. Knowing and Growing: Aligning Expectations and Responsibilities—Carrie Armbruster, Denise Hall, Katy Goforth, and Holly Griffith

The subgroups worked on the proposals for the three topics, and the meeting was adjourned at ?

Minutes recorded by: Betty Dean

Next meeting: August 18, 2:00 p.m., HS 400